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ATLAS Offline Software
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362 Gaudi::Property<bool>
m_useGPUCriteria {
"Adopt a set of criteria that is consistent with the GPU implementation."};
bool m_xtalkEMEta
if set to true, the time window is softened in the EMB2 and EME2_OW due to xtalk from direct neighbou...
bool m_xtalkEM2D
if set to true, the time window is softened in the EMB2 and EME2_OW due to xtalk from all 2D neighors
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< CaloNoise > m_noiseCDOKey
Key of the CaloNoise Conditions data object.
Enumeration to identify different cluster sizes.
float m_xtalkDeltaT
additional max.
std::vector< std::string > m_samplingNames
vector of names of the calorimeter samplings to consider for seeds.
bool m_seedCutsInAbsE
if set to true seed cuts are on and .
std::set< int > m_validSamplings
actual set of samplings to be used for seeds
bool m_restrictPSNeighbors
if set to true limit the neighbors in presampler Barrel and Endcap.
bool m_seedCutsInT
if set to true, time cut is applied to seed cells, no cut otherwise
virtual StatusCode execute(const EventContext &ctx, xAOD::CaloClusterContainer *theClusters) const override
Execute on an entire collection of clusters.
This class groups all DetDescr information related to a CaloCell. Provides a generic interface for al...
virtual StatusCode execute(const EventContext &ctx, xAOD::CaloClusterContainer *collection) const =0
Execute on an entire collection of clusters.
std::vector< std::string > m_caloNames
vector of names of the calorimeters to consider.
const CaloCell_ID * m_calo_id
int m_minSampling
smallest valid seed sampling found
float m_seedThresholdOnTAbs
threshold used for timing cut on seed cells.
float m_xtalk2Eratio1
cut on Eneighbor/E to revover out of time cell close to energetic first phi neighbor cell
CaloTopoClusterMaker(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
bool m_clusterCutsInAbsE
if set to true final cluster cuts are on .
bool m_xtalkEM2n
if set to true (together with m_xtalkEM2) we also extend the time window for 2nd phi neighbors
std::string m_neighborOption
type of neighbor relations to use.
bool m_subcaloUsed[CaloCell_ID::NSUBCALO]
Flag which subdetectors are to be used.
LArNeighbours::neighbourOption m_nOption
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_useGPUCriteria
bool m_neighborCutsInAbsE
if set to true neighbor cuts are on and .
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
bool m_xtalkEM2
if set to true, the time window is softened in the EMB2 and EME2_OW due to xtalk from direct neighbou...
float m_cellThresholdOnEorAbsEinSigma
all cells have to satisfy
float m_neighborThresholdOnEorAbsEinSigma
cells with extend the cluster
Helper class for offline cell identifiers.
bool m_restrictHECIWandFCalNeighbors
if set to true limit the neighbors in HEC IW and FCal2&3.
bool m_cellCutsInAbsE
if set to true cell cuts are on and .
float m_clusterEtorAbsEtCut
cut on the final cluster.
float m_xtalk2DEratio
cut on Eneighbor/E to remove out of time layer layer2 all 2D neighbors
bool m_treatL1PredictedCellsAsGood
if set to true treat cells with a dead OTX which can be predicted by L1 trigger info as good instead ...
Base class for cluster processing tools called from CaloClusterMaker.
float m_xtalk3Eratio
cut on Eneighbor/E to revover out of time layer 3cell close to energetic previous sampling neighbor
Container class for CaloCell.
float m_timeCutUpperLimit
upper limit on the energy significance, for applying the cell time cut
bool passCellTimeCut(const CaloCell *, const CaloCellContainer *) const
float m_seedThresholdOnEorAbsEinSigma
cells with start a cluster
int m_maxSampling
largest valid seed sampling found
bool m_twogaussiannoise
if set to true use 2-gaussian noise description for TileCal
Data object for each calorimeter readout cell.
SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloCellContainer > m_cellsKey
vector of names of the cell containers to use as input.
bool m_cutOOTseed
if set to true, seed cells failing the time cut are also excluded from cluster at all
float m_xtalk2Eratio2
cut on Eneighbor/E to revover out of time cell close to energetic second phi neighbor cell
Handle class for reading from StoreGate.
This is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to lo...
float m_xtalkEtaEratio
cut on Eneighbor/E to revover out of time layer 2 cell close in eta to energetic neighor cell
xAOD::CaloCluster::ClusterSize m_clusterSize
Cluster size enum. Set based on energy cut jobO.
std::vector< bool > m_useSampling
flag for all samplings - true for used ones, false for excluded ones
bool m_xtalkEM3
if set to true we extend the time window for direct layer 3 neighbors of high energy layer 2 cells
topological cluster maker.
bool m_useTimeCutUpperLimit
if set to true, the time cut is not applied on cell of large significance