ATLAS Offline Software
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12 #include "GaudiKernel/IInterface.h"
13 #include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
27 class IParticleBroker;
69 inline void assignSimSvcID(
SimSvcID id);
virtual StatusCode setParticleBroker(IParticleBroker *broker)=0
Inform the SimulationSvc about the ParticleBroker.
getNoisyStrip() Find noisy strips from hitmaps and write out into xml/db formats
void assignSimSvcID(SimSvcID id)
Assign a simulation service ID.
virtual const std::string & simSvcDescriptor()=0
Return the simulation service descriptor.
virtual StatusCode simulate(ISFParticle &isp, McEventCollection *mcEventCollection)=0
Simulation call for individual particles.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
virtual StatusCode releaseEvent()=0
Release Event chain - in case of an end-of event action is needed, to be called by simulation kernel
std::vector< ISF::ISFParticle * > ISFParticleVector
ISFParticle vector.
SimSvcID simSvcID()
Return the simulation service ID.
This defines the McEventCollection, which is really just an ObjectVector of McEvent objects.
DeclareInterfaceID(ISimulationSvc, 1, 0)
Creates the InterfaceID and interfaceID() method.
uint8_t SimSvcID
Simulation service ID datatype.
virtual StatusCode setupEvent()=0
Setup Event chain - in case of a begin-of event action is needed, to be called by simulation kernel.
defines and typedefs for IOVSvc
Define macros for attributes used to control the static checker.
virtual StatusCode simulateVector(const ISFParticleVector &particles, McEventCollection *mcEventCollection, McEventCollection *shadowTruth=nullptr)=0
Simulation call for vectors of particles.