ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 #include "PhiSlice.h"
7 #include <cmath>
8 #include <iostream>
10 //Constructor with input parameters
11 PhiSlice::PhiSlice( const int SliceIndex,
12  const double ZBinWidth,
13  const double InversePhiBinWidth,
14  const double ZTolerance,
15  const double KTolerance,
16  const double PTolerance,
17  const double ZMinimum,
18  const double ZMaximum,
19  const int LayerMaximum,
20  const int BarrelMaximum )
21 {
23  m_pTolerance = PTolerance;
24  m_kTolerance = KTolerance;
25  m_zTolerance = ZTolerance;
26  m_sliceIndex = SliceIndex;
28  m_invZBinWidth = 1.0 / ZBinWidth;
29  m_invPhiBinWidth = InversePhiBinWidth;
30  m_halfZBins = ceil( 0.5*(ZMaximum-ZMinimum) * m_invZBinWidth );
31  m_zBins = 2*m_halfZBins;
32  m_zeroOffset = floor(ZMinimum * m_invZBinWidth );
34  m_layerRhos.resize( LayerMaximum );
35  m_layerZs.resize( LayerMaximum );
36  m_layerPhis.resize( LayerMaximum );
37  m_zMinimum = ZMinimum;
38  m_zMaximum = ZMaximum;
39  m_barrelMaximum = BarrelMaximum;
40  m_sliceStart.resize( LayerMaximum );
41  m_sliceEnd.resize( LayerMaximum );
43  // std::cout << "PhiSlice::\tzBins " << m_zBins << "\t halfBins " << m_halfZBins
44  // << "\twidth " << ZBinWidth << "\tiwidth " << m_invZBinWidth << std::endl;
45 }
47 //Destructor
49 {
50 }
52 //Store a space point
53 void PhiSlice::AddPoint( const double RhoValue, const double ZValue, const double PhiValue,
54  const long LayerIndex )
55 {
56  //std::cout << "PhiValue: " << PhiValue << std::endl;
57  //std::cout << "RhoValue: " << RhoValue << std::endl;
58  //std::cout << "ZValue: " << ZValue << std::endl;
59  //std::cout << "LayerIndex: " << LayerIndex << std::endl;
60  //std::cout << "m_layerRhos.size(): " << m_layerRhos.size() << std::endl;
61  //std::cout << "m_layerZs.size(): " << m_layerZs.size()<< std::endl;
62  //std::cout << "m_layerPhis.size(): " << m_layerPhis.size()<< std::endl;
63  //std::cout << "m_layerRhos[ LayerIndex ].size(): " << m_layerRhos[ LayerIndex ].size()<< std::endl;
64  //std::cout << "m_layerZs[ LayerIndex ].size(): " << m_layerZs[ LayerIndex ].size()<< std::endl;
65  //std::cout << "m_layerPhis[ LayerIndex ].size(): " << m_layerPhis[ LayerIndex ].size()<< std::endl;
66  m_layerRhos[ LayerIndex ].push_back( RhoValue );
67  m_layerZs[ LayerIndex ].push_back( ZValue );
68  m_layerPhis[ LayerIndex ].push_back( PhiValue );
69 }
71 //Make the wide layer structure
72 void PhiSlice::MakeWideLayers( std::vector< std::vector<double> >* AllLayerRhos,
73  std::vector< std::vector<double> >* AllLayerZs,
74  std::vector< std::vector<double> >* AllLayerPhis,
75  std::vector< std::vector<int> >* AllSliceWidths,
76  int FilledLayerTotal,
77  std::vector<long>* FilledLayerIndices )
78 {
79  //Append the hits in this slice to the overall structure (ignore the inner layer, we don't use that for the second point)
80  for ( int filledLayer = 0; filledLayer < FilledLayerTotal; filledLayer++ )
81  {
82  //Get the actual index of the next filled layer
83  int layerIndex = ( *FilledLayerIndices )[ filledLayer ];
85  //Add to the overall rho vector...
