ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
61 inline virtual const std::string
const {
return "Test Energy ShowerLib"; }
72 std::unique_ptr<HepMC::FourVector>
virtual const std::string getName() const
Class for shower library shower.
static IShowerLib * readFromROOTFile(TFile *source)
factory method. create a library from root file. returns NULL if file is invalid.
virtual ~TestShowerLib()
default destructor
bool read(TTree *source)
read library from given TTree
virtual std::vector< EnergySpot > * getShower(const G4Track *track, ShowerLibStatistics *stats, int randomShift) const
get shower for given G4 track
std::list< storedShower > library
static IShowerLib * createEmptyLib(const std::string &inputFile)
factory method. create empty library with the given structure. returns NULL if file is invalid.
bool write(TTree *dest) const
write library to given TTree
virtual double getContainmentR(const G4Track *track) const
get average lateral spread of the showers for the given energy
virtual double getContainmentZ(const G4Track *track) const
get average length of showers for the given energy
Class for shower library shower lib interface.
virtual ShowerLibStatistics * createStatistics() const
const GenParticle * ConstGenParticlePtr
std::unique_ptr< HepMC::FourVector > vertex
virtual bool writeToROOT(TFile *dest)
write library to ROOT file
virtual bool storeShower(HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr genParticle, const Shower *shower)
store shower in the library
virtual const std::string printParameters() const
Namespace for the ShowerLib related classes.
std::pair< genInfo, Shower > storedShower
Class for shower library shower lib.
std::unique_ptr< HepMC::FourVector > momentum