ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
7 #include <cmath>
8 #include <fstream>
9 #include <iostream>
13 using namespace std;
15 //--------------------------------------------------------------------//
16 Pad::Pad(int run, int event, CMAword debug, ubit16 subsys, ubit16 sect, ubit16 padad, ubit16 lowhig, bool oldSimulation, int NOBXS) {
17  //
18  // input parameters: run run number
19  // event event number
20  // subsys subsystem address (0=eta<0; 1=eta>0)
21  // sect address of the sector of this pad
22  // padad local address of this pad
23  // lowhig type of pad: lowpt or highpt pad
24  // OldSimulation true means using RPCcablingSim, false for MuonRPC_Cabling (M.Corradi 2/3/2010)
25  //
26  // CMA data are loaded in the PAD with the method "load"
27  //
28  padDebug = debug;
29  // padDebug=0x3f; all debug ON
31  const ubit16 df = 0;
32  m_run = run;
33  m_event = event;
34  m_oldSimulation = oldSimulation;
35  m_subsystem = subsys;
36  m_sector = sect;
37  m_padadd = padad;
38  m_lowhigh = lowhig;
39  //
40  m_nBunMax = NOBXS;
41  m_feet_on = false;
42  m_feet_thresholds[0] = 0;
43  m_feet_thresholds[1] = 1;
44  m_feet_thresholds[2] = 2;
45  //
46  if (padDebug & 1 << df) {
47  cout << " ==================== " << endl;
48  cout << " = Pad::Pad = " << endl;
49  cout << " ==================== " << endl;
50  cout << " m_run= " << m_run << " m_event= " << m_event << " padDebug= " << hex << padDebug << dec << endl;
51  cout << " Pad parameters: Subsystem: " << m_subsystem << " Sector: " << m_sector << " Pad address: " << m_padadd
52  << " LowHigh: " << m_lowhigh << " m_oldSimulation: " << m_oldSimulation << endl;
53  } // end-of-if(*(lvl1dbg
54  //
55  reset();
56  setDefaultConfiguration();
57 } // end-of-pad::pad
58 //---------------------------------------------------------------------//
60  const ubit16 df = 1;
61  if (padDebug & 1 << df) cout << "Distructor of Pad called " << endl;
62 } // end-of-Pad::~Pad
63 //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
64 void Pad::reset() {
65  ubit16 i, j, k, l, m;
67  //
68  // input to the PAD logic: initialize m_padIn
69  //
70  for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
71  for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { // eta-phi matrix
72  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { // matrix local address
73  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) { // loop on NOBXS bunches
74  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // type of input: i=0 => threshold; i=1 => overlap
75  m_padIn[m][k][j][l][i] = 0;
76  } // end-of-for(i
77  } // end-of-for(l
78  } // end-of-for(j
79  } // end-of-for(k
80  } // end-of-for(m
81  //
82  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) {
83  for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { // reset m_padStep2 data per each bunch crossing
84  m_padStep2[l][0][k] = 0;
85  m_padStep2[l][1][k] = 0;
86  } // end-of-for(k
87  for (k = 0; k < 7; k++) { // reset m_padOut data per each bunch crossing
88  m_padOut[l][k] = 0;
89  } // end-of-for(k
90  } // end-of-for(l
91 } // end-of-Pad::reset
92 //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
94  const ubit16 df = 2;
95  m_projectionLogic = 2;
96  //
97  // load "hitOuterPlane"
98  //
99  m_thHitOuterPlane = 0;
100  // put this in m_hitInOuterPlane
101  m_hitInOuterPlane[0] = 0;
102  m_hitInOuterPlane[1] = 0;
103  m_hitInOuterPlane[2] = 0;
104  if (m_thHitOuterPlane) m_hitInOuterPlane[m_thHitOuterPlane - 1] = 1;
