Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
13 #include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
17 , m_initialized(false)
25 , m_FEBTempTool(
"Need to set variable 'm_ntpath' and 'm_ntTitle' in constructor of deriving class!" );
39 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
43 if (
i==std::string::npos) {
45 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
54 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
62 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
81 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
91 msg(MSG::ERROR) <<
"Could not get LArOnlineID helper !" <<
92 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
106 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
110 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
114 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
121 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
136 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
138 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
144 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
146 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
150 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
152 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
156 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
158 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
162 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
164 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
168 if (
170 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
176 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
178 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
183 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
185 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
192 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
194 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
198 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
200 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
205 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
207 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
216 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
218 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
222 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
224 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
229 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
231 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
234 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
236 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
240 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
242 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
245 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
247 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
251 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
253 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
256 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
258 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
265 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
267 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
273 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
275 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
278 if (
sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
280 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
285 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
349 const std::vector<HWIdentifier>& calibLineV=clCont->
370 bool connected=
376 dd_man = *caloSuperCellMgrHandle;
380 dd_man = *caloMgrHandle;
385 if (
cabling->isOnlineConnected(hwid)) {
433 FEBTemp::const_iterator itb = tv.begin();
434 FEBTemp::const_iterator ite = tv.end();
435 for(;itb!=ite;++itb) {
def retrieve(aClass, aKey=None)
int phi(const Identifier id) const
return phi according to :
IdentifierHash channel_Hash(HWIdentifier channelId) const
Create channel_hash from channel_Id.
NTuple::Item< long > m_layer
NTuple::Item< long > m_isConnected
IdentifierHash calo_cell_hash(const Identifier cellId) const
create hash id from 'global' cell id
NTuple::Item< long > m_detector
int eta(const Identifier id) const
return eta [0,9] outer part [0,3] inner part
const LArFCAL_Base_ID * m_fcalId
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_addFEBTemp
NTuple::Item< long > m_slot
bool is_lar_fcal(Identifier id) const
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_addCalib
NTuple::Item< long > m_pos_neg
NTuple::Item< long > m_onlChanId
Conditions-Data class holding LAr Bad Channel or Bad Feb information.
const std::vector< HWIdentifier > & calibSlotLine(const HWIdentifier id) const
This class groups all DetDescr information related to a CaloCell. Provides a generic interface for al...
const CaloDetDescrElement * get_element(const Identifier &cellId) const
get element by its identifier
int slot(const HWIdentifier id) const
Return the slot number of a hardware cell identifier: slot = [1,15] Slot-ID in top part of the crat...
NTuple::Item< float > m_rphi
Identifier32 get_identifier32() const
Get the 32-bit version Identifier, will be invalid if >32 bits needed.
int module(const Identifier id) const
module [1,3]
int region(const Identifier id) const
return region according to :
NTuple::Item< long > m_oflHash
int sampling(const Identifier id) const
return sampling according to :
#define ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(x)
int barrel_ec(const HWIdentifier id) const
Return the position barrel or endcap of a hardware cell identifier: barrel_ec = [0,...
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LArOnOffIdMapping > m_cablingSCKey
LArBC_t status(const HWIdentifier channel) const
Query the status of a particular channel or FEB This is the main client access method.
value_type get_compact() const
Get the compact id.
const SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LArOnOffIdMapping > & cablingKey() const
Definition of CaloDetDescrManager.
int eta(const Identifier id) const
return eta according to :
ToolHandle< ILArFEBTempTool > m_FEBTempTool
NTuple::Item< long > m_barrel_ec
int eta(const Identifier id) const
eta [0,63] module 1 ; [0,31] module 2 ; [0,15] module 3
float eta_raw() const
cell eta_raw
const LArFCAL_Base_ID * fcal_idHelper() const
access to FCAL idHelper
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & detStore() const
The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_addHash
NTuple::Item< long > m_febHash
int phi(const Identifier id) const
phi [0,15]
const LArEM_Base_ID * em_idHelper() const
access to EM idHelper
NTuple::Item< long > m_region
int channel(const HWIdentifier id) const
Return the channel number of a hardware cell identifier channel = [0,127] in all FEB.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_addBC
This class initializes the Calo (LAr and Tile) offline identifiers.
NTuple::Item< long > m_badChanWord
NTuple::Item< long > m_phi
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LArOnOffIdMapping > m_cablingKey
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
NTuple::Item< float > m_FEBTemp1
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< CaloSuperCellDetDescrManager > m_caloSuperCellMgrKey
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LArCalibLineMapping > m_calibMapKey
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LArBadChannelCont > m_BCKey
int pos_neg(const HWIdentifier id) const
Return the side of a hardware cell identifier pos_neg = [0,1] positive-side or negative-side Barrel...
Helper class for offline supercell identifiers.
bool is_lar_hec(Identifier id) const
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_expandId
HWIdentifier feb_Id(int barrel_ec, int pos_neg, int feedthrough, int slot) const
Create feb_Id from fields.
NTuple::Item< long > m_eta
LArCond2NtupleBase(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< CaloDetDescrManager > m_caloMgrKey
const CaloCell_ID * getCaloCell_ID(void) const
Access to IdHelper.
int barrel_ec(const Identifier id) const
return barrel_ec according to :
StatusCode initialize(bool used=true)
const LArOnlineID_Base * m_onlineId
NTuple::Item< long > m_oflChanId
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_realgeom
bool fillFromIdentifier(const HWIdentifier &id)
int feedthrough(const HWIdentifier id) const
Return the feedthrough of a hardware cell identifier : feedthrough = [0,31] Barrel - A/C side or H/...
NTuple::Item< float > m_FEBTemp2
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
NTuple::Item< float > m_reta
int sampling(const Identifier id) const
return sampling [0,3] (only 0 for supercells)
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_isSC
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID * getCaloCell_SuperCell_ID(void) const
StoreGateSvc * m_detStore
NTuple::Item< long > m_chanHash
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LArCalibLineMapping > m_calibMapSCKey
const LArHEC_Base_ID * m_hecId
NTuple::Item< long > m_calibLine
int region(const Identifier id) const
return region [0,1]
bool is_lar_em(Identifier id) const
NTuple::Item< long > m_FT
Exception class for LAr Identifiers.
IdentifierHash feb_Hash(HWIdentifier febId) const
Create feb hash identifiers from feb identifiers.
const CaloCell_Base_ID * m_caloId
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_OffId
float phi_raw() const
cell phi_raw
const LArHEC_Base_ID * hec_idHelper() const
access to HEC idHelper
int phi(const Identifier id) const
return phi[0,63] outer part [0,31] inner part
NTuple::Item< long > m_channel
const LArEM_Base_ID * m_emId