ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper, including all inherited members.
a0(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
a0Err(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
a0xy(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
a0xyErr(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
BPhysHelper(const xAOD::Vertex *b) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | inline |
BPhysHypoHelper(const std::string &hypo, const xAOD::Vertex *b, SG::auxid_set_t *decors=nullptr) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | inline |
cacheCascadeVertices() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
cacheCov() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
cacheElectrons() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
cacheMuons() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
cachePrecedingVertices() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
cacheRefTracks() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
cascadeVertex(const size_t index) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
cascadeVertices() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
covariance() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
electron(const size_t index) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
electrons() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
get_float(const std::string &name) const | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | private |
lxy(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
lxyErr(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
lxyz(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
lxyzErr(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
m_b | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_cachedCascadeVertices | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_cachedCov | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_cachedElectrons | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_cachedMuons | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_cachedPrecedingVertices | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_cachedRefTracks | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_cascadeVerticesCached | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_covCached | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_decors | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | protected |
m_electronsCached | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_hypo | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | protected |
m_muonsCached | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_precedingVerticesCached | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
m_refTracksCached | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protected |
mass() const | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
massErr() const | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
muon(const size_t index) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
muons() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
n_pv_types | xAOD::BPhysHelper | static |
nCascadeVertices() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
nElectrons() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
nMuons() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
nPrecedingVertices() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
nRefTrks() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
nRefTrksCascade() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
origPv(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
pass() const | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
precedingVertex(const size_t index) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
precedingVertices() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
ptErr() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
pv(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
PV_MAX_SUM_PT2 enum value | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
PV_MIN_A0 enum value | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
PV_MIN_Z0 enum value | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
PV_MIN_Z0_BA enum value | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
pv_type enum name | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
pv_type_str | xAOD::BPhysHelper | static |
RefitPVStatus(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
refTrk(const size_t index) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
refTrk(const size_t index, const float mass) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
refTrkCharge(const size_t index) const | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
refTrkOrigin(const size_t index) const | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
refTrkOriginP(const size_t index) const | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
refTrkOriginP(const size_t index, const float mass) const | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
refTrks() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
s_emptyMatrix | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protectedstatic |
s_emptyVectorOfElectrons | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protectedstatic |
s_emptyVectorOfMuons | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protectedstatic |
s_emptyVectorOfTVector3 | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protectedstatic |
s_emptyVectorOfVertices | xAOD::BPhysHelper | protectedstatic |
set_float(const std::string &name, float val) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | private |
setA0(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setA0Err(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setA0xy(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setA0xyErr(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setCascadeVertices(const std::vector< const xAOD::Vertex * > &vertices, const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setElectrons(const std::vector< const xAOD::Electron * > &electrons, const xAOD::ElectronContainer *electronContainer) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setLxy(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setLxyErr(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setLxyz(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setLxyzErr(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setMass(const float val) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setMass(std::span< const double > trkMasses) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setMassErr(const float val) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setMuons(const std::vector< const xAOD::Muon * > &muons, const xAOD::MuonContainer *muonContainer) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setOrigPv(const xAOD::Vertex *pv, const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setPass(bool passVal) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setPrecedingVertices(const std::vector< const xAOD::Vertex * > &vertices, const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setPtErr(const float val) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setPv(const xAOD::Vertex *pv, const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setRefitPVStatus(int code, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setRefTrks(std::vector< float > px, std::vector< float > py, std::vector< float > pz) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setRefTrks(const std::vector< TVector3 > &refTrks) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setRefTrks() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setTau(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setTau3d(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setTau3dErr(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setTauErr(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
setZ0(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
setZ0Err(const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
tau(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
tau3d(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
tau3dErr(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
TAU_CONST_MASS enum value | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
TAU_INV_MASS enum value | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
tau_type enum name | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
tauErr(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS) | xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper | |
totalP() | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
totalP(std::span< const double > masses) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
vtx() const | xAOD::BPhysHelper | inline |
z0(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper | |
z0Err(const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0) | xAOD::BPhysHelper |