105  if (padDebug & 1 << df) {
106  cout << " Pad: m_hitInOuterPlane= " << m_hitInOuterPlane[0] << " " << m_hitInOuterPlane[1] << " " << m_hitInOuterPlane[2] << " "
107  << endl;
108  cout << " Pad: projectionLogic= " << m_projectionLogic << endl;
109  } // end-of-if(padDebug&1<<df)
110 } // end-of-Pad::setDefaultConfiguration
111 //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
113  if (prologic < 4) {
114  m_projectionLogic = prologic;
115  } else {
116  cout << " Pad.setProjectionLogic; prologic= " << prologic << " not allowed; default value " << m_projectionLogic << " is retained "
117  << endl;
118  } // end-of-if
119 } // end-of- Pad::setProjectionLogic(ubit16 prologic)
120 //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
121 void Pad::load(ubit16 lowhig, ubit16 etaphi, ubit16 locCMadd, ubit16 BX, ubit16 thres, ubit16 overl) {
122  //
123  // input data from Coincidence Matrix:
124  // lowhig = type of Matrix (low/high pt);
125  // etaphi = projection: eta=0, phi=1;
126  // locCMadd= local CM address (0,1)
127  // BX = "address" of this bunch
128  // thresOver= type of data: threshold or overlap
129  // thres = highest threshold
130  // over = overlap
131  //
132  if (lowhig > 1 || etaphi > 1 || locCMadd > 1 || BX >= m_nBunMax) {
133  cout << " Pad::load : lowhig=" << lowhig << " etaphi=" << etaphi << " locCMadd=" << locCMadd << " BX=" << BX << " not valid"
134  << endl;
135  } else {
136  m_padIn[lowhig][etaphi][locCMadd][BX][0] = thres;
137  m_padIn[lowhig][etaphi][locCMadd][BX][1] = overl;
138  } // end-of-if(lowhig
139 } // end-of-Pad::load
140 //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
141 void Pad::execute() {
142  const ubit16 df = 3;
143  if (padDebug & 1 << df) cout << " execute PAD " << endl;
144  if (m_lowhigh) {
145  threshold();
146  overlap();
147  makeOut();
148  if (m_feet_on) makeFeet();
149  if (padDebug & 1 << df) display(0);
150  } // end-of-if(m_lowhigh
151 } // end-of-Pad::execute
152 //---------------------------------------------------------//
154  const ubit16 df = 4;
155  //
156  // reminder: m_padIn[m][i][j][k][l] is 0 no trigger
157  // 1,2,3
158  //
159  ubit16 i, j, l, m;
160  ubit16 thisThreshold;
161  for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) { // Low- High-Pt
162  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { // eta-phi matrix address
163  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // local matrix address
164  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) { // loop on m_nBunMax bunches
165  if (m_padIn[m][j][i][l][0]) {
166  if (m && m_hitInOuterPlane[m_padIn[m][j][i][l][0] - 1]) {
167  m_padStep2[l][i][6] = 1;
168  } else {
169  // define absolute threshold
170  thisThreshold = 3 * m + m_padIn[m][j][i][l][0];
171  // find highest threshold
172  if (thisThreshold > m_padStep2[l][j][i]) {
173  if (m_padStep2[l][j][i] == 0) m_padStep2[l][j][7]++; // num of RoI with threshold
174  m_padStep2[l][j][i] = thisThreshold;
175  } // end-of-if
176  // if( !j && (thisThreshold > m_padStep2[l][j][2]) ) {
177  if (thisThreshold > m_padStep2[l][j][2]) {
178  m_padStep2[l][j][2] = thisThreshold; // highest threshold
179  m_padStep2[l][j][3] = i; // CM with the highest thres.
180  if (padDebug & 1 << df) {
181  cout << " Pad::threshold; padStep2 eta-phi " << j << " localAdd " << i << " Bunch " << l
182  << " threshold " << m_padStep2[l][j][2] << endl;
183  } // end-of-if(padDebug&1<<df)
184  } // end-of-if(m_padStep2
185  m_padStep2[l][j][4]++; // number of CMs with thresh.
