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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
12 const std::string& containerSGKey,
13 const unsigned int featureCollectionMode,
14 const std::string& navElementLinkKey,
15 const int restrictToLegIndex) {
42 msg <<
level <<
"Feature Request Descriptor configuration:" <<
46 msg <<
level <<
"-- Condition: TrigDefs::Physics, only paths which accepted chains in the ChainGroup will be explored." <<
47 }
else if (
condition() == TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions) {
48 msg <<
level <<
"-- Condition: TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions, passed and failed paths for chains in the ChainGroup will be explored." <<
53 if (
SGKey().empty()) {
54 msg <<
level <<
"-- No filtering on Container StoreGate Key" <<
56 msg <<
level <<
"-- Container StoreGate Key: ElementLinks must regex match the container name '" <<
SGKey() <<
"'." <<
60 msg <<
level <<
"-- Feature Collection Mode: TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType, only one (final) matching ElementLink will be returned on each path through the navigation." <<
62 msg <<
level <<
"-- Condition: TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions, all matching ElementLinks will be returned on each path through the navigation." <<
67 msg <<
level <<
"-- Link Name: ElementLinks referenced by graph edges named '" <<
linkName() <<
"' will be returned." <<
70 msg <<
level <<
"-- Restrict Request To Leg: ElementLinks will be collected from all legs of any multi-leg chains in the ChainGroup." <<
72 msg <<
level <<
"-- Restrict Request To Leg: ElementLinks will be collected only from leg #" <<
restrictRequestToLeg() <<
" of all chains in the ChainGroup." <<
84 if (
condition != TrigDefs::Physics and
condition != TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions) {
85 throw std::runtime_error(
"Invalid option supplied to FeatureRequestDescriptor::setCondition. Must be Physics or includeFailedDecisions.");
100 throw std::runtime_error(
"Invalid option supplied to FeatureRequestDescriptor::featureCollectionMode. Must be lastFeatureOfType or allFeaturesOfType.");
FeatureRequestDescriptor & setCondition(const unsigned int condition)
Set the Condition: TrigDefs::Physics - (default), only returns features from paths through the naviga...
The common trigger namespace for trigger analysis tools.
unsigned int featureCollectionMode() const
std::string m_chainGroupName
FeatureRequestDescriptor & setChainGroup(const std::string &chainGroupName)
Set the desired Chain or Chain Group.
void print(MsgStream &msg, const MSG::Level level=MSG::INFO)
Print the configuration of the FeatureRequestDescriptor to the supplied message stream.
const std::string & linkName() const
FeatureRequestDescriptor(const std::string &chainGroupName="HLT_.*", const unsigned int condition=TrigDefs::Physics, const std::string &containerSGKey="", const unsigned int featureCollectionMode=TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType, const std::string &navElementLinkKey=TrigCompositeUtils::featureString(), const int restrictToLegIndex=-1)
Default Constructor supplying all properties.
int m_featureCollectionMode
unsigned int condition() const
std::string m_navElementLinkKey
void reset()
Reset the FeatureRequestDescriptor to its default configuration.
const std::string & chainGroup() const
FeatureRequestDescriptor & setRestrictRequestToLeg(const int restrictToLegIndex)
Set to -1 by default, indicating that all legs of multi-leg chains are searched.
const std::string & featureString()
std::string m_containerSGKey
FeatureRequestDescriptor & setRequireSGKey(const std::string &containerSGKey)
Set the StoreGate key filter.
FeatureRequestDescriptor & setLinkName(const std::string &navElementLinkKey)
Set the Link Name Key.
const std::string & SGKey() const
int restrictRequestToLeg() const
FeatureRequestDescriptor & setFeatureCollectionMode(const unsigned int featureCollectionMode)
Set the Feature Collection Mode: TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType - (default) stop exploring up each path ...