ATLAS Offline Software
DerivationFrameworkTop Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for DerivationFrameworkTop:


file  BoostedHadTopAndTopPairFilterAugmentation.h [code]
 tool to add a variable to the EventInfo corresponding to the ttbar+HF filter flag
file  BoostedHadTopAndTopPairFilterTool.h [code]
file  JetMSVAugmentation.h [code]
 tool to add some MSV variables to jets
file  SV1TrackThinning.h [code]
file  TopHeavyFlavorFilterAugmentation.h [code]
 tool to add a variable to the EventInfo corresponding to the ttbar+HF filter flag
file  TTbarPlusHeavyFlavorFilterTool.h [code]
 tool to compute filter flag for ttbar+HF