ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
36 typedef std::array<float, 16>
37 typedef std::array<float, 10>
float m_ejsEMB1
Energy deposited in layer PreSamlerE
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_samp
Calibbrated jet kinematics (samplings)
ECS_t m_eEMB3Cell2
EMB3 eta < 0.8
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_pd
Data driven jet kinematics, could be any 4-mom vector used as reference for calibration.
float m_eem
Deposited jet energy in hadronic calorimeters at EM scale
float m_ejsPreSamplerE
Energy deposited in layer PreSamplerB
float m_ejsEMB2
Energy deposited in layer EME1
float m_ejsHEC2
Energy deposited in layer HEC1
float m_eGap
Estimate of the energy in Cryostat
float m_eCryo
Deposited jet energy in electromagnetic calorimeters at EM scale
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_pt
Particle-In-Cone Truth jet kinematics.
ECS_t m_eTileExt0Cell
ECS_t m_eTileBar1Cell
float m_ejsTileBar2
Energy deposited in layer TileExt1
float m_ejsHEC1
Energy deposited in layer HEC0
float m_ejsTileExt0
Energy deposited in layer TileBar0
std::array< float, 16 > ECS_t
float m_ctot
Total jet energy, used for checks
ECS_t m_eEME3Cell2
EME3 eta < 2.5
ECS_t m_eHec1Cell2
HEC1 eta < 2.5
float m_tot
Energy deposited in layer FCAL2
ECS_t m_ePreSamECell
ECS_t m_eHec0Cell1
float m_ejsEMB3
Energy deposited in layer EME2
float m_ejsTileGap2
Energy deposited in layer TileGap1
float m_ejsTileBar1
Energy deposited in layer TileExt0
ECS_t m_eFCal0Cell
HEC3 eta >= 2.5
ECS_t m_eHec3Cell1
HEC2 eta >= 2.5
float m_ejsTileExt1
Energy deposited in layer TileBar1
std::array< float, 10 > ERad_t
ECS_t m_eTileBar2Cell
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_pn
Nearest truth jet kinematics.
float m_ejsFCAL0
Energy deposited in layer TileGap3
ECS_t m_eHec3Cell2
HEC3 eta < 2.5
ECS_t m_eTileExt2Cell
ECS_t m_eHec2Cell2
HEC2 eta < 2.5
float m_ejsHEC3
Energy deposited in layer HEC2
ECS_t m_eHec0Cell2
HEC0 eta < 2.5
float m_ehad
used for checks
ECS_t m_eHec2Cell1
HEC1 eta >= 2.5
float m_ejsFCAL2
Energy deposited in layer FCAL1
float m_ejsEME3
Energy deposited in layer EMB3
ECS_t m_eEME1Cell
EMB3 eta >= 0.8
ECS_t m_eTileExt1Cell
float m_ejsEME2
Energy deposited in layer EMB2
float m_eNull
float m_dr2
Distance to the 1st NTJ, if no found set to -1
ECS_t m_eEMB3Cell1
EMB2 eta >= 0.8
ERad_t m_erad_tracks
Energy in cone radii from calo cells
float m_ejsFCAL1
Energy deposited in layer FCAL0
float m_ejsHEC0
Energy deposited in layer TileExt2
ECS_t m_eEME2Cell2
EME2 eta < 2.5
ECS_t m_eHec1Cell1
HEC0 eta >= 2.5
float m_ejsTileBar0
Energy deposited in layer EME3
float m_ejsTileGap3
Energy deposited in layer TileGap2
float m_ejsPreSamplerB
Distance to the 2nd NTJ, if no found set to -1
Default constructor:
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_pisa
Calibrated jet kinematics (PISA)
ECS_t m_eEMB2Cell2
EMB2 eta < 0.8
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_h1
Calibrated jet kinematics (H1)
ECS_t m_eEMB1Cell
float m_ejsEME1
Energy deposited in layer EMB1
ECS_t m_eEME3Cell1
EME2 eta >= 2.5
ECS_t m_eTileBar0Cell
EME3 eta >= 2.5
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_pr
Reconstructed jet at EM scale kinematics.
float m_ejsTileExt2
Energy deposited in layer TileBar2
float m_ejsTileGap1
Energy deposited in layer HEC3