file | CovarianceFillerTool.cxx [code] |
file | CovarianceFillerTool.h [code] |
| Block filler tool for error and covariance matrix.
file | ImpactSigmaFillerTool.cxx [code] |
file | ImpactSigmaFillerTool.h [code] |
| Fill d0/z0 uncertainties from an ErrorMatrix.
file | PerigeeBLPredictionFillerTool.cxx [code] |
| Fill expectHitInBLayer from a Perigee.
file | PerigeeBLPredictionFillerTool.h [code] |
| Fill BLayer prediction Info from a Perigee.
file | PerigeeCovarianceAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
| Associate from a Perigee to its covariance matrix.
file | PerigeeCovarianceAssociationTool.h [code] |
| Associate from a Perigee to its ErrorMatrix.
file | PerigeeFillerTool.cxx [code] |
file | PerigeeFillerTool.h [code] |
file | PerigeePairOldPerigeeAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
| Associate from a PerigeePair to the perigee for the original track.
file | PerigeePairOldPerigeeAssociationTool.h [code] |
| Associate from a PerigeePair to the perigee for the original track.
file | trackingInheritance.cxx [code] |
| Declare inheritance relationships for tracking classes.
file | TrackParticleChargeFillerTool.cxx [code] |
file | TrackParticleChargeFillerTool.h [code] |
file | TrackParticlePerigeeAtBSAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to its perigee at the beam spot.
file | TrackParticlePerigeeAtBSAssociationTool.h [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to its perigee at the beam spot.
file | TrackParticlePerigeeAtOOAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
file | TrackParticlePerigeeAtOOAssociationTool.h [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to its default Perigee.
file | TrackParticlePerigeeAtPVAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to its default Perigee.
file | TrackParticlePerigeeAtPVAssociationTool.h [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to its perigee at PV.
file | TrackParticlePerigeePairAtOOAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
file | TrackParticlePerigeePairAtOOAssociationTool.h [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to the default Perigees for both itself and the original track (if it was refitted).
file | TrackParticleVertexAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to its reconstructed vertex.
file | TrackParticleVertexAssociationTool.h [code] |
| Associate from a TrackParticle to its reconstructed vertex.
file | VertexCovarianceAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
| Associate from a VxCandidate to its position ErrorMatrix.
file | VertexCovarianceAssociationTool.h [code] |
file | VertexKineFillerTool.cxx [code] |
| Block filler tool for vertex kinematics, from attached tracks.
file | VertexKineFillerTool.h [code] |
| Block filler tool for vertex kinematics, from attached tracks.
file | VertexTrackParticleAssociationTool.cxx [code] |
file | VertexTrackParticleAssociationTool.h [code] |