ATLAS Offline Software
RootUtils Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for RootUtils:


file  APRDefaults.h [code]
file  ILogger.h [code]
 Very simple interface for writing log messages.
file  InitHist.h [code]
 Initialize Root's getline history.
file  PyAthenaGILStateEnsure.h [code]
file  PyGetString.h [code]
 Convert python string -> C++ string for py2 and py3.
file  PyLogger.h [code]
 A concrete implementation of ILogger that calls back to Python.
file  PyROOTInspector.h [code]
file  PyROOTIteratorFuncs.h [code]
 Provide functions for iterator comparisons.
file  PyROOTPickle.h [code]
 Port pickling functionality while awaiting newer release.
file  PyROOTTFilePythonize.h [code]
 Pythonize the access to TFile so they can be used as file-like python objects.
file  PyROOTTTreePatch.h [code]
 Additions to root's pythonized TTree.
file  PyROOTTypePatch.h [code]
 Work around pyroot problem with __pair_base.
file  RootUtilsDict.h [code]
 Dictionary header for RootUtils.
file  RootUtilsPyROOTDict.h [code]
 Dictionary header for RootUtils, for modules with PyROOT dependencies.
file  ScatterH2.h [code]
 A 2-D histogram that can draw a proper scatter plot.
file  TBranchElementClang.h [code]
 Include TBranchElement.h, suppressing clang warnings.
file  TRandomTLS.h [code]
 Thread-local TRandom generator.
file  TSMethodCall.h [code]
 Helper for thread-safe TMethodCall. Extracted from Type.
file  Type.h [code]
 Wrapper for ROOT types.
file  Type.icc [code]
file  WithRootErrorHandler.h [code]
 Run a MT piece of code with an alternate root error handler.