ATLAS Offline Software
float phi() const
accessor method: phi
std::vector< PERS > * m_pStorage
the address of the storage vector for persistent representations
float eta() const
accessor method: eta
virtual void transToPers(const TrigEFBphys *transObj, TrigEFBphys_p1 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
virtual void persToTrans(const TrigEFBphys_p1 *persObj, TrigEFBphys *transObj, MsgStream &log)
TPObjRef::typeID_t m_pStorageTID
TP Ref typeID for the persistent objects this converter is creating.
float mass() const
accessor method: mass
enum for different particle types
int roiId() const
accessor method: ID of L1 RoI
virtual TPObjRef virt_toPersistent(const TrigEFBphys *trans, MsgStream &log)
pType particleType() const
accessor method: particle Type