ATLAS Offline Software
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Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made.
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::CaloClusterContainer > m_clusterCollName
Name of the uncalibrated CaloClusterContainer to use.
def finalize(self)
_info( "content of StoreGate..." ) self.sg.dump()
std::string m_outputFileName
Name of the output file to save tree in.
getNoisyStrip() Find noisy strips from hitmaps and write out into xml/db formats
std::string m_HadDMCoeffInitFile
Name of text file with initial parameters for coefficients calculation.
const CaloCell_ID * m_calo_id
CaloHadDMCoeffData * m_data
data to save into the tree
std::pair< std::string, xAOD::CaloCluster::MomentType > moment_name_pair
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Hold binned correction data for local hadronic calibration procedure.
Data to read from special DeadMaterialTree.
Helper class for offline cell identifiers.
std::vector< xAOD::CaloCluster::MomentType > m_momentForDMArea
std::vector< moment_name_pair > moment_name_vector
TFile * m_outputFile
Output file to save tree in.
TTree * m_outputTree
Output tree.
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::CaloClusterContainer > m_clusterCollNameCalib
Name of the calibrated CaloClusterContainer to use.
Define macros for attributes used to control the static checker.
bool m_doSaveCalibClusInfo
save additional cluster info from calibrated collections
CaloLocalHadCoeff * m_HadDMCoeff
Collection of dead material correction coeffitients.