Loading [MathJax]/jax/input/TeX/config.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
15 m_oKinAllPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
16 m_oShowerShapesAllPlots(this,
"All/ShowerShapesPlots/", sParticleType +
" Photon"),
17 m_oPhotonConversionAllPlots(this,
"All/PhotonConversionPlots/", sParticleType +
" Photon"),
19 m_oKinIsoPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
20 m_oShowerShapesIsoPlots(this,
"Iso/ShowerShapesPlots/", sParticleType +
" Photon"),
21 m_oPhotonConversionIsoPlots(this,
"Iso/PhotonConversionPlots/", sParticleType +
" Photon"),
22 m_oKinIsoUncPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
23 m_oKinIsoConvPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
25 m_oKinIsoLoosePlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
26 m_oKinIsoLooseUncPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
27 m_oKinIsoLooseConvPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
29 m_oKinIsoTightPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
30 m_oKinIsoTightUncPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
31 m_oKinIsoTightConvPlots(this,
"Reco " + sParticleType +
" Photon"),
32 m_sParticleType(sParticleType),
33 m_nParticles(nullptr),
34 m_nParticles_weighted(nullptr)
57 photon.passSelection(val_loose,
66 photon.passSelection(val_tight,
void fill(const xAOD::Photon &photon, const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)
void fill(const xAOD::Egamma &egamma, const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)
Egamma::PhotonConversionPlots m_oPhotonConversionIsoPlots
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoTightUncPlots
virtual void initializePlots()
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinAllPlots
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoTightPlots
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoLooseConvPlots
TH1D * Book1D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBins, float start, float end, bool prependDir=true)
Book a TH1D histogram.
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoPlots
bool isConvertedPhoton(const xAOD::Egamma *eg, bool excludeTRT=false)
is the object a converted photon
Egamma::ShowerShapesPlots m_oShowerShapesIsoPlots
TH1 * m_nParticles_weighted
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoUncPlots
void fill(const xAOD::IParticle &part, const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)
PhotonPlots(PlotBase *pParent, const std::string &sDir, const std::string &sParticleType)
Egamma::ShowerShapesPlots m_oShowerShapesAllPlots
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoLoosePlots
std::string m_sParticleType
Class describing the basic event information.
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoLooseUncPlots
int isPrompt(const unsigned int classify, bool allow_prompt_tau_decays=true)
Egamma::PhotonConversionPlots m_oPhotonConversionAllPlots
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoTightConvPlots
Egamma::KinematicsPlots m_oKinIsoConvPlots
void fill(const xAOD::Photon &photon, const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, bool isPrompt)