ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
25 #include <TChainElement.h>
30 #pragma link C++ class vector<int> +;
31 #pragma link C++ class vector<double> +;
32 #pragma link C++ class vector<float> +; Loader
150 virtual void Loop(
int nParticlesTraining,
bool useTrackEstimate, TString
161 #ifdef writeNtuple_cxx
213 : m_PixChargeList(nullptr),
221 TFile *
f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(
223 f =
new TFile(
225 tree = (TTree*)
269 tree2 =
new TChain(
270 TIter
next( ((TChain*)
272 while( (
obj = (TChainElement*)
next() ) ) {
291 delete fChain->GetCurrentFile();
305 if (centry < 0)
return centry;
306 if (!
return centry;
598 float PixTLorPhi = 0.;
599 float PixTLorEta = -1000.;
600 float PixBiasVolt = -1000.;
601 float PixTemp = -1000.;
602 float PixDepVolt = -1000.;
634 PixDetType = 100+
637 if( ECBarrel == -2 ){
638 PixDetType = -100-
649 #endif // #ifdef writeNtuple_cxx
vector< float > * PixOmegaEta
vector< double > * NN_localRowWeightedPosition
TBranch * b_NN_ClusterPixLayer
std::vector< int > * m_PixDeltaRow_t
Pixel cluster size phi or row UNIT:mm.
vector< bool > * NN_useTrackInfo
vector< int > * PixClusFake
vector< float > * NN_thetaBS
vector< vector< float > > * NN_matrixOfToT
std::vector< int > * m_PixLVL1A
lower level1 accept among the pixel of the cluster
TString m_pathWeightsWithoutTracks
vector< float > * PixPhiModule
std::vector< float > * m_PixFirstRow
lower row of the pixels contained in the cluster UNIT:index
std::vector< float > * m_PixTLorEta
tangent of the lorentz angle (local y direction - should be 0!) UNIT:1
TBranch * b_NN_matrixOfToT
std::vector< float > * m_PixPullEta
vector< float > * PixEtaModule
std::vector< float > * m_PixTrkEta
track incidence pseudorapidity in local module reference frame
std::vector< float > * m_PixDigResEta
local eta residual obtained from using the cluster digital coords UNIT:mm
std::vector< std::vector< float > > * m_PixChargeList
Charge of the pixel UNIT:electrons.
std::vector< int > * m_PixDetType
Layer information (0, 1, 2 for barrel, 100, 101, 102 for endcap A side, -100, -101,...
TBranch * b_NN_position_idX
vector< int > * NN_columnWeightedPosition
vector< float > * NN_etaModule
std::vector< float > * m_PixOmegaPhi_t
Pixel charge sharing variable, phi clustering UNIT:1.
std::vector< float > * m_PixOmegaEta_t
Pixel charge sharing variable, eta clustering UNIT:1.
std::vector< float > * m_PixDeltaEta_t
Pixel cluster size eta, in cell units UNIT:cells.
std::vector< float > * m_PixErrEta
PixelCluster position error (local y) UNIT:mm.
vector< float > * PixOmegaPhi
std::vector< float > * m_PixEta_t
pseudorapidity calculated from module position
TBranch * b_NN_position_idY
writeNtuple(const writeNtuple &)=delete
std::vector< float > * m_PixCharge
total charge of the cluster UNIT:??
std::vector< float > * m_PixLocX
local x coordinate of the cluster UNIT:mm
vector< vector< float > > * NN_position_idX
virtual void InitializeVectors()
vector< int > * PixDeltaRow
TBranch * b_NN_localColumnWeightedPosition
vector< int > * NN_ClusterPixBarrelEC
std::vector< float > * m_PixResEta
local eta residual obtained from using the cluster digital coords UNIT:mm
vector< int > * PixClusLvl1
std::vector< float > * m_PixTrkClusGroupSize
total size of the cluster UNIT:cells
virtual void Loop(int nParticlesTraining, bool useTrackEstimate, TString outFileName)
std::vector< float > * m_PixDeltaPhi_t
Pixel cluster size phi, in cell units UNIT:cells.