186  } // end-of-if( m && m_hitInOuterPlane
187  } // end-of-if(m_padIn
188  } // end-of-for(l
189  } // end-of-for(i
190  } // end-of-for(j
191  } // end-of-for(m
192 } // end-of-Pad::threshold
193 //---------------------------------------------------------//
194 void Pad::overlap() {
195  // const ubit16 df=5;
196  ubit16 i, j, l;
197  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) { // loop on m_nBunMax bunches
198  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { // loop on Low- High-Pt systems
199  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // eta-phi matrix address: eta=0; phi=1
200  // "external" overlapping strips
201  //
202  if (m_padIn[j][i][1][l][1] & 2) m_padStep2[l][i][5] = 1; // c1 ovl_sx
203  if (m_padIn[j][i][0][l][1] & 1) m_padStep2[l][i][5] = 1; // c0 ovl_dx
204  } // end-of-for(i
205  } // end-of-for(j
206  } // end-of-for(l
207 } // end-of-Pad::overlap()
208 //---------------------------------------------------------//
209 void Pad::makeOut() {
210  // const ubit16 df=6;
211  switch (m_projectionLogic) {
212  case 0: makeOutEta(); break;
213  case 1: makeOutPhi(); break;
214  case 2: makeOutEtaAndPhi(); break;
215  case 3: makeOutEtaOrPhi(); break;
216  default: cout << " Pad: problems with projectionLogic= " << m_projectionLogic << endl;
217  } // end-of-switch
219 } // end-of-Pad::makeOut()
220 //---------------------------------------------------------//
222  // const ubit16 df=6;
223  ubit16 l;
224  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) { // loop on Bunches
225  if (m_padStep2[l][0][2]) {
226  // RoI definition
227  if (m_oldSimulation) {
228  m_padOut[l][0] = 2 * m_padStep2[l][0][3];
229  } else {
230  m_padOut[l][0] = m_padStep2[l][0][3];
231  }
232  m_padOut[l][1] = m_padStep2[l][0][2];
233  m_padOut[l][2] = m_padStep2[l][0][6];
234  if (m_padStep2[l][0][5]) m_padOut[l][4] = 1;
235  m_padOut[l][5] = 1;
236  } // end-of-if(m_padStep2[l][0][2]) {
237  } // end-of-for(l
238 } // end-of-makeOutEta()
239 //---------------------------------------------------------//
241  // const ubit16 df=6;
242  ubit16 l;
243  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) { // loop on Bunches
244  if (m_padStep2[l][1][2]) {
245  // RoI definition
246  if (m_oldSimulation) {
247  m_padOut[l][0] = m_padStep2[l][1][3];
248  } else {
249  m_padOut[l][0] = 2 * m_padStep2[l][1][3];
250  }
251  m_padOut[l][1] = m_padStep2[l][1][2];
252  m_padOut[l][2] = m_padStep2[l][1][6];
253  if (m_padStep2[l][1][5]) m_padOut[l][3] = 1;
254  m_padOut[l][5] = 1;
255  } // end-of-if(m_padStep2[l][1][2]) {
256  } // end-of-for(l
257 } // end-of-makeOutPhi()
258 //---------------------------------------------------------//
260  // const ubit16 df=6;
261  ubit16 l;
262  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) { // loop on Bunches
263  if (m_padStep2[l][0][2] && m_padStep2[l][1][2]) {
264  // RoI definition
265  if (m_oldSimulation) {
266  m_padOut[l][0] = m_padStep2[l][1][3] + 2 * m_padStep2[l][0][3]; // th
267  } else {
268  m_padOut[l][0] = m_padStep2[l][0][3] + 2 * m_padStep2[l][1][3];
269  }
270  if (m_padStep2[l][0][2] < m_padStep2[l][1][2]) {
271  m_padOut[l][1] = m_padStep2[l][0][2]; // th
272  m_padOut[l][2] = m_padStep2[l][0][6]; // OPL
273  } else {
274  m_padOut[l][1] = m_padStep2[l][1][2];
275  m_padOut[l][2] = m_padStep2[l][1][6];
276  }
277  if (m_padStep2[l][1][5]) m_padOut[l][3] = 1; // ovl phi
278  if (m_padStep2[l][0][5]) m_padOut[l][4] = 1; // ovl eta
279  if (m_padStep2[l][0][7] + m_padStep2[l][1][7] > 2) m_padOut[l][5] = 1; // roi ambiguity
280  } // end-of-if
281  } // end-of-for(l
282 } // end-of-Pad::makeOutEtaAndPhi()
283 //---------------------------------------------------------//
285  // const ubit16 df=6;
286  ubit16 l;
287  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) { // loop on Bunches
288  if (m_padStep2[l][0][2] || m_padStep2[l][1][2]) {
289  if (m_padStep2[l][0][2] && !m_padStep2[l][1][2]) {
290  makeOutEta();
291  } else if (m_padStep2[l][1][2] && !m_padStep2[l][0][2]) {
