ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Functions
IOVDbCoolFunctions.cxx File Reference
#include "IOVDbCoolFunctions.h"
#include "IOVDbConn.h"
#include "CoralBase/Blob.h"
#include "CoralBase/Attribute.h"
#include "CoralBase/AttributeList.h"
#include "CoralBase/AttributeListSpecification.h"
#include "CoolKernel/ChannelSelection.h"
#include "CoolKernel/IDatabase.h"
#include "CoolKernel/IFolder.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/IOVRange.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <stdexcept>

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const coral::AttributeListSpecification & IOVDbNamespace::attrList2Spec (const coral::AttributeList &atrlist)
 return the AttributeListSpecification of an AttributeList More...
unsigned int IOVDbNamespace::attributeSize (const coral::Attribute &attribute)
 return the size (in bytes) of an Attribute More...
bool IOVDbNamespace::typeSizeIsKnown (const coral::Attribute &attribute)
 Return a bool indicating whether the size of a given Attribute can be determined. More...
unsigned int IOVDbNamespace::attributeListSize (const coral::AttributeList &atrlist)
 return the size (in bytes) of an AttributeList More...
int IOVDbNamespace::countSelectedChannels (const std::vector< cool::ChannelId > &channels, const cool::ChannelSelection &selected)
 Count the number of selected channels in a vector of channels according to cool::Channel selection. More...
IOVTime IOVDbNamespace::makeEpochOrRunLumi (const cool::ValidityKey key, const bool timeIsEpoch)
 Create an IOVTime in ns of epoch or run-lumi (determined by the bool) from a ValidityKey. More...
unsigned long long IOVDbNamespace::iovTimeFromSeconds (const unsigned long long seconds)
 Create a long long time in ns from s. More...
unsigned long long IOVDbNamespace::iovTimeFromRunLumi (const unsigned long long run, const unsigned long long lumi=0)
 Create a long long representing the IOV from run, lumi. More...
std::pair< unsigned long long, unsigned long long > IOVDbNamespace::runLumiFromIovTime (const unsigned long long iovTime)
 Return a [run,lumi] pair from an IOV time. More...
IOVRange IOVDbNamespace::makeRange (const cool::ValidityKey since, const cool::ValidityKey until, const bool timeIsEpoch)
 Make an IOVRange from two validity keys. More...
cool::ChannelId IOVDbNamespace::makeChannel (const std::string &strval, const cool::ChannelId defchan)
 Create a ChannelId from a string; if string is empty, return the default channel number given. More...
std::pair< bool, std::string > IOVDbNamespace::folderMetadata (IOVDbConn *pConnection, const std::string &folderName)
 Retrieve (bool) multiversion flag and folder description
std::pair< std::vector< cool::ChannelId >, std::vector< std::string > > IOVDbNamespace::channelList (IOVDbConn *pConnection, const std::string &folderName, const bool named=false)
 Retrieve channel information. More...