virtual double getMassError(const ConstraintFitOutput &fitOutput, const ConstraintFitInput &extraInput=ConstraintFitInput())=0
Calculate the mass error with the result of fit and possible additional input (4-vecs/cov mat) that h...
virtual void addFSRParticle(const xAOD::IParticle &part, const TLorentzVector &fsr4Vec, ConstraintFitInput &input)=0
Add in FSR photon to input, must provide BOTH the IParticle AND 4vec of FSR photon The IParticle is u...
Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface.
virtual void addParticle(const xAOD::Electron &el, float elEnergyRes, ConstraintFitInput &input)=0
Add electron to input, must provide the electron energy resolution.
virtual void addParticle(const xAOD::Muon &mu, ConstraintFitInput &input, MassConstraintMuonType muonType=isCombMCMT)=0
Add muon to input, must provide the resolution Scale Factor.