292  makeOutPhi();
293  } else {
294  makeOutEtaAndPhi();
295  } // end-of-if( &&! )
296  } // end-of-if(m_padStep2[l][0][2] || m_padStep2[l][1][2])
297  } // end-of-for(l
298 } // end-of-makeOuttaEOrPhi()
299 //---------------------------------------------------------//
301  ubit16 l;
302  for (l = 0; l < m_nBunMax; l++) {
303  if (m_padOut[l][1] > 0) m_padOut[l][1] = m_feet_thresholds[m_padOut[l][1] - 1] + 1;
304  }
305 }
306 //---------------------------------------------------------//
307 void Pad::display(int flag) {
308  //
309  // first dump the m_padStep2 registers
310  //
311  ubit16 i, j;
312  char padOutText[7][6];
313  strcpy(padOutText[0], "RoI");
314  strcpy(padOutText[1], "Ptcod");
315  strcpy(padOutText[2], "OPL");
316  strcpy(padOutText[3], "OvPhi");
317  strcpy(padOutText[4], "OvEta");
318  strcpy(padOutText[5], "RoIAm");
319  strcpy(padOutText[6], "BCDcn");
320  if (flag) {
321  cout << endl;
322  cout << " ************************************* " << endl;
323  cout << " * * " << endl;
324  cout << " * P A D D I S P L A Y * " << endl;
325  cout << " * * " << endl;
326  cout << " ************************************* " << endl;
327  cout << endl;
328  cout << " P A R A M E T E R S: " << endl;
329  cout << " Subsystem " << m_subsystem << endl;
330  cout << " Sector " << m_sector << endl;
331  cout << " PAD addr " << m_padadd << endl;
332  cout << " Low-High " << m_lowhigh << endl;
333  cout << "m_oldSimulation:" << m_oldSimulation << endl;
334  cout << " feet_on:" << m_feet_on;
335  if (m_feet_on)
336  cout << " feet_thresholds:" << m_feet_thresholds[0] << "," << m_feet_thresholds[1] << "," << m_feet_thresholds[2] << endl;
337  cout << endl;
338  }
339  if (flag - 1) {
340  cout << " D U M P padStep2 " << endl;
341  cout << " ";
342  cout << "Projection Eta ";
343  cout << " ";
344  cout << "Projection Phi " << endl;
345  cout << " ";
346  cout << "---------------";
347  cout << " ";
348  cout << "---------------" << endl;
349  cout << " ";
350  cout << "C C t a n o O A";
351  cout << " ";
352  cout << "C C t a n o O A" << endl;
353  cout << " ";
354  cout << "M M h d u v P m";
355  cout << " ";
356  cout << "M M h d u v P m" << endl;
357  cout << " ";
358  cout << "0 1 r d m e L b";
359  cout << " ";
360  cout << "0 1 r d m e L b" << endl;
361  cout << " ";
362  cout << " e r r i";
363  cout << " ";
364  cout << " e r r i" << endl;
365  //
367  for (j = 0; j < m_nBunMax; j++) {
368  cout << " Bunch Crossing Number " << j << " ";
369  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Eta-Phi system
370  cout << " " << m_padStep2[j][i][0] << " " << m_padStep2[j][i][1] << " " << m_padStep2[j][i][2] << " " << m_padStep2[j][i][3]
371  << " " << m_padStep2[j][i][4] << " " << m_padStep2[j][i][5] << " " << m_padStep2[j][i][6] << " "
372  << m_padStep2[j][i][7];
373  if (i == 0) cout << " ";
374  } // end-of-for(i
375  cout << endl;
376  } // end-of-for(j
377  cout << endl;
378  } // end-of-if
379  if (flag) {
380  //
381  // dump m_padOut
382  //
383  cout << " D U M P PadOut " << endl;
384  for (i = 0; i < m_nBunMax; i++) {
385  cout << " Pad: padOut Bunch=" << i << ":";
386  for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { cout << " " << padOutText[j] << " " << m_padOut[i][j]; } // end-of-for(j
387  cout << endl;
388  } // end-of-for(i
389  cout << endl;
390  } // end-of-if(flag
391 } // end-of-Pad::display
392 //---------------------------------------------------------//
393 //
394 // readout method
395 //
396 int Pad::get_PADID() { // f
397  return m_padadd; // f
398 } // f
399 //---------------------------------------------------------//
401  ubit16 output = 0;
402  if (bunch < m_nBunMax) {
403  output = m_padOut[bunch][0];
404  } else {
405  cout << " getRoI; Error: bunch address " << bunch << " not consistent with m_nBunMax= " << m_nBunMax << endl;
406  }
407  return output;
408 } // end-of-getRoI
409 //---------------------------------------------------------//
411  ubit16 output = 0;
412  if (bunch < m_nBunMax) {
413  output = m_padOut[bunch][1];
