#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "IGNNTrackReaderTool.h"
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class | InDet::GNNTrackReaderTool |
| InDet::GNNTrackReaderTool is a tool that reads track candidates of each event from a CSV file named as "track_runNumber_eventNumber.csv" or with a customized pre-fix. The directory, inputTracksDir, contains CSV files for all events. 1) If the inputTracksDir is not specified, the tool will read the CSV files from the current directory. 2) If the corresponding CSV file does not exist for a given event (runNumber, eventNumber), the tool will print an error message and return an empty list. More...
| InDet |
| Primary Vertex Finder.