ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 // ********************************************************************
6 //
7 // NAME: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.cxx
8 // PACKAGE: LArMonTools
9 //
10 // AUTHOR: Margherita Spalla (migrated from algorithm by Jessica Leveque)
11 //
12 // Class for monitoring : Map of Affected Regions
13 // built from "Affected Region" metadata, stored in ESDs.
14 // ********************************************************************
16 #include "LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h"
19 #include "TMath.h"
20 #include <vector>
28 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
29 LArAffectedRegionsAlg::LArAffectedRegionsAlg(const std::string& name,ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
30  : AthMonitorAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator)
31 {}
33 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
35 {}
37 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
40 {
41  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initialize LArAffectedRegionsAlg" );
46 }
49 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
51 LArAffectedRegionsAlg::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) const
52 {
53  using namespace Monitored;
55  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in fillHists()" );
57  if(ctx.evt() > 0) { //only run on first event (it has ctx.evt()=0)
58  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "won't run on: evt()="<<ctx.evt()<<">1");
59  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
60  }
62  //monitored variables
63  auto problem = Monitored::Scalar<int>("problem",0);
64  auto phi = Monitored::Scalar<float>("phi",0.0);
65  auto etaPOS = Monitored::Scalar<float>("etaPOS",0.0);
66  auto etaNEG = Monitored::Scalar<float>("etaNEG",0.0);
67  float eta; //this we will need later
70  //do nothing if online
71  if(m_IsOnline) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
73  // Retrieve CaloAffected Regions
75  const CaloAffectedRegionInfoVec* affRegVec=*affHdl;
76  if (!affRegVec) {
77  ATH_MSG_WARNING( " Cannot find LArAffectedRegion in DetectorStore " );
78  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
79  }
82  // Problem Types //
84  // 0: Missing FEB //
85  // 1: Non nominal HV //
86  // 2: Dead HV //
89  std::vector<CaloAffectedRegionInfo>::const_iterator reg1 = affRegVec->begin();
90  std::vector<CaloAffectedRegionInfo>::const_iterator reg2 = affRegVec->end();
91  for (;reg1 != reg2; ++reg1) {
92  const CaloAffectedRegionInfo* region = &(*reg1);
93  problem=region->get_problem();
94  if (problem == 0) continue;
95  int layermin=region->get_layer_min();
96  int layermax=region->get_layer_max();
97  float phimin=region->get_phi_min();
98  float phimax=region->get_phi_max();
99  float etamin=region->get_eta_min();
100  float etamax=region->get_eta_max();
102  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Print list of affected regions:" );
103  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( region << " "
104  << region->get_eta_min() << " " << region->get_eta_max() << " "
105  << region->get_phi_min() << " " << region->get_phi_max() << " "
106  << region->get_layer_min() << " " << region->get_layer_max() << " " << region->get_problem() );
108  // Build Affected Regions maps //
110  // CaloSample
112  // PreSamplerB=0, EMB1=1, EMB2=2, EMB3=3 // LAr barrel
113  // PreSamplerE=4, EME1=5, EME2=6, EME3=7 // LAr EM endcap
114  // HEC0=8, HEC1=9, HEC2=10, HEC3=11 // Hadronic end cap cal.
