ATLAS Offline Software
example_rebuildTrackMET.cxx File Reference

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int main ()

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( )

getCoefficientMap(label, EigenIdxList)

input value:

  1. label: falvor label in std::string format, could be one of B, C, T, Light
  2. EigenIdxList is user defined vector containing all eigenvector index that user interested in. output: Map of format map<string, map<string, float>> containing decomposition coefficient of the list of eigenvectors defined by EigenIdxList.

getCoefficients(label, evIdx)

input value:

  1. label: falvor label in std::string format, could be one of B, C, T, Light
  2. evIdx: The index of eigenvector user interested in. output value: vector of coefficient values. The order is the same as output given by getListOfOriginalNuisanceParameters()


input value:

  1. label: falvor label in std::string format, could be one of B, C, T, Light output value: List of original nuisance parameter names.


input value:

  1. label: falvor label in std::string format, could be one of B, C, T, Light return value: number of eigen vectors used for chosen label. Return 0 if error occured.

Definition at line 9 of file example_rebuildTrackMET.cxx.

9  {
10  std::cout << "Examples are only defined in the analysis release." << std::endl;
11  return 0;
12 }