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ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for Trk::Layer, including all inherited members.
assignMaterialProperties(const LayerMaterialProperties &, double scale=1.0) | Trk::Layer | |
binUtility() const | Trk::Layer | |
compactify(size_t &cSurfaces, size_t &tSurfaces) | Trk::Layer | |
compatibleSurfaces(std::vector< SurfaceIntersection > &cSurfaces, const TrackParameters &pars, PropDirection pdir, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, bool materialSurfacesOnly=true, const Surface *startSurface=nullptr, const Surface *endSurface=nullptr, const ICompatibilityEstimator *ice=nullptr) const | Trk::Layer | |
compatibleSurfaces(std::vector< SurfaceIntersection > &cSurfaces, const NeutralParameters &pars, PropDirection pdir, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, bool materialSurfacesOnly=true, const Surface *startSurface=nullptr, const Surface *endSurface=nullptr, const ICompatibilityEstimator *ice=nullptr) const | Trk::Layer | |
encloseDetachedTrackingVolume(const DetachedTrackingVolume &tvol) | Trk::Layer | |
encloseTrackingVolume(const TrackingVolume &tvol) | Trk::Layer | |
enclosingDetachedTrackingVolume() const | Trk::Layer | |
enclosingTrackingVolume() const | Trk::Layer | |
fullUpdateMaterialProperties(const TrackParameters &par) const | Trk::Layer | |
getCompatibleSurfaces(std::vector< SurfaceIntersection > &cSurfaces, const T &pars, PropDirection pdir, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, bool materialSurfacesOnly=true, const Surface *startSurface=nullptr, const Surface *endSurface=nullptr, const ICompatibilityEstimator *ice=nullptr) const | Trk::Layer | |
getRef() const | Trk::Layer | |
hasSubStructure(bool resolveSensitive=false) const | Trk::Layer | inlinevirtual |
isOnLayer(const Amg::Vector3D &gp, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck=BoundaryCheck(true)) const | Trk::Layer | virtual |
Layer() | Trk::Layer | |
Layer(const LayerMaterialProperties &laymatprop, double thickness=0., std::unique_ptr< OverlapDescriptor > od=nullptr, int ltype=int(passive)) | Trk::Layer | |
Layer(std::unique_ptr< SurfaceArray > surfaceArray, double thickness=0., std::unique_ptr< OverlapDescriptor >=nullptr, int ltype=int(passive)) | Trk::Layer | |
Layer(std::unique_ptr< SurfaceArray > surfaceArray, const LayerMaterialProperties &laymatprop, double thickness=0., std::unique_ptr< OverlapDescriptor > od=nullptr, int ltype=int(passive)) | Trk::Layer | |
Layer(const Layer &lay) | Trk::Layer | protected |
layerIndex() const | Trk::Layer | |
layerMaterialProperties() const | Trk::Layer | |
layerType() const | Trk::Layer | |
m_binUtility | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_enclosingDetachedTrackingVolume | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_enclosingTrackingVolume | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_index | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_layerMaterialProperties | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_layerThickness | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_layerType | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_nextLayer | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_overlapDescriptor | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_previousLayer | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_ref | Trk::Layer | protected |
m_surfaceArray | Trk::Layer | protected |
moveLayer(Amg::Transform3D &)=0 | Trk::Layer | pure virtual |
nextLayer(const Amg::Vector3D &gp, const Amg::Vector3D &udir) const | Trk::Layer | |
nextLayer(bool skipNavLayer=false) const | Trk::Layer | |
onLayer(const T ¶meters, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck=BoundaryCheck(true)) const | Trk::Layer | |
operator=(const Layer &lay) | Trk::Layer | protected |
overlapDescriptor() const | Trk::Layer | |
postUpdateMaterialFactor(const TrackParameters &, PropDirection) const | Trk::Layer | inlinevirtual |
preUpdateMaterialFactor(const TrackParameters &, PropDirection) const | Trk::Layer | inlinevirtual |
previousLayer(bool skipNavLayer=false) const | Trk::Layer | |
registerLayerIndex(const LayerIndex &lIdx) | Trk::Layer | |
registerRepresentingVolume(const Volume *theVol) | Trk::Layer | |
representingVolume() const | Trk::Layer | |
resizeAndRepositionLayer(const VolumeBounds &vBounds, const Amg::Vector3D &vCenter, double envelope=1.)=0 | Trk::Layer | pure virtual |
resizeLayer(const VolumeBounds &, double)=0 | Trk::Layer | pure virtual |
setBinUtility(const BinUtility *) | Trk::Layer | |
setLayerType(int identifier) | Trk::Layer | |
setNextLayer(const Layer *) | Trk::Layer | |
setPreviousLayer(const Layer *) | Trk::Layer | |
setRef(double) | Trk::Layer | |
subSurface(const Amg::Vector3D &gp) const | Trk::Layer | |
subSurface(const Amg::Vector2D &lp) const | Trk::Layer | |
subSurfaceReference(unsigned int idx=0) const | Trk::Layer | |
surfaceArray() const | Trk::Layer | |
surfaceArray() | Trk::Layer | |
surfaceOnApproach(const Amg::Vector3D &pos, const Amg::Vector3D &dir, PropDirection pdir, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, bool resolveSubSurfaces=0, const ICompatibilityEstimator *ice=nullptr) const | Trk::Layer | virtual |
surfaceRepresentation() const =0 | Trk::Layer | pure virtual |
surfaceRepresentation()=0 | Trk::Layer | pure virtual |
thickness() const | Trk::Layer | |
~Layer()=default | Trk::Layer | virtual |