ATLAS Offline Software
PileUpTools Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for PileUpTools:


file  IBeamIntensity.h [code]
 provides the relative beam intensity as a function of the bunch xing.
file  IBeamLuminosity.h [code]
 provides the relative beam luminosity as a function of the bunch xing.
file  IBkgStreamsCache.h [code]
 Interface to in-memory cache for pileup events.
file  IPileUpTool.h [code]
 a call-back interface for tools that merge pileup events information An IPileUpTool is called back for each bunch crossing that it is interested in processing, and again at the end of the loop over input events. IPileUpTools should be implemented as private tools of PileUpMergeSvc
file  IPileUpXingFolder.h [code]
 an interface to SG::Folder with an attached bunch crossing interval
file  PileUpHashHelper.h [code]
 A helper class to compute a hash of pile-up events.
file  PileUpMergeSvc.h [code]
 the preferred mechanism to access information from the different event stores in a pileup job.
file  PileUpMergeSvc.icc [code]
file  PileUpMisc.h [code]
file  PileUpStream.h [code]
 a triple selector/context/store defines a stream
file  PileUpToolBase.h [code]
 helper base class IPileUpTool::toProcess().
file  PileUpTypeHelper.h [code]