115  // TileBar0=12, TileBar1=13, TileBar2=14 // Tile barrel
116  // TileGap1=15, TileGap2=16, TileGap3=17 // Tile gap (ITC & scint)
117  // TileExt0=18, TileExt1=19, TileExt2=20 // Tile extended barrel
118  // FCAL0=21, FCAL1=22, FCAL2=23 // Forward EM endcap
122  // EM Barrel - PS
123  if(layermin==0){
124  //now get the proper eta-phi
125  eta = etamin+0.01;
126  while(eta<etamax){
127  // phimin < phimax
128  if(phimin<=phimax){
129  phi = phimin+0.01;
130  while(phi<phimax){
131  if(eta>=0){
132  etaPOS=eta;
133  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embpsName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
134  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBAPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
135  }
136  if(eta<0){
137  etaNEG=eta;
138  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embpsName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
139  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBCPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
140  }
141  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/32);
142  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
143  }
144  // phimin > phimax
145  }else{
146  phi = phimin+0.01;
147  while(phi<TMath::Pi()){
148  if(eta>=0){
149  etaPOS=eta;
150  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embpsName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
151  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBAPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
152  }
153  if(eta<0){
154  etaNEG=eta;
155  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embpsName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
156  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBCPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
157  }
158  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/32);
159  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
160  }
161  phi = -TMath::Pi();
162  while(phi<phimax){
163  if(eta>=0){
164  etaPOS=eta;
165  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embpsName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
166  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBAPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
167  }
168  if(eta<0){
169  etaNEG=eta;
170  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embpsName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
171  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBCPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
172  }
173  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/32);
174  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
175  }
176  }
177  eta+=0.2;
178  }
179  }
181  // EM Barrel - Other Layers
182  if(layermin==1){
183  //now get the proper eta-phi
184  eta = etamin;
185  while(eta < etamax){
186  // phimin < phimax
187  if(phimin<=phimax){
188  phi = phimin+0.01;
189  while(phi<phimax){
190  if(eta >=0){
191  etaPOS=eta;
192  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
193  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
194  }
195  if(eta <0){
196  etaNEG=eta;
197  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
198  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
199  }
200  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/128);
201  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
202  }
203  // phimin > phimax: go over Pi
204  }else{
205  phi = phimin+0.01;
206  while(phi<TMath::Pi()){
207  if(eta >=0){
208  etaPOS=eta;
209  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
210  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
211  }
212  if(eta <0){
213  etaNEG=eta;
214  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
215  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
216  }
217  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/128);
218  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
219  }
220  phi = -TMath::Pi();
221  while(phi<phimax){
222  if(eta >=0){
223  etaPOS=eta;
224  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
225  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
226  }
227  if(eta <0){
228  etaNEG=eta;
229  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_embName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
230  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMBC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
231  }
232  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/128);
233  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
234  }
235  }
236  eta+=0.2;
237  }
238  }
240  // EM endcap - PS
241  if(layermin==4){
242  //now get the proper eta-phi
243  eta = etamin;
244  while(eta<etamax){
245  // phimin < phimax
246  if(phimin<=phimax){
247  phi = phimin+0.01;
248  while(phi<phimax){
249  if(eta>=0){
250  etaPOS=eta;
251  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecpsName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
252  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECAPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
253  }
254  if(eta<0){
255  etaNEG=eta;
256  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecpsName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
257  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECCPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
258  }
259  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/64);
260  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
261  }
262  // phimin > phimax
263  }else{
264  phi = phimin+0.01;
265  while(phi<TMath::Pi()){
266  if(eta>=0){
267  etaPOS=eta;
268  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecpsName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
269  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECAPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
270  }
271  if(eta<0){
272  etaNEG=eta;
273  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecpsName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
274  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECCPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
275  }
