ATLAS Offline Software
TrkGaussianSumFilterUtils Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for TrkGaussianSumFilterUtils:


file  AlignedDynArray.h [code]
file  AlignedDynArray.icc [code]
file  ElectronCombinedMaterialEffects.h [code]
file  GsfConstants.h [code]
file  GSFFindIndexOfMinimum.h [code]
file  GsfMaterial.h [code]
file  GsfMeasurementUpdator.h [code]
 Code for performing kalman filter update step on multi-component states for the gaussian-sum filter.
file  KLGaussianMixtureReduction.h [code]
 Utilities to facilitate the calculation of the KL divergence/distance between components of the mixture and the merging of similar componets together.
file  MultiComponentStateAssembler.h [code]
file  MultiComponentStateCombiner.h [code]
file  MultiComponentStateModeCalculator.h [code]