86  ( *AllLayerRhos )[ layerIndex ].insert(
87  ( *AllLayerRhos )[ layerIndex ].end(), // the end...
88  m_layerRhos[ layerIndex ].begin(),
89  m_layerRhos[ layerIndex ].end() ); // ...the whole of our rho vector
91  //Likewise for z
92  ( *AllLayerZs )[ layerIndex ].insert(
93  ( *AllLayerZs )[ layerIndex ].end(),
94  m_layerZs[ layerIndex ].begin(),
95  m_layerZs[ layerIndex ].end() );
97  //Likewise for phi
98  ( *AllLayerPhis )[ layerIndex ].insert(
99  ( *AllLayerPhis )[ layerIndex ].end(),
100  m_layerPhis[ layerIndex ].begin(),
101  m_layerPhis[ layerIndex ].end() );
103  //Store the cumulative number of spacepoints per slice
104  int previousTotal = ( *AllSliceWidths )[ layerIndex ][ m_sliceIndex ];
105  ( *AllSliceWidths )[ layerIndex ][ m_sliceIndex + 1 ] = m_layerRhos[ layerIndex ].size() + previousTotal;
107  //Store the start and end of this slice
108  m_sliceStart[ layerIndex ] = ( *AllSliceWidths )[ layerIndex ][ m_sliceIndex ];
109  m_sliceEnd[ layerIndex ] = ( *AllSliceWidths )[ layerIndex ][ m_sliceIndex + 1 ];
110  }
112  //Store pointers for later
113  m_allLayerRhos = AllLayerRhos;
114  m_allLayerZs = AllLayerZs;
115  m_allLayerPhis = AllLayerPhis;
116  m_allSliceWidths = AllSliceWidths;
117  m_filledLayerTotal = FilledLayerTotal;
118  m_filledLayerIndices = FilledLayerIndices;
120  //Clean up
121  m_layerRhos.clear();
122  m_layerZs.clear();
123  m_layerPhis.clear();
124 }
126 //Add points to internal z-axis histogram (thread safe)
127 void PhiSlice::MakeHistogram( std::vector< std::vector<long> >& ExtraSlices,
128  long PhiToSubtract,
129  int InnerLayerLimit, int TripletMode, bool ChargeAware )
130 {
131  //Ininitalise internal histograms
133  m_hitHistogram = std::vector<long>( m_zBins + 1, 0 );
134  m_weightHistogram = std::vector<double>( m_zBins + 1, 0.0 );
135  if ( ChargeAware )
136  {
137  m_otherChargeHitHistogram = std::vector<long>( m_zBins + 1, 0 );
138  m_otherChargeWeightHistogram = std::vector<double>( m_zBins + 1, 0.0 );
139  }
141  //Add hits to these internal hsitograms
146  ExtraSlices,
147  PhiToSubtract, InnerLayerLimit, TripletMode, ChargeAware );
149  //Mark internal flag done
151 }
153 //Merge internal and global z-axis histogram
154 void PhiSlice::AddHistogram( std::vector<long>* HitHistogram,
155  std::vector<double>* WeightHistogram,
156  std::vector<long>* OtherChargeHitHistogram,
157  std::vector<double>* OtherChargeWeightHistogram )
158 {
160  {
161  //Add the internal histogram bin values to the global histograms
162  for ( unsigned int binIndex = 0; binIndex < m_hitHistogram.size(); binIndex++ )
163  {
164  ( *HitHistogram )[ binIndex ] += m_hitHistogram[ binIndex ];
165  ( *WeightHistogram )[ binIndex ] += m_weightHistogram[ binIndex ];
166  }
167  for ( unsigned int binIndex = 0; binIndex < m_otherChargeHitHistogram.size(); binIndex++ )
168  {
169  ( *OtherChargeHitHistogram )[ binIndex ] += m_otherChargeHitHistogram[ binIndex ];
170  ( *OtherChargeWeightHistogram )[ binIndex ] += m_otherChargeWeightHistogram[ binIndex ];
171  }
172  }
173  // else
174  // {
175  // //cerr << "Internal phi-slice histograms have not been made - run MakeHistograms" << endl;
176  // //exit(1);
177  // }
178 }
180 //Add points to the z-axis histogram (thread unsafe if acting on global histogram)
