ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
Holder.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include "GaudiKernel/ClassID.h"
#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
#include "xAODCore/AuxSelection.h"
#include "AsgMessaging/AsgMessaging.h"
#include "AthContainers/OwnershipPolicy.h"
#include "AthContainers/DataVector.h"
#include "AthLinks/ElementLinkVector.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/StorableConversions.h"
#include "TrigNavigation/AccessProxy.h"
#include "TrigNavigation/TypeProxy.h"
#include "TrigNavigation/TriggerElement.h"
#include "TrigSerializeResult/ITrigSerializerToolBase.h"
#include "TrigStorageDefinitions/TypeInformation.h"
#include "TrigStorageDefinitions/EDM_TypeInfoMethods.h"
#include "TrigNavStructure/BaseHolder.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
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class  HLTNavDetails::IHolder
struct  HLTNavDetails::set_link< STORED, CONTAINER, is_same >
 Helper struct to determine if persistable type is a DataLink<CONTAINER> (in case STORED and CONTAINER are the same) of rather an ElementLink<CONTAINER> in case STORED is the element type of CONTAINER. More...
struct  HLTNavDetails::set_link< STORED, CONTAINER, true >
struct  HLTNavDetails::set_link< STORED, CONTAINER, false >
class  HLTNavDetails::HolderImp< STORED, CONTAINER >
 This is an implementation class for all Holders It is templated with 2 arguments STORED which is type of stored objects Another type is CONTAINER for that type. More...
class  HLTNavDetails::Holder< STORED >
class  HLTNavDetails::HolderImp< STORED, CONTAINER >
 This is an implementation class for all Holders It is templated with 2 arguments STORED which is type of stored objects Another type is CONTAINER for that type. More...
struct  HLTNavDetails::HolderImp< STORED, CONTAINER >::MemoryMgr


 Forward declaration.


std::string HLTNavDetails::formatSGkey (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &containername, const std::string &label)
 declaration of formatting function. More...
MsgStream & HLTNavDetails::operator<< (MsgStream &m, const HLTNavDetails::IHolder &nav)
template<class T >
MsgStream & HLTNavDetails::operator<< (MsgStream &m, const HLTNavDetails::Holder< T > &nav)
template<class T , class C >
MsgStream & HLTNavDetails::operator<< (MsgStream &m, const HLTNavDetails::HolderImp< T, C > &nav)