file | AuxDataOption.h [code] |
| Hold information about an option setting request.
file | AuxDataOption.icc [code] |
file | AuxDataSpan.h [code] |
| Describe a range over an auxiliary variable, for low-overhead access.
file | AuxStore_traits.h [code] |
| Associate AuxStore classes with EDM container classes.
file | AuxTypes.h [code] |
| Basic definitions for auxiliary types.
file | CLASS_AUXSTORE.h [code] |
file | IAuxElement.h [code] |
| Flag that a class may have auxiliary data associated with it.
file | IAuxElement.icc [code] |
file | IAuxSetOption.h [code] |
| Abstract interface for setting a option on a aux data container.
file | IAuxStore.h [code] |
| Interface for non-const operations on an auxiliary store.
file | IAuxStoreHolder.h [code] |
file | IAuxStoreIO.h [code] |
| Interface providing I/O for a generic auxiliary store.
file | IAuxTypeVector.h [code] |
| Abstract interface for manipulating vectors of arbitrary types.
file | IAuxTypeVectorFactory.h [code] |
| Interface for factory objects that create vectors.
file | IConstAuxStore.h [code] |
| Interface for const operations on an auxiliary store.
file | IConstAuxStoreMeta.h [code] |
| Assign a CLID for MetaCont<IConstAuxStore>.