ATLAS Offline Software
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
HWIdentifier ZPhiSymOfl(const Identifier notSymOffId) const
Find the symmetric HWID for an offline cell identifier.
Helper class to handle z-phi symmetry of calibration constants in MC.
const LArConditionsContainer< LArShapeP1 > * m_shapeComplete
ConstReference get(const HWIdentifier id, unsigned int gain=0) const
get data with online identifier
c-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
HWIdentifier ZPhiSymOnl(const HWIdentifier notSymOnlId) const
Find the symmetric HWID for an online channel identifier.
This class implements the ILArShape interface.
virtual ShapeRef_t Shape(const HWIdentifier &CellID, int gain, int tbin=0, int mode=0) const
virtual ShapeRef_t ShapeDer(const HWIdentifier &CellID, int gain, int tbin=0, int mode=0) const
Proxy for accessing a range of float values like a vector.