276  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/64);
277  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.01;
278  }
279  phi = -TMath::Pi()+0.01;
280  while(phi<phimax){
281  if(eta>=0){
282  etaPOS=eta;
283  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecpsName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
284  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECAPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
285  }
286  if(eta<0){
287  etaNEG=eta;
288  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecpsName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
289  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECCPS " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
290  }
291  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/64);
292  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
293  }
294  }
295  if(fabs(eta)<2.5)eta+=0.2;
296  if(fabs(eta)>=2.5)eta+=0.3;
297  }
298  }
300  // EM Endcap - Other Layers
301  if(layermin==5){
302  //now get the proper eta-phi
303  eta = etamin+0.01;
304  while(eta<etamax){
305  // phimin < phimax
306  if(phimin<=phimax){
307  phi = phimin+0.01;
308  while(phi<phimax){
309  if(eta>=0){
310  etaPOS=eta;
311  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
312  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
313  }
314  if(eta<0){
315  etaNEG=eta;
316  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
317  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
318  }
319  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/256);
320  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
321  }
322  // phimin > phimax
323  }else{
324  phi = phimin+0.01;
325  while(phi<TMath::Pi()){
326  if(eta>=0){
327  etaPOS=eta;
328  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
329  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
330  }
331  if(eta<0){
332  etaNEG=eta;
333  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
334  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
335  }
336  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/256);
337  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
338  }
339  phi = -TMath::Pi()+0.01;
340  while(phi<phimax){
341  if(eta>=0){
342  etaPOS=eta;
343  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecName,etaPOS,phi,problem);
344  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
345  }
346  if(eta<0){
347  etaNEG=eta;
348  fill(m_MonGroupName.value()+m_emecName,etaNEG,phi,problem);
349  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "EMECC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
350  }
351  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/256);
352  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
353  }
354  }
355  if(fabs(eta)>=2.8) eta+=0.4;
356  else if(fabs(eta)>=2.5)eta+=0.3;
357  else eta+=0.2;
358  }
359  }
361  // HEC
362  if(layermin>=8 && layermin<=11){
363  //set the group to fill(only depends on layer)
364  std::string hec_layer_name=m_MonGroupName;
365  switch(layermin-8) {
366  case 0:
367  hec_layer_name=hec_layer_name+m_hec0Name;
368  break;
369  case 1:
370  hec_layer_name=hec_layer_name+m_hec1Name;
371  break;
372  case 2:
373  hec_layer_name=hec_layer_name+m_hec2Name;
374  break;
375  default: //this can only be ==3, because of previous if statement
376  hec_layer_name=hec_layer_name+m_hec3Name;
377  break;
378  }
380  //now get the proper eta-phi
381  eta = etamin;
382  // phimin < phimax
383  if(phimin<=phimax){
384  phi = phimin+0.01;
385  while(phi<phimax){
386  if(eta>=0){
387  etaPOS=eta;
388  fill(hec_layer_name,etaPOS,phi,problem);
389  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HECA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
390  }
391  if(eta<0){
392  etaNEG=eta;
393  fill(hec_layer_name,etaNEG,phi,problem);
394  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HECC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << region );
395  }
396  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/32);
397  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
398  }
399  // phimin < phimax
400  }else{
401  phi = phimin+0.01;
402  while(phi<TMath::Pi()){
403  if(eta>=0){
404  etaPOS=eta;
405  fill(hec_layer_name,etaPOS,phi,problem);
406  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HECA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
407  }
408  if(eta<0){
409  etaNEG=eta;
410  fill(hec_layer_name,etaNEG,phi,problem);
411  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HECC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << region );
412  }
413  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/32);
414  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
415  }
416  phi = -TMath::Pi();
417  while(phi<phimax){
418  if(eta>=0){
419  etaPOS=eta;
420  fill(hec_layer_name,etaPOS,phi,problem);
421  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HECA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
422  }
423  if(eta<0){
424  etaNEG=eta;
425  fill(hec_layer_name,etaNEG,phi,problem);
426  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HECC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << region );
427  }
428  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/32);
429  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
430  }
431  }
432  }
434  // FCAL
435  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("layermin=" << layermin << " layermin-21=" << layermin-21);
436  if(layermin>=21 && layermin<=23){
437  //set the group to fill(only depends on layer)
438  std::string fcal_layer_name=m_MonGroupName;
439  switch(layermin-21) {
440  case 0:
441  fcal_layer_name=fcal_layer_name+m_fcal0Name;
442  break;
443  case 1:
444  fcal_layer_name=fcal_layer_name+m_fcal1Name;
445  break;
446  default: //this can only be ==2, because of previous if statement
447  fcal_layer_name=fcal_layer_name+m_fcal2Name;
448  break;
449  }
451  //now get the proper eta-phi
452  eta = etamin;
453  // phimin < phimax
454  if(phimin<=phimax){
455  phi = phimin+0.1;
456  while(phi<phimax){
457  if(eta>=0){
458  etaPOS=eta;
