3 from TrigHLTJetHypo.FastReductionAlgToolFactory
import toolfactory
5 from AthenaCommon.Logging
import logging
8 logger = logging.getLogger( __name__)
17 """makes a RepeatedConditionConfigurer from explicit arguments)"""
19 toolclass, name =
20 repeated_args = {
'name': name}
21 repeated_args[
'conditionMakers'] =
sorted(conditionMakers, key=
lambda cm: cm.name()
if callable(cm.name)
else cm.name)
22 repeated_args[
'id'] = tree_id
23 repeated_args[
'pid'] = tree_pid
24 repeated_args[
'clique'] = clique
25 repeated_args[
'multiplicity'] = multiplicity
26 repeated_args[
'chainPartInd'] = chainPartInd
27 repeated_args[
'invert'] = invert
29 return toolclass(**repeated_args)
32 """makes a RepeatedConditionConfigurer from an objects holding
33 the necessary parameters, usually built by a scenanario_XX module."""
36 tree_pid=repArgs.tree_pid,
37 clique=repArgs.clique,
38 multiplicity=repArgs.multiplicity,
39 chainPartInd=repArgs.chainPartInd,
40 invert = repArgs.invert,
41 conditionMakers=conditionMakers,)
45 """paramsrepcondarg container the parameters for building the internal
46 condition configurers, and the containing RepeatedCondition configurer"""
49 for key, vals
in repcondarg.condargs:
52 condobjs.append(toolclass(**vals))