181 void PhiSlice::GetHistogram( std::vector<long>* HitHistogram,
182  std::vector<double>* WeightHistogram,
183  std::vector<long>* OtherChargeHitHistogram,
184  std::vector<double>* OtherChargeWeightHistogram,
185  const std::vector< std::vector<long> >& ExtraSlices,
186  const long PhiToSubtract,
187  int InnerLayerLimit,
188  const int TripletMode,
189  const bool ChargeAware,
190  std::vector< std::vector<long> >* AllHits,
191  std::vector< std::vector<double> >* AllWeights )
192 {
193  //Keep the inner loop maximum sensible
194  if ( InnerLayerLimit >= m_filledLayerTotal )
195  {
196  InnerLayerLimit = m_filledLayerTotal - 1;
197  }
199  //Make the pairs of spacepoints, from the inside layer out
200  for ( int innerFilledLayer = 0; innerFilledLayer < InnerLayerLimit; innerFilledLayer++ )
201  {
202  //Get the actual index of the inner filled layer
203  int innerLayerIndex = ( *m_filledLayerIndices )[ innerFilledLayer ];
205  //Loop over all the points in the inner layer
206  for ( unsigned int innerPointIndex = m_sliceStart[ innerLayerIndex ]; innerPointIndex < m_sliceEnd[ innerLayerIndex ]; innerPointIndex++ )
207  {
208  //Get the inner point
209  double innerPointZ = ( *m_allLayerZs )[ innerLayerIndex ][ innerPointIndex ];
210  double innerPointRho = ( *m_allLayerRhos )[ innerLayerIndex ][ innerPointIndex ];
211  double innerPointPhi = ( *m_allLayerPhis )[ innerLayerIndex ][ innerPointIndex ];
213  //Loop over all layers further out
214  for ( int outerFilledLayer = innerFilledLayer + 1; outerFilledLayer < m_filledLayerTotal; outerFilledLayer++ )
215  {
216  //Get the actual index of the outer filled layer
217  int outerLayerIndex = ( *m_filledLayerIndices )[ outerFilledLayer ];
219  //Work out how many neighbouring slices to examine
220  int neighbourNumber = ExtraSlices[ innerLayerIndex ][ outerLayerIndex ];
221  if ( innerLayerIndex > m_barrelMaximum || outerLayerIndex > m_barrelMaximum )
222  {
223  neighbourNumber -= PhiToSubtract;
224  }
225  if ( neighbourNumber < 1 )
226  {
227  neighbourNumber = 1;
228  }
230  //Work out which slices that corresponds to
231  int minimumSlice = m_sliceIndex - neighbourNumber;
232  if ( minimumSlice < 0 )
233  {
234  minimumSlice = 0;
235  }
236  unsigned int maximumSlice = m_sliceIndex + neighbourNumber + 1;
237  if ( maximumSlice >= ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ outerLayerIndex ].size() )
238  {
239  maximumSlice = ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ outerLayerIndex ].size() - 1;
240  }
242  //Work out the space point indices corresponding to those slices
243  int minimumPointIndex = ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ outerLayerIndex ][ minimumSlice ];
244  int maximumPointIndex = ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ outerLayerIndex ][ maximumSlice ];
246  //Loop over the points in the outer layer
247  for ( int outerPointIndex = minimumPointIndex; outerPointIndex < maximumPointIndex; outerPointIndex++ )
248  {
249  //Get the outer point
250  double outerPointZ = ( *m_allLayerZs )[ outerLayerIndex ][ outerPointIndex ];
251  double outerPointRho = ( *m_allLayerRhos )[ outerLayerIndex ][ outerPointIndex ];
252  double outerPointPhi = ( *m_allLayerPhis )[ outerLayerIndex ][ outerPointIndex ];
254  //Calculate the z axis position
