ATLAS Offline Software
CaloEvent Package

This package provides event data model classes for Calorimeter reconstruction.

David Rousseau
many many others

CaloCell related classes

CaloCell is the input data class for all calorimeter reconstruction algorithms. CaloCells are stored in a CaloCellContainer. They can be compactified into a CaloCompactCell in a CaloCompactCellContainer.

Clustering related classes

The principal data classes for composite calorimeter reconstruction objects are CaloTower and CaloCluster . Both classes provide the same basic features in that they both have a four-vector representation and a list of CaloCell s attached. The differences are that CaloTower s are defined on a regular \( \Delta \eta \times \Delta \phi \) grid, while CaloCluster s generally represent signal (energy) blobs any where in the calorimeters, even across sub-detector boundaries.

CaloTower and CaloCluster are stored in the CaloTowerContainer and the CaloClusterContainer , respectively.

Other classes