414  } else {
415  cout << " getPTCoding; Error: bunch address " << bunch << " not consistent with m_nBunMax= " << m_nBunMax << endl;
416  }
417  return output;
418 } // end-of-getPTCoding
419 //---------------------------------------------------------//
421  ubit16 output = 0;
422  if (bunch < m_nBunMax) {
423  output = m_padOut[bunch][2];
424  } else {
425  cout << " getOPL; Error: bunch address " << bunch << " not consistent with m_nBunMax= " << m_nBunMax << endl;
426  }
427  return output;
428 } // end-of-getOPL
429 //---------------------------------------------------------//
431  ubit16 output = 0;
432  if (bunch < m_nBunMax) {
433  output = m_padOut[bunch][3];
434  } else {
435  cout << " getOverlapPhi; Error: bunch address " << bunch << " not consistent with m_nBunMax= " << m_nBunMax << endl;
436  }
437  return output;
438 } // end-of-getOverlapPhi
439 //---------------------------------------------------------//
441  ubit16 output = 0;
442  if (bunch < m_nBunMax) {
443  output = m_padOut[bunch][4];
444  } else {
445  cout << " getOverlapEta; Error: bunch address " << bunch << " not consistent with m_nBunMax= " << m_nBunMax << endl;
446  }
447  return output;
448 } // end-of-getOverlapEta
449 //---------------------------------------------------------//
451  ubit16 output = 0;
452  if (bunch < m_nBunMax) {
453  output = m_padOut[bunch][5];
454  } else {
455  cout << " getRoIAmbiguity; Error: bunch address " << bunch << " not consistent with m_nBunMax= " << m_nBunMax << endl;
456  }
457  return output;
458 } // end-of-getRoIAmbiguity
459 //---------------------------------------------------------//
461  ubit16 output = 0;
462  if (bunch < m_nBunMax) {
463  output = m_padOut[bunch][6];
464  } else {
465  cout << " getBCIDCounter; Error: bunch address " << bunch << " not consistent with m_nBunMax= " << m_nBunMax << endl;
466  }
467  return output;
468 } // end-of-getBCIDCounter
469 //-----------
470 bool Pad::isOldSimulation() { return m_oldSimulation; }
471 //----------
472 //-----------
473 void Pad::setOldSimulation(bool value) { m_oldSimulation = value; }
474 //----------
void load(ubit16 lowhig, ubit16 etaphi, ubit16 CMadd, ubit16 BX, ubit16 thres, ubit16 overl)
Definition: Pad.cxx:121
ubit16 getOverlapEta(ubit16 bunch)
Definition: Pad.cxx:440
bool isOldSimulation()
Definition: Pad.cxx:470
int m
Definition: Pad.cxx:59
int run(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: ttree2hdf5.cxx:28
void setDefaultConfiguration()
Definition: Pad.cxx:93
list l
void makeOutPhi()
Definition: Pad.cxx:240
void makeOut()
Definition: Pad.cxx:209
void threshold()
Definition: Pad.cxx:153
void makeOutEtaOrPhi()
Definition: Pad.cxx:284
ubit16 getPTCoding(ubit16 bunch)
Definition: Pad.cxx:410
void display(int flag)
Definition: Pad.cxx:307
POOL::TEvent event(POOL::TEvent::kClassAccess)
int i
ubit16 getRoIAmbiguity(ubit16 bunch)
Definition: Pad.cxx:450
void makeOutEtaAndPhi()
Definition: Pad.cxx:259
bool flag
ubit16 getOverlapPhi(ubit16 bunch)
Definition: Pad.cxx:430
void setOldSimulation(bool value)
Definition: Pad.cxx:473
ubit16 getBCIDCounter(ubit16 bunch)
Definition: Pad.cxx:460
const bool debug
Definition: MakeUncertaintyPlots.cxx:53
void execute()
Definition: Pad.cxx:141
uint32_t CMAword
Definition: Lvl1Def.h:17
int get_PADID()
Definition: Pad.cxx:396
void reset()
Definition: Pad.cxx:64
Pad(int run, int event, CMAword debug, ubit16 subsys, ubit16 sect, ubit16 padad, ubit16 lowhig, bool oldSimulation, int NOBXS)
Definition: Pad.cxx:16
constexpr std::enable_if_t< is_bitmask_v< E >, E & > reset(E &lhs, E rhs)
Convenience function to clear bits in a class enum bitmask.
Definition: bitmask.h:243
void setProjectionLogic(ubit16 prologic)
Definition: Pad.cxx:112
unsigned short int ubit16
Definition: RpcByteStreamEncoder.h:20
void overlap()
Definition: Pad.cxx:194
void makeFeet()
Definition: Pad.cxx:300
void makeOutEta()
Definition: Pad.cxx:221
list threshold
ubit16 getRoI(ubit16 bunch)
Definition: Pad.cxx:400
ubit16 getOPL(ubit16 bunch)
Definition: Pad.cxx:420