255  double invDeltaRho = 1.0 / ( innerPointRho - outerPointRho );
256  double axisZ = ( outerPointZ * innerPointRho - innerPointZ * outerPointRho ) * invDeltaRho;
258  //Cut on the maximum z value
259  if ( axisZ>m_zMinimum && axisZ<m_zMaximum )
260  {
261  //Get the index of the outer slice for charge-awareness
262  int outerSliceIndex = floor( outerPointPhi * m_invPhiBinWidth );
264  //Look for triplet
265  if ( TripletMode )
266  {
267  //Calculate some extra values
268  double kValue = ( outerPointPhi - innerPointPhi ) * invDeltaRho;
269  double pValue = ( outerPointPhi * innerPointRho - innerPointPhi * outerPointRho ) * invDeltaRho;
272  //Try and identify a triplet
273  int tripletsFound = FindTriplet( outerFilledLayer, outerPointIndex,
274  axisZ, kValue, pValue,
275  ExtraSlices, PhiToSubtract, ( TripletMode == 1 ), outerSliceIndex );
277  //Store if at least one triplet found
278  if ( tripletsFound )
279  {
291  int axisZIndex = rint( axisZ * m_invZBinWidth - m_zeroOffset );
294  //If separate slice histograms, fill neighbouring slices
295  if ( AllHits && AllWeights )
296  {
297  FillNeighbours( innerLayerIndex, outerSliceIndex, tripletsFound, axisZIndex, axisZ,
298  ExtraSlices, PhiToSubtract, ChargeAware,
299  AllHits, AllWeights );
300  }
301  else
302  {
303  //Increment the main histograms
304  if ( !ChargeAware || outerSliceIndex <= m_sliceIndex + 1 )
305  {
306  ( *HitHistogram )[ axisZIndex ] += tripletsFound;
307  ( *WeightHistogram )[ axisZIndex ] += axisZ * ( double )tripletsFound;
308  }
309  if ( ChargeAware && outerSliceIndex >= m_sliceIndex - 1 )
310  {
311  ( *OtherChargeHitHistogram )[ axisZIndex ] += tripletsFound;
312  ( *OtherChargeWeightHistogram )[ axisZIndex ] += axisZ * ( double )tripletsFound;
313  }
314  }
315  }
316  }
317  else
318  {
319  //Calculate the corresponding histogram bin
320  int axisZIndex = rint( axisZ * m_invZBinWidth - m_zeroOffset );
321  // int axisZIndex = rint( (axisZ-m_zMinimum) * m_invZBinWidth);
323  //If separate slice histograms, fill neighbouring slices
324  if ( AllHits && AllWeights )
325  {
326  FillNeighbours( innerLayerIndex, outerSliceIndex, 1, axisZIndex, axisZ,
327  ExtraSlices, PhiToSubtract, ChargeAware,
328  AllHits, AllWeights );
329  }
330  else
331  {
332  //Increment the histograms
333  if ( !ChargeAware || outerSliceIndex <= m_sliceIndex + 1 )
334  {
335  ( *HitHistogram )[ axisZIndex ]++;
336  ( *WeightHistogram )[ axisZIndex ] += axisZ;
337  }
338  if ( ChargeAware && outerSliceIndex >= m_sliceIndex - 1 )
339  {
340  ( *OtherChargeHitHistogram )[ axisZIndex ]++;
341  ( *OtherChargeWeightHistogram )[ axisZIndex ] += axisZ;
342  }
343  }
344  }
345  }
346  }
347  }
348  }
349  }
350 }
352 //Look for a third spacepoint
353 int PhiSlice::FindTriplet( int OuterFilledLayer, int OuterPointIndex,
354  double CurrentZValue,
355  double CurrentKValue,
356  double CurrentPValue,
357  const std::vector< std::vector<long> >& ExtraSlices,
358  const long PhiToSubtract, bool FastTriplet, int OuterSliceIndex )
359 {
360  int tripletHits = 0;
362  //Find out the real index of the outer filled layer
363  int outerLayerIndex = ( *m_filledLayerIndices )[ OuterFilledLayer ];
365  //Get the coordinates of the outer point
