ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Functions
PhotonVertexHelpers.cxx File Reference
#include "PhotonVertexSelection/PhotonVertexHelpers.h"
#include "xAODEgamma/EgammaContainer.h"
#include "xAODEgamma/EgammaxAODHelpers.h"
#include "xAODEgamma/PhotonContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticle.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
#include "AthContainers/ConstAccessor.h"
#include "CxxUtils/trapping_fp.h"
#include "egammaUtils/ShowerDepthTool.h"
#include <AsgMessaging/MessageCheck.h>
#include <TString.h>

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 ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.


const xAOD::VertexxAOD::PVHelpers::getHardestVertex (const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertices)
 Return vertex with highest sum pT^2. More...
std::pair< float, float > xAOD::PVHelpers::getZCommonAndError (const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo, const xAOD::EgammaContainer *egammas, float convPtCut=2e3)
 Return zCommon and zCommonError. More...
bool xAOD::PVHelpers::passConvSelection (const xAOD::Vertex &conversionVertex, size_t i, float convPtCut)
 Check if track i of conversion vertex pass selection (Si hits and pt) More...
bool xAOD::PVHelpers::passConvSelection (const xAOD::Photon *photon, float convPtCut=2e3)
 Check if photon is converted, and tracks have Si hits and pass selection. More...
TLorentzVector xAOD::PVHelpers::getTrackAtFirstMeasurement (const xAOD::TrackParticle *tp)
 Return track at first measurment, useful as proxy to conversion vertex pT. More...
TLorentzVector xAOD::PVHelpers::getVertexMomentum (const xAOD::Vertex *vertex, bool useAux=true, const std::string &derivationPrefix="")
 Return vector sum of tracks associated with vertex (from auxdata if available and useAux = true) More...
float xAOD::PVHelpers::getVertexSumPt (const xAOD::Vertex *vertex, int power=1, bool useAux=true)
 Loop over track particles associated with vertex and return scalar sum of pT^power in GeV (from auxdata if available and useAux = true) More...