ATLAS Offline Software
InDetPhysValMonitoring Package


This package was originally intended to be a straight translation of the previous InDetPerformanceRTT, for the period when the input data format was updated to xAOD. The older package, however, was a monolithic class which proved difficult to maintain and upgrade. Thus the algorithms were refactored and became the current package.


The functions have been divided into components as follows:

  1. 'Decorating' Algorithm: This should calculate the required values and add them as 'decorations' on the xAOD container, each value (or set of values) is keyed on a string name. This Algorithm is independent of other tools in the package but must be run prior to calling them in order to ensure that the quantities exist before being plotted.

2.Plotting tool: The plotting tool exists in the monitoring framework and contains the main control for retrieving the data structure, looping over the tracks (truth/reconstructed) while performing a selection and then calling the filling methods on the plots.

  1. Plots: The plots are intended to be as 'dumb' as possible; ideally they should simply retrieve the pre-existing named quantity and insert this into the histogram. All the plots in this package should inherit from InDetPlotBase, which in turn inherits from PlotBase in TrkValHistUtils. This base class implements a container/leaf concept which mimics that of Root, so a 'plot' may in fact simply be a container of other plots and delegate filling to them. One example of this is the InDetRttPlots in this package.

The InDetPlotBase class adds additional infrastructure: access to Athena messaging (ATH_MSG), the facility to define plot limits and titles in an independent text file, easier histogram booking interface.

  1. Histogram definition service: The HistogramDefinitionService class enables plot characteristics to be read from plain text or xml files, examples of which are in the package, in 'share'. In turn this allows jobs to be run with different plot definitions without recompilation each time.

Quick Start

From your Athena directory: mkdir build source run cd source asetup here, dev, rel_5, cmake svnco InDetPhysValMonitoring cd ../build cmake ../source make -j4 cd .. ln -s $TestArea/InnerDetector/InDetValidation/InDetPhysValMonitoring/share . cd run source ../build/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/ athena $TestArea/InnerDetector/InDetValidation/InDetPhysValMonitoring/run/