366  double outerPointZ = ( *m_allLayerZs )[ outerLayerIndex ][ OuterPointIndex ];
367  double outerPointRho = ( *m_allLayerRhos )[ outerLayerIndex ][ OuterPointIndex ];
368  double outerPointPhi = ( *m_allLayerPhis )[ outerLayerIndex ][ OuterPointIndex ];
370  //Loop over layers further out to find triplets
371  for ( int tripletFilledLayer = OuterFilledLayer + 1; tripletFilledLayer < m_filledLayerTotal; tripletFilledLayer++ )
372  {
373  //Get the actual index of the triplet filled layer
374  int tripletLayerIndex = ( *m_filledLayerIndices )[ tripletFilledLayer ];
376  //Work out how many neighbouring slices to examine
377  int neighbourNumber = ExtraSlices[ outerLayerIndex ][ tripletLayerIndex ];
378  if ( outerLayerIndex > m_barrelMaximum || tripletLayerIndex > m_barrelMaximum )
379  {
380  neighbourNumber -= PhiToSubtract;
381  }
382  if ( neighbourNumber < 1 )
383  {
384  neighbourNumber = 1;
385  }
387  //Work out the lowest-index slice to examine
388  int minimumSlice = OuterSliceIndex - neighbourNumber;
389  if ( OuterSliceIndex >= m_sliceIndex )
390  {
391  //Keep the phi bending consistent
392  minimumSlice = OuterSliceIndex - 1;
393  }
394  if ( minimumSlice < 0 )
395  {
396  minimumSlice = 0;
397  }
399  //Work out the highest-index slice to examine
400  unsigned int maximumSlice = OuterSliceIndex + neighbourNumber + 1;
401  if ( OuterSliceIndex <= m_sliceIndex )
402  {
403  //Keep the phi bending consistent
404  maximumSlice = OuterSliceIndex + 2;
405  }
406  if ( maximumSlice >= ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ tripletLayerIndex ].size() )
407  {
408  maximumSlice = ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ tripletLayerIndex ].size() - 1;
409  }
411  //Work out the space point indices corresponding to those slices
412  int minimumPointIndex = ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ tripletLayerIndex ][ minimumSlice ];
413  int maximumPointIndex = ( *m_allSliceWidths )[ tripletLayerIndex ][ maximumSlice ];
415  //Loop over the points in the triplet layer
416  for ( int tripletPointIndex = minimumPointIndex; tripletPointIndex < maximumPointIndex; tripletPointIndex++ )
417  {
418  //Get the triplet point
419  double tripletPointZ = ( *m_allLayerZs )[ tripletLayerIndex ][ tripletPointIndex ];
420  double tripletPointRho = ( *m_allLayerRhos )[ tripletLayerIndex ][ tripletPointIndex ];
421  double tripletPointPhi = ( *m_allLayerPhis )[ tripletLayerIndex ][ tripletPointIndex ];
423  //Calculate the z value using the outer and triplet points
424  double invDeltaRho = 1.0 / ( outerPointRho - tripletPointRho );
425  double tripletZValue = ( tripletPointZ * outerPointRho - outerPointZ * tripletPointRho ) * invDeltaRho;
426  if ( fabs( tripletZValue - CurrentZValue ) > m_zTolerance )
427  {
428  continue;
429  }
431  //Calculate the k value using the outer and triplet points
432  double tripletKValue = ( tripletPointPhi - outerPointPhi ) * invDeltaRho;
433  if ( fabs( tripletKValue - CurrentKValue ) > m_kTolerance )
434  {
435  continue;
436  }
438  //Calculate the p value using the outer and triplet points
439  double tripletPValue = ( tripletPointPhi * outerPointRho - outerPointPhi * tripletPointRho ) * invDeltaRho;
440  if ( fabs( tripletPValue - CurrentPValue ) < m_pTolerance )
441  {
442  if ( FastTriplet )
443  {
