ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 // #########################################
6 // Author: Dengfeng Zhang
7 //
8 // #########################################
10 // Set the attributes of pads, histograms, graphs, hstack ......
11 // SetHistFillAttributes(): Set fillcolor and fillstyle of the histogram
12 // SetHistLineAttributes(): Set Line attributes of hist
13 // SetHistAxisAttributes(): Set Axis attributes of hist
14 // SetHistMarkerAttributes(): Set Axis attributes of hist
15 // SetHistAttributes(): Set attributes(fill, line axis marker) of hist
16 // SetPadFillAttributes): Set fill attributes of apd
17 // SetPadAttributes(): Set attributes(fill, line axis marker) of pad
18 // SetGraphAttributes(): Set attributes(fill, line axis marker) of graph
19 // SetGraphFillAttributes()
20 // SetGraphLineAttributes()
21 // SetGraphMarkerAttributes()
22 // SetGraphAxisAttributes()
23 // SetGraphErrorsAttributes(): Set attributes(fill, line axis marker) of grapherrors
24 // SetGraphErrorsFillAttributes()
25 // SetGraphErrorsLineAttributes()
26 // SetGraphErrorsMarkerAttributes()
27 // SetGraphErrorsAxisAttributes()
28 // SetGraphAsymmErrorsAttributes(): Set attributes(fill, line axis marker) of graphasymmerrors
29 // SetGraphAsymmErrorsFillAttributes()
30 // SetGraphAsymmErrorsLineAttributes()
31 // SetGraphAsymmErrorsMarkerAttributes()
32 // SetGraphAsymmErrorsAxisAttributes()
33 //
34 // SetHStackAttributes()
35 // std includes
36 #include <sstream>
37 #include <vector>
38 #include <fstream>
39 // include root
40 #include "TH1F.h"
41 #include "TCanvas.h"
42 #include "TRandom.h"
43 #include "THStack.h"
44 #include "TGraph.h"
45 #include "TGraphErrors.h"
46 #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
47 #include "TStyle.h"
48 #include "TLegend.h"
49 #include "TPaveText.h"
50 #include "TLatex.h"
51 #include "TRandom3.h"
52 #include "TMultiGraph.h"
53 //
54 /*
55 int DrawATLASLabels(float xstart, float ystart, int labeltype)
56 {
57  TLatex m_latex;
58  m_latex.SetTextSize(0.03) ;
59  m_latex.SetTextColor(kBlack) ;
60  m_latex.SetTextFont(72) ;
61  m_latex.DrawLatex(xstart, ystart, "ATLAS") ;
62  m_latex.SetTextFont(42) ;
63  float spacing = 0.15 ;
64  switch(labeltype)
65  {
66  case 0:
67  break ;
68  case 1:
69  m_latex.DrawLatex(xstart+spacing, ystart, "Preliminary") ;
70  break ;
71  case 2:
72  m_latex.DrawLatex(xstart+spacing, ystart, "Internal") ;
73  break ;
74  case 3:
75  m_latex.DrawLatex(xstart+spacing, ystart, "Simulation Preliminary") ;
76  break ;
77  case 4:
78  m_latex.DrawLatex(xstart+spacing, ystart, "Work in Progress") ;
79  break ;
80  default: break ;
81  }
82  return 0;
83 }
84 */
85 int SetHistFillAttributes(TH1F* hist, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
86 {
87  hist->SetFillStyle(fillstyle) ;
88  hist->SetFillColor(fillcolor) ;
89  return 0 ;
90 }
92 int SetHistLineAttributes(TH1F* hist, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
93 {
94  hist->SetLineColor(linecolor) ;
95  hist->SetLineWidth(linewidth) ;
96  hist->SetLineStyle(linestyle) ;
97  return 0 ;
98 }
101  float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05,
102  float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05)
103 {
104  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xtitlesize) ;
105  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xtitleoffset) ;
106  hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xlabelsize) ;
107  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(ytitlesize) ;
108  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(ytitleoffset) ;
109  hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(ylabelsize) ;
110  return 0 ;
111 }
113 int SetHistMarkerAttributes(TH1F* hist, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
114 {
115  hist->SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle) ;
116  hist->SetMarkerColor(markercolor) ;
117  hist->SetMarkerSize(markersize) ;
118  return 0 ;
119 }
120 int SetHistAttributes(TH1F* hist, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1,
121  int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0,
122  int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1,
123  float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05,
124  float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05,
125  bool displaystats=false)
126 {
127  SetHistFillAttributes(hist, fillstyle, fillcolor) ;
128  SetHistAxisAttributes(hist,xlabelsize, xtitleoffset, xtitlesize, ylabelsize, ytitleoffset, ytitlesize) ;
