ATLAS Offline Software


InDetRecToolInterfaces is a directory which contains set virtual abstract classes which of them inherit from base class IAlgTool and describe methodes and intefaces needs for different step tracks and vertices reconstruction process.


This tool should provide search all space points seeds inside full Atlas inner detector or only inside some region. Each of this seed is a list space points with different lenght and is input for detailed track-finding procedure.

This tool contains two methods to initialize seed finding process.

virtial void newEvent ()=0; virtual void newRegion (const std::vector<IdentifierHash>& pixels ,const std::vector<IdentifierHash>& scts)=0;

This tool contains three methods for finding space points seed with different lenght, with two, three or variable number space points. Input information is list estimated position of primary vertices. If this list is empty tool should provide search space points without vertices information.

virtual void find2Sp (const std::list<Trk::Vertex>&)=0; virtual void find3Sp (const std::list<Trk::Vertex>&)=0; virtual void findVSp (const std::list<Trk::Vertex>&)=0;

This tool contains iterator through seeds collection produced accordingly method find.

virtual const SiSpacePointsSeed* next()=0;


This tool should provide fast estimation position all primary vertices along beam direction.

This tool contains two methods to initialize primary vertices finding process.

virtual void newEvent()=0; virtual void newRegion (const std::vector<IdentifierHash>& pixels,const std::vector<IdentifierHash>& scts)=0;

and one method for vertices finding

 virtual const std::list<Trk::Vertex>&  getVertices ()=0;


This tool should find best track prolongation in TRT and contains one method to initiate track extention process

virtual void newEvent()=0;

and contains two methods for track extention with diferent input information. Input for prolongation can be Trk::Track or Trk::TrackParameters. Output both nethods is vector Trk::MeasurementBase objects.

virtual std::vector<const Trk::MeasurementBase*>& extendTrack (const Trk::Track&) = 0; virtual std::vector<const Trk::MeasurementBase*>& extendTrack (const Trk::TrackParameters&) = 0;


This tool should find all TRT detector elements on the trajectory sorted in propagation order and contains two method with slightly different output information. Output can be simple list pointers to TRT detector elements or list pair with pointer to TRT detector element together with track parameters of this tarjectory on detector element surface. Input for both method is inital track parameters and information about direction.

virtual void detElementsRoad (const Trk::TrackParameters&,Trk::PropDirection, std::list<const InDetDD::TRT_BaseElement*>&)=0;

virtual void detElementsRoad (const Trk::TrackParameters&,Trk::PropDirection, std::list<std::pair<const InDetDD::TRT_BaseElement*,const Trk::TrackParameters*> >&)=0;


This tool should find all SCT and Pixels detector elements on the trajectory sorted in propagation order and contains three methods with different input information. Input for tool can be simple list space points or list global positions or track parameters. Output for for all methods is list pointers to SCT and Pixels detetctor elements.

virtual void detElementsRoad (const std::list<const Trk::SpacePoint*>&, std::list<const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement*>&)=0;

virtual void detElementsRoad (std::list<Trk::GlobalPosition>&, std::list<const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement*>&)=0;

virtual void detElementsRoad (const Trk::TrackParameters&,Trk::PropDirection, std::list<const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement*>&)=0;


This tool should provide search all TRT track segments inside full Atlas inner detector or only inside some region without extra information (Stande alone TRT reconstruction). Each of this track segment is a vector TRT RIOonTrack will use as input for detailed track-finding procedure.

This tool contains two methods to initialize track segment finding process

virtual void newEvent ()=0; virtual void newRegion(const std::vector<IdentifierHash>& trt)=0;

contains one method for track segments finding

virtual void find()=0;

and provide iterator trough track sements collection

virtual Trk::TrackSegment* next()=0;


This tool initiate detailed track-finding procedure inside SCT and Pixel detector elements and contains one method to initialize track finding process

virtual void newEvent(bool pixel,bool sct)=0;

and one method for track finding.

virtual const std::list<Trk::Track*>& getTracks(const std::list<const Trk::SpacePoint*>&)=0;

Input for this method is list space points and output is list pointers to track.


This tool searches for space point seeds in the last two SCT layers close to the TRT.

It contains one intialization method to load the SCT space points

virtual void newEvent()=0;

and one method for space point seed search

virtual std::list<std::pair<const Trk::SpacePoint*,const Trk::SpacePoint*>*> find2Sp (const Trk::TrackParameters& tP)=0;

that returns a list of space point pairs for the specific track parameters extracted from the TRT track segment used as an input. If only one space point is found then it is included in the pair twice.

The iterator method over the next event for seed searching

virtual const SiSpacePointsSeed* next()=0;

is not implemented.


This tool initiates the track-finding procedure inside the SCT and Pixel detector elements using as input the track information provided by track segments reconstructed inside the TRT. This tool contains one method to initialize the track finding process

virtual void newEvent()=0;

and three methods for track finding.

virtual const Trk::Track* getTrack(const Trk::Track&) = 0; virtual const Trk::Track* getTrack(const Trk::TrackParameters&) = 0; virtual const Trk::Track* getTrack(const Trk::TrackSegment&) = 0;

Input for this tool can be Track,TrackSegment or simple track parameters and output is pointer to track. Some care is needed when the track parameters are passed directly, since they are going to be used by the seed finding tool to determine the area of search inside the TRT. Passing a TRT track segment as input is the prefered method, most compatible with the new tracking requirements.