ATLAS Offline Software
The TrkSurfaces package

Package for surface descriptions in the Tracking package.



The different Trk::Surface types define the track parameterisations available.

Trk::ConeSurface Conical Surface, ownes/defined by Trk::ConeBounds
Trk::CylinderSurface Cylindrical Surface, ownes/defined by Trk::CylinderBounds
Trk::DiscSurface Surface describing a disc, ownes/defined by Trk::DiscBounds


Surface for Perigee representation, placeholder for IP point, the orientation is fixed to be aligned along the tracking z-Axis.


Planar Surface representation, can either have Trk::RectanguleBounds, Trk::TrapezoidBounds, Trk::RotatedTrapezoidBounds, Trk::DiamondBounds and Trk::EllipseBounds


Surface for straight line representation, differently to the Trk::PerigeeSurface it can be oriented arbitrarily

Usage of 3 and 2-dim objects

In this package the following classes for 3 dimensional and 2 dimensional points of vectors are used from the GeoPrimitives package