129  SetHistLineAttributes(hist, linestyle, linewidth, linecolor) ;
130  SetHistMarkerAttributes(hist, markerstyle, markercolor, markersize) ;
131  hist->SetStats(displaystats) ;
133  return 0 ;
134 }
136 int SetPadFillAttributes(TPad* pad, int fillstyle=0, float fillcolor=0)
137 {
138  pad->SetFillStyle(fillstyle) ;
139  pad->SetFillColor(fillcolor) ;
140  return 0 ;
141 }
143 int SetPadAttributes(TPad* pad, int fillstyle=0, int fillcolor=0,
144  float leftmargin=0.15, float rightmargin=0.05, float bottommargin=0.15, float topmargin=0.05,
145 int bordermode=0, bool logx=false, bool logy=true, bool settickx=true, bool setticky=true)
146 {
147  SetPadFillAttributes(pad, fillstyle, fillcolor) ;
148  pad->SetMargin(leftmargin, rightmargin, bottommargin, topmargin) ;
149  pad->SetBorderMode(bordermode) ;
151  pad->SetLogx(logx) ;
152  pad->SetLogy(logy) ;
154  pad->SetTickx(settickx) ;
155  pad->SetTicky(setticky) ;
156  return 0 ;
157 }
158 /*
159 int SetLatexAttributes(TLatex* latex)
160 {
161  return 0 ;
162 }
164 int SetPaveTextAttributes(TPaveText* pavetext)
165 {
166  return 0 ;
167 }
169 int SetLegendAttributes(TLegend* legend)
170 {
171  return 0 ;
172 }
173 */
174 int SetGraphLineAttributes(TGraph* gr, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
175 {
176  gr->SetLineColor(linecolor) ;
177  gr->SetLineWidth(linewidth) ;
178  gr->SetLineStyle(linestyle) ;
179  return 0 ;
180 }
182 int SetGraphFillAttributes(TGraph* gr, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
183 {
184  gr->SetFillStyle(fillstyle) ;
185  gr->SetFillColor(fillcolor) ;
186  return 0 ;
187 }
189 int SetGraphMarkerAttributes(TGraph* gr, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
190 {
191  gr->SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle) ;
192  gr->SetMarkerColor(markercolor) ;
193  gr->SetMarkerSize(markersize) ;
194  return 0 ;
195 }
198  float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05,
199  float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05)
200 {
201  gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xtitlesize) ;
202  gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xtitleoffset) ;
203  gr->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xlabelsize) ;
204  gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(ytitlesize) ;
205  gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(ytitleoffset) ;
206  gr->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(ylabelsize) ;
207  return 0 ;
208 }
210 int SetGraphAttributes(TGraph* gr, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1,
211  int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0,
212  int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1,
213  float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05,
214  float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05)
215 {
216  SetGraphLineAttributes(gr, linestyle, linewidth, linecolor) ;
217  SetGraphFillAttributes(gr, fillstyle, fillcolor) ;
218  SetGraphMarkerAttributes(gr, markerstyle, markercolor, markersize) ;
219  SetGraphAxisAttributes(gr, xlabelsize, xtitleoffset, xtitlesize, ylabelsize, ytitleoffset, ytitlesize) ;
220  return 0 ;
221 }
223 int SetGraphErrorsLineAttributes(TGraphErrors* gre, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
224 {
225  gre->SetLineColor(linecolor) ;
226  gre->SetLineWidth(linewidth) ;
227  gre->SetLineStyle(linestyle) ;
228  return 0 ;
229 }
231 int SetGraphErrorsFillAttributes(TGraph* gre, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
232 {
233  gre->SetFillStyle(fillstyle) ;
234  gre->SetFillColor(fillcolor) ;
235  return 0 ;
236 }
238 int SetGraphErrorsMarkerAttributes(TGraph* gre, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
239 {
240  gre->SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle) ;
241  gre->SetMarkerColor(markercolor) ;
242  gre->SetMarkerSize(markersize) ;
243  return 0 ;
244 }
247  float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05,
248  float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.5, float ytitlesize=0.05)
249 {
250  gre->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xtitlesize) ;
251  gre->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xtitleoffset) ;
252  gre->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xlabelsize) ;
253  gre->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(ytitlesize) ;
254  gre->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(ytitleoffset) ;
255  gre->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(ylabelsize) ;
256  return 0 ;