459  fill(fcal_layer_name,etaPOS,phi,problem);
460  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "FCALA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
461  }
462  if(eta<0){
463  etaNEG=eta;
464  fill(fcal_layer_name,etaNEG,phi,problem);
465  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "FCALC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
466  }
467  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/16);
468  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
469  }
470  // phimin > phimax
471  }else{
472  phi = phimin+0.1;
473  while(phi<TMath::Pi()){
474  if(eta>=0){
475  etaPOS=eta;
476  fill(fcal_layer_name,etaPOS,phi,problem);
477  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "FCALA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
478  }
479  if(eta<0){
480  etaNEG=eta;
481  fill(fcal_layer_name,etaNEG,phi,problem);
482  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "FCALC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
483  }
484  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/16);
485  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
486  }
487  phi = -TMath::Pi()+0.1;
488  while(phi<phimax){
489  if(eta>=0){
490  etaPOS=eta;
491  fill(fcal_layer_name,etaPOS,phi,problem);
492  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "FCALA " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
493  }
494  if(eta<0){
495  etaNEG=eta;
496  fill(fcal_layer_name,etaNEG,phi,problem);
497  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "FCALC " << eta << " " << phi << " " << problem << " " << layermin << " " << layermax << " " << phimin << " " << phimax << " " << etamin << " " << etamax << " " << region );
498  }
499  phi+=(2*TMath::Pi()/16);
500  if(fabs(phi)<1.e-4) phi=0.;
501  }
502  }
503  }
504  } // End Calo Affected Regions
506  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
507 }
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_hec1Name
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:53
virtual ~LArAffectedRegionsAlg()
Default destructor.
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.cxx:34
std::vector< CaloAffectedRegionInfo > CaloAffectedRegionInfoVec
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfoVec.h:11
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.h:16
Scalar phi() const
phi method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:64
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_embpsName
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:48
Definition: ReadCondHandle.h:44
#define ATH_MSG_INFO(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:31
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< CaloAffectedRegionInfoVec > m_affKey
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:43
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_fcal0Name
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:56
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:79
float get_phi_min() const
get phi min of region
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.cxx:36
virtual StatusCode fillHistograms(const EventContext &ctx) const override
Called each event.
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.cxx:51
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
Overwrite dummy method from AlgTool.
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.cxx:39
float get_eta_max() const
get eta max of region
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.cxx:32
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_MonGroupName
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:47
float get_eta_min() const
get eta min of region
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.cxx:28
Base class for Athena Monitoring Algorithms.
Definition: AthMonitorAlgorithm.h:36
int get_layer_max() const
get layer max of region
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.cxx:52
int get_problem() const
get problem type
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.cxx:44
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_hec0Name
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:52
Generic monitoring tool for athena components.
Definition: GenericMonitoringTool.h:30
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDTools/EventLoop/EventLoop/StatusCode.h:22
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_IsOnline
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:61
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
LArAffectedRegionsAlg(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.cxx:29
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_fcal2Name
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:58
#define ATH_CHECK
Definition: AthCheckMacros.h:40
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_hec2Name
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:54
void fill(const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &&variables) const
Fills a vector of variables to a group by reference.
float get_phi_max() const
get phi max of region
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.cxx:40
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:195
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_emecpsName
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:50
StatusCode initialize(bool used=true)
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
Definition: AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx:18
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_hec3Name
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:55
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
int get_layer_min() const
get layer min of region
Definition: CaloAffectedRegionInfo.cxx:48
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_emecName
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:51
Declare a monitored scalar variable.
Definition: MonitoredScalar.h:34
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_fcal1Name
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:57
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_embName
Definition: LArAffectedRegionsAlg.h:49