444  return 1;
445  }
446  else
447  {
448  tripletHits++;
449  }
450  }
451  }
452  }
454  return tripletHits;
455 }
457 //Fill neighbouring slices for histogram-per-slice mode
458 void PhiSlice::FillNeighbours( int InnerLayerIndex,
459  int OuterSliceIndex,
460  int TripletsFound,
461  int AxisZIndex,
462  double AxisZ,
463  const std::vector< std::vector<long> >& ExtraSlices,
464  const long PhiToSubtract,
465  const bool ChargeAware,
466  std::vector< std::vector<long> >* AllHits,
467  std::vector< std::vector<double> >* AllWeights )
468 {
469  //Determine which neighbouring slices are affected
470  int neighbourMaximum = 0;
471  if ( InnerLayerIndex > 0 )
472  {
473  neighbourMaximum = ExtraSlices[0][ InnerLayerIndex ];
475  if ( InnerLayerIndex > m_barrelMaximum )
476  {
477  neighbourMaximum -= PhiToSubtract;
478  }
479  if ( neighbourMaximum < 1 )
480  {
481  neighbourMaximum = 1;
482  }
483  }
484  int neighbourMinimum = neighbourMaximum;
485  if ( ChargeAware && InnerLayerIndex > 0 )
486  {
487  neighbourMinimum = 1;
488  }
490  //Restrict loop ranges to slices that exist
491  int startNeighbour1 = m_sliceIndex - neighbourMinimum;
492  if ( startNeighbour1 < 0 )
493  {
494  startNeighbour1 = 0;
495  }
496  int endNeighbour1 = m_sliceIndex + neighbourMaximum;
497  if ( endNeighbour1 > (int)( AllHits[0].size() - 1 ) )
498  {
499  endNeighbour1 = AllHits[0].size() - 1;
500  }
501  int startNeighbour2 = m_sliceIndex - neighbourMaximum;
502  if ( startNeighbour2 < 0 )
503  {
504  startNeighbour2 = 0;
505  }
506  int endNeighbour2 = m_sliceIndex + neighbourMinimum;
507  if ( endNeighbour2 > (int)( AllHits[0].size() - 1 ) )
508  {
509  endNeighbour2 = AllHits[0].size() - 1;
510  }
512  //Increment the appropriate histograms
513  if ( !ChargeAware || OuterSliceIndex <= m_sliceIndex + 1 )
514  {
515  for ( int neighbourIndex = startNeighbour1; neighbourIndex <= endNeighbour1; neighbourIndex++ )
516  {
517  AllHits[0][ neighbourIndex ][ AxisZIndex ] += TripletsFound;
518  AllWeights[0][ neighbourIndex ][ AxisZIndex ] += AxisZ * ( double )TripletsFound;
519  }
520  }
521  if ( ChargeAware && OuterSliceIndex >= m_sliceIndex - 1 )
522  {
523  for ( int neighbourIndex = startNeighbour2; neighbourIndex <= endNeighbour2; neighbourIndex++ )
524  {
525  AllHits[1][ neighbourIndex ][ AxisZIndex ] += TripletsFound;
526  AllWeights[1][ neighbourIndex ][ AxisZIndex ] += AxisZ * ( double )TripletsFound;
527  }
528  }
529 }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_layerZs
Definition: PhiSlice.h:75
std::vector< std::vector< double > > * m_allLayerPhis
Definition: PhiSlice.h:78
void FillNeighbours(int InnerLayerIndex, int OuterSliceIndex, int TripletsFound, int AxisZIndex, double AxisZ, const std::vector< std::vector< long > > &ExtraSlices, const long PhiToSubtract, const bool ChargeAware, std::vector< std::vector< long > > *AllHits, std::vector< std::vector< double > > *AllWeights)
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:458
std::vector< long > m_sliceEnd
Definition: PhiSlice.h:81
bool m_internalHistogramsAreValid
Definition: PhiSlice.h:97
void MakeWideLayers(std::vector< std::vector< double > > *AllLayerRhos, std::vector< std::vector< double > > *AllLayerZs, std::vector< std::vector< double > > *AllLayerPhis, std::vector< std::vector< int > > *AllSliceWidths, int FilledLayerTotal, std::vector< long > *FilledLayerIndices)