257 }
259 int SetGraphErrorsAttributes(TGraphErrors* gre,
260  int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1,
261  int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0,
262  int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1,
263  float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05,
264  float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.5, float ytitlesize=0.05)
265 {
266  SetGraphErrorsLineAttributes(gre, linestyle, linewidth, linecolor) ;
267  SetGraphErrorsFillAttributes(gre, fillstyle, fillcolor) ;
268  SetGraphErrorsMarkerAttributes(gre, markerstyle, markercolor, markersize) ;
269  SetGraphErrorsAxisAttributes(gre, xlabelsize, xtitleoffset, xtitlesize, ylabelsize, ytitleoffset, ytitlesize) ;
270  return 0 ;
271 }
273 int SetMGraphAttributes(TMultiGraph *mg,
274  float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05,
275  float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.5, float ytitlesize=0.05)
276 {
277  mg->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xtitlesize) ;
278  mg->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xtitleoffset) ;
279  mg->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xlabelsize) ;
280  mg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(ytitlesize) ;
281  mg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(ytitleoffset) ;
282  mg->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(ylabelsize) ;
283  return 0 ;
284 }
286 int SetGraphAsymmErrorsLineAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors* grae, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
287 {
288  grae->SetLineColor(linecolor) ;
289  grae->SetLineWidth(linewidth) ;
290  grae->SetLineStyle(linestyle) ;
291  return 0 ;
292 }
294 int SetGraphAsymmErrorsFillAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors* grae, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
295 {
296  grae->SetFillStyle(fillstyle) ;
297  grae->SetFillColor(fillcolor) ;
298  return 0 ;
299 }
301 int SetGraphAsymmErrorsMarkerAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors* grae, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
302 {
303  grae->SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle) ;
304  grae->SetMarkerColor(markercolor) ;
305  grae->SetMarkerSize(markersize) ;
306  return 0 ;
307 }
309 int SetGraphAsymmErrorsAxisAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors* grae,
310  float xlabelsize=0.03, float xtitleoffset=1., float xtitlesize=0.04,
311  float ylabelsize=0.03, float ytitleoffset=1., float ytitlesize=0.04)
312 {
313  grae->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xtitlesize) ;
314  grae->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xtitleoffset) ;
315  grae->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xlabelsize) ;
316  grae->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(ytitlesize) ;
317  grae->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(ytitleoffset) ;
318  grae->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(ylabelsize) ;
319  return 0 ;
320 }
322 int SetGraphAsymmErrorsAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors* grae,
323  int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1,
324  int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0,
325  int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1,
326  float xlabelsize=0.03, float xtitleoffset=1., float xtitlesize=0.04,
327  float ylabelsize=0.03, float ytitleoffset=1., float ytitlesize=0.04)
328 {
329  SetGraphAsymmErrorsLineAttributes(grae, linestyle, linewidth, linecolor) ;
330  SetGraphAsymmErrorsFillAttributes(grae, fillstyle, fillcolor) ;
331  SetGraphAsymmErrorsMarkerAttributes(grae, markerstyle, markercolor, markersize) ;
332  SetGraphAsymmErrorsAxisAttributes(grae, xlabelsize, xtitleoffset, xtitlesize, ylabelsize, ytitleoffset, ytitlesize) ;
333  return 0 ;
334 }
336 int SetHStackAttributes(THStack* hstack,
337  float xlabelsize=0.04, float xtitleoffset=1., float xtitlesize=0.04,
338  float ylabelsize=0.04, float ytitleoffset=1., float ytitlesize=0.04)
339 {
340  hstack->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xtitlesize) ;
341  hstack->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xtitleoffset) ;
342  hstack->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xlabelsize) ;
343  hstack->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(ytitlesize) ;
344  hstack->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(ytitleoffset) ;
