ATLAS Offline Software
TrigT1RoIB Package
Attila Kraznahorkay Jr. Attil.nosp@m.a.Kr.nosp@m.aszna.nosp@m.hork.nosp@m.ay@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h
Wolfgang Ehrenfeld


This package contains the simulation of the RoIBuilder running between LVL1 and LVL2 producing the RoIBResult. In addition it contains helper algorithms to access the ROIB::RoIBResult object.

Class Overview

The TrigT1RoIB package contains of following classes:

  • ROIB::RoIBuilder: simulation of the RoIBuilder process between LVL1 and LVL2
  • TrigT1RoIBConfig::RoIBuilder: algorithm configuration for running in a reconstruction job (rerunning LVL1)
  • TrigT1RoIBConfig::RoIBuilderInDigi: algorithm configuration for running in a digitization job

Job Options

The algorithms of the TrigT1RoIB package can be configured using configurables. For an example see

Configuration classes for the ROIB::RoIBuilder algorithm are:

  • TrigT1RoIBConfig::DefaultRoIBuilder: common setup (do not use directly)
  • TrigT1RoIBConfig::RoIBuilder: configuration for running in a reconstruciton job (rerunning LVL1)
  • TrigT1RoIBConfig::RoIBuilderInDigi: configuration for running in a digitzation job

The list of properties for each algorithm can be found here:

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