std::vector< int > * m_PixEtaModule_t
eta index of the module associated to the cluster
vector< float > * PixClusLayer
vector< vector< float > > * NN_positionX
vector< float > * PixClusGloX
TBranch * b_NN_vectorOfPitchesY
vector< vector< float > > * NN_positionY
std::vector< float > * m_PixGloX
global X position of the cluster UNIT:mm
writeNtuple(TTree *tree=0)
virtual void Show(Long64_t entry=-1)
std::vector< float > * m_PixDepVolt
Depletion voltage (from conditions service) UNIT:kV?
virtual void FillClusterInfo(int clus)
vector< float > * PixClusEta
std::vector< float > * m_PixTrkPt
track transverse momentum at module
std::vector< float > * m_PixTLorPhi
tangent of the lorentz angle (local x direction) UNIT:1
Int_t fCurrent
pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
vector< float > * NN_phiBS
TChain * tree2
pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
std::vector< float > * m_PixPullPhi
std::vector< float > * m_PixErrPhi
PixelCluster position error (local x) UNIT:mm.
vector< int > * PixDeltaCol
vector< vector< float > > * NN_phi
std::vector< int > * m_PixHasGanged
if the cluster contains ganged pixels UNIT:1:yes
vector< vector< float > > * NN_position_idY
std::vector< int > * m_PixPhiModule_t
phi index of the module associated to the cluster
TBranch * b_NN_useTrackInfo
std::vector< float > * m_PixTrkAngle
track incidence angle on the module (rphi plane) in local reference frame UNIT:rad
vector< float > * PixClusCharge
std::vector< float > * m_PixResPhi
local phi residual obtained using the cluster digital coordinates UNIT:mm
vector< int > * NN_ClusterPixLayer
std::vector< int > * m_PixIsFake
if the cluster is marked as fake UNIT:1:yes
std::vector< float > * m_PixTrkQ
charge of the associated track UNIT:+/-1
std::vector< int > * m_PixToT
ToTal time over threshold (ToT) of the cluster UNIT:??
TBranch * b_NN_ClusterPixBarrelEC
std::vector< float > * m_PixTemp
Temperature (from conditions service) UNIT:K ?
std::vector< float > * m_PixGloZ
global Z position of the cluster UNIT:mm
virtual void ResetVectors()
vector< double > * NN_localColumnWeightedPosition
virtual Long64_t LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
vector< int > * NN_rowWeightedPosition
virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
TBranch * b_NN_columnWeightedPosition
vector< float > * PixECBarrel
std::vector< float > * m_PixFirstCol
lower column of the pixels contained in the cluster UNIT:index
vector< int > * PixClusToT
std::vector< float > * m_PixLocY
local y coordinate of the cluster UNIT:mm
std::vector< float > * m_PixDigResPhi
local phi residual obtained using the cluster digital coordinates UNIT:mm
vector< vector< float > > * NN_theta
vector< float > * PixClusGloY
RIOs * fOther
current Tree number in a TChain
vector< vector< float > > * NN_vectorOfPitchesY
TBranch * b_NN_localRowWeightedPosition
std::vector< float > * m_PixBiasVolt
Bias voltage (from conditions service) UNIT:V ?
std::vector< float > * m_PixGloY
global Y position of the cluster UNIT:mm
TString m_pathWeightsWithTracks
virtual Int_t Cut(Long64_t entry)
std::vector< int > * m_PixDeltaCol_t
Pixel cluster size eta or column UNIT:mm.
vector< float > * PixClusGloZ
std::vector< float > * m_PixTrkThetaI
track incidence angle on the module (eta-normal plane) in local reference frame UNIT:rad
TBranch * b_NN_rowWeightedPosition
vector< int > * PixClusGanged