ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Enumerations
BoundarySurfaceFace.h File Reference

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 Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.


enum  Trk::BoundarySurfaceFace {
  Trk::negativeFaceXY = 0, Trk::positiveFaceXY = 1, Trk::negativeFaceYZ = 2, Trk::positiveFaceYZ = 3,
  Trk::negativeFaceZX = 4, Trk::positiveFaceZX = 5, Trk::cylinderCover = 2, Trk::tubeInnerCover = 3,
  Trk::tubeOuterCover = 2, Trk::tubeSectorNegativePhi = 4, Trk::tubeSectorPositivePhi = 5, Trk::tubeSectorInnerCover = 3,
  Trk::tubeSectorOuterCover = 2, Trk::trapezoidFaceAlpha = 2, Trk::trapezoidFaceBeta = 3, Trk::index0 = 0,
  Trk::index1 = 1, Trk::index2 = 2, Trk::index3 = 3, Trk::index4 = 4,
  Trk::index5 = 5, Trk::index6 = 6, Trk::index7 = 7, Trk::index8 = 8,
  Trk::index9 = 9, Trk::index10 = 10, Trk::index11 = 11, Trk::undefinedFace = 99