ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
41 TrigR3Mon(
const std::string &
name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
95 ToolHandle<Trig::TrigDecisionTool>
101 std::vector<T_AnalysisConfig<AthReentrantAlgorithm>*>
161 ToolHandleArray<GenericMonitoringTool>
m_monTools {
"MonTools", {} };
virtual StatusCode finalize() override
void addMonGroupFromBase(const std::string &)
base class for a single track selection filter allowing parameter setting for complex track selection
bool m_shifter
determine whether this should be treated as a shifter chain
std::vector< std::string > m_chainNames
std::vector< T_AnalysisConfig< AthReentrantAlgorithm > * > m_sequences
do we need this ??? why not the base class ???
std::vector< TrackFilter * > m_filters
SG::ReadHandleKeyArray< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer > m_trackdummykeys
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
bool m_useHighestPT
use only the highest pt tracks
Base class for Athena Monitoring Algorithms.
std::string m_outputFileName
class to keep a directory for each object in a root sort of way, but needed to keep the root objects ...
ToolHandleArray< GenericMonitoringTool > m_monTools
bool m_containTracks
do we want basic, or rigorous roi track containment
SG::ReadHandleKeyArray< xAOD::VertexContainer > m_vtxdummykeys
int m_vtxIndex
if performing the vertex analysis, the index of the offline vertex to look for
int m_shifterChains
max number of shifter chains to use - must be < 2 at the moment
std::vector< std::string > m_ntupleChainNames
std::string m_analysis_config
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
std::string m_releaseMetaData
std::string m_sliceTag
additional string for the histogram directory
Header file to be included by clients of the Monitored infrastructure.
bool m_keepAllEvents
kepp events even if they fail the requested trigger chains
virtual StatusCode fillHistograms(const EventContext &context) const override
adds event to the monitoring histograms
std::vector< TrackAssociator * > m_associators
bool m_fileopen
if an ntple file open?
bool m_runPurity
also run purity analyses
ToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > m_tdt
int m_selectParentTruthPdgId
virtual StatusCode bookHistograms()
double m_fiducial_radius
ntuple building variables
TrigR3Mon(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)