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:72
int m_zeroOffset
Definition: PhiSlice.h:92
int FindTriplet(int OuterFilledLayer, int OuterPointIndex, double CurrentZValue, double CurrentKValue, double CurrentPValue, const std::vector< std::vector< long > > &ExtraSlices, const long PhiToSubtract, bool FastTriplet, int OuterSliceIndex)
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:353
std::vector< long > * m_filledLayerIndices
Definition: PhiSlice.h:80
std::vector< std::vector< double > > * m_allLayerZs
Definition: PhiSlice.h:77
void GetHistogram(std::vector< long > *HitHistogram, std::vector< double > *WeightHistogram, std::vector< long > *OtherChargeHitHistogram, std::vector< double > *OtherChargeWeightHistogram, const std::vector< std::vector< long > > &ExtraSlices, const long PhiToSubtract, int InnerLayerLimit, const int TripletMode, const bool ChargeAware, std::vector< std::vector< long > > *AllHits=0, std::vector< std::vector< double > > *AllWeights=0)
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:181
double m_pTolerance
Definition: PhiSlice.h:87
std::vector< long > m_hitHistogram
Definition: PhiSlice.h:81
std::vector< long > m_otherChargeHitHistogram
Definition: PhiSlice.h:81
double m_invZBinWidth
Definition: PhiSlice.h:83
Definition: DataQuality/DataQualityUtils/scripts/
std::vector< std::vector< double > > * m_allLayerRhos
Definition: PhiSlice.h:76
int size
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_layerPhis
Definition: PhiSlice.h:75
std::vector< double > m_weightHistogram
Definition: PhiSlice.h:82
std::vector< std::vector< int > > * m_allSliceWidths
Definition: PhiSlice.h:79
std::vector< long > m_sliceStart
Definition: PhiSlice.h:81
unsigned int binIndex(const T &val, const std::vector< T > &partitions)
general utility function to return bin index given a value and the upper endpoints of each bin
Definition: InDetPhysValMonitoringUtilities.h:43
int m_halfZBins
Definition: PhiSlice.h:91
Definition: CompositeParticle_v1.cxx:159
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_layerRhos
Definition: PhiSlice.h:75
double m_zMinimum
Definition: PhiSlice.h:88
void AddHistogram(std::vector< long > *HitHistogram, std::vector< double > *WeightHistogram, std::vector< long > *OtherChargeHitHistogram, std::vector< double > *OtherChargeWeightHistogram)
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:154
double m_zMaximum
Definition: PhiSlice.h:89
double m_zTolerance
Definition: PhiSlice.h:85
double m_invPhiBinWidth
Definition: PhiSlice.h:84
void AddPoint(double RhoValue, double ZValue, double PhiValue, long LayerIndex)
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:53
int m_sliceIndex
Definition: PhiSlice.h:93
int m_barrelMaximum
Definition: PhiSlice.h:96
std::vector< double > m_otherChargeWeightHistogram
Definition: PhiSlice.h:82
void MakeHistogram(std::vector< std::vector< long > > &ExtraSlices, long PhiToSubtract, int InnerLayerLimit, int TripletMode, bool ChargeAware)
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:127
int m_zBins
Definition: PhiSlice.h:90
Definition: PhiSlice.cxx:48
double m_kTolerance
Definition: PhiSlice.h:86
int m_filledLayerTotal
Definition: PhiSlice.h:94