345  hstack->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(ylabelsize) ;
346  return 0 ;
347 }
int mg
int SetGraphAsymmErrorsMarkerAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors *grae, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:301
int SetGraphAsymmErrorsAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors *grae, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1, float xlabelsize=0.03, float xtitleoffset=1., float xtitlesize=0.04, float ylabelsize=0.03, float ytitleoffset=1., float ytitlesize=0.04)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:322
int SetGraphErrorsLineAttributes(TGraphErrors *gre, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:223
int SetGraphAsymmErrorsLineAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors *grae, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:286
#define gr
int SetGraphAxisAttributes(TGraph *gr, float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05, float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:197
int SetGraphLineAttributes(TGraph *gr, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:174
bool logy
Definition: listroot.cxx:45
int SetGraphMarkerAttributes(TGraph *gr, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:189
int SetGraphErrorsFillAttributes(TGraph *gre, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:231
int SetHistFillAttributes(TH1F *hist, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:85
int SetHistAxisAttributes(TH1F *hist, float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05, float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:100
int SetPadAttributes(TPad *pad, int fillstyle=0, int fillcolor=0, float leftmargin=0.15, float rightmargin=0.05, float bottommargin=0.15, float topmargin=0.05, int bordermode=0, bool logx=false, bool logy=true, bool settickx=true, bool setticky=true)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:143
int SetGraphErrorsAxisAttributes(TGraph *gre, float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05, float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.5, float ytitlesize=0.05)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:246
int SetGraphErrorsMarkerAttributes(TGraph *gre, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:238
int SetGraphAsymmErrorsFillAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors *grae, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:294
int SetGraphErrorsAttributes(TGraphErrors *gre, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1, float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05, float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.5, float ytitlesize=0.05)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:259
Definition: rootspy.cxx:320
int SetGraphAsymmErrorsAxisAttributes(TGraphAsymmErrors *grae, float xlabelsize=0.03, float xtitleoffset=1., float xtitlesize=0.04, float ylabelsize=0.03, float ytitleoffset=1., float ytitlesize=0.04)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:309
int SetHStackAttributes(THStack *hstack, float xlabelsize=0.04, float xtitleoffset=1., float xtitlesize=0.04, float ylabelsize=0.04, float ytitleoffset=1., float ytitlesize=0.04)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:336
int SetMGraphAttributes(TMultiGraph *mg, float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05, float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.5, float ytitlesize=0.05)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:273
int SetPadFillAttributes(TPad *pad, int fillstyle=0, float fillcolor=0)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:136
int SetHistAttributes(TH1F *hist, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1, float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05, float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05, bool displaystats=false)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:120
int SetGraphFillAttributes(TGraph *gr, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:182
int SetHistLineAttributes(TH1F *hist, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:92
int SetHistMarkerAttributes(TH1F *hist, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:113
int SetGraphAttributes(TGraph *gr, int linestyle=1, int linewidth=2, int linecolor=1, int fillstyle=1001, int fillcolor=0, int markerstyle=20, int markercolor=1, int markersize=1, float xlabelsize=0.05, float xtitleoffset=1.4, float xtitlesize=0.05, float ylabelsize=0.05, float ytitleoffset=1.4, float ytitlesize=0.05)
Definition: SetAttributes.h:210