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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
10 #include "GeoModelKernel/CellBinning.h"
11 #include "GeoModelKernel/RCBase.h"
179 :m_emecDetDescr(emecDescriptor),m_clockwork(
phi | (
eta<<8) | (endcap <<15) )
const EMECDetectorManager * getManager() const
The manager.
const EMECHVElectrode & getElectrode(unsigned int i) const
@Get electrode
double getOffset(unsigned int etaIndex) const
Gets the offset position (cell centers with respect to the position of the front of the active volume...
double getRMaxLocal(CELLPOS position) const
RMax for the cell at (FRONT,CENTER,BACK)
double getPhiMaxNominal() const
returns a nominal phi max in global coords; assume canonical placement
Scalar phi() const
phi method
unsigned int getPhiIndex() const
The Phi Index of this Cell.
std::vector< const EMECHVElectrode * > m_electrode
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
const CellBinning & getPhiBinning() const
The Binning in Phi.
unsigned int getNumElectrodes() const
@Get num electrodes
friend class ImaginaryFriend
A Cell of the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter readout geometry This class represents a single EMEC...
CxxUtils::CachedValue< HVInfo > m_hvinfo
double getRMinLocal(CELLPOS position) const
RMin for the cell at (FRONT,CENTER,BACK)
unsigned int getRegionIndex() const
The region index of this cell.
double getEtaMin() const
Minimum Eta.
const EMECDetDescr * getDescriptor() const
Returns a pointer to the descriptor.
Descriptor for regions of the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter.
unsigned int getEndcapIndex() const
The EndcapIndex of this Cell (0=negatiive, 1=positive)
EMECCell & operator=(const EMECCell &right)
double getHalfLength(unsigned int etaIndex) const
gets the cell half-length in z.
double getRefToPresampler() const
This provides the distance in CLHEP::mm from the Active Endcap Presampler volume (center) to the refe...
double getPhiLocalUpper() const
Gets the phi value at the "lower" edge of a cell.
Cached value with atomic update.
const HVInfo & getHVInfo() const
unsigned int getRadialIndex() const
The radial index of this cell (0=Outer Wheel, 1=Inner Wheel).
double getRefToActive() const
This provides the distance in CLHEP::mm from the Active EMEC volume to the reference plane.
const EMECDetDescr * m_emecDetDescr
unsigned int getRegionIndex() const
The region index.
const CellBinning & getEtaBinning() const
The Binning in Eta.
Cached value with atomic update.
const EMECPresamplerHVModule * m_presamplerModule
unsigned int getRadialIndex() const
The radial index of this cell (0=Outer Wheel, 1=Inner Wheel).
unsigned int getEtaIndex() const
The eta index of this cell.
const EMECPresamplerHVModule & getPresamplerHVModule() const
@Get HVModule (presampler cells)
EMECCell(const EMECCell &right)
unsigned int getSamplingIndex() const
The sampling index.
Describes one HV Module within the EMEc Presampler.
double getEtaMax() const
Maximum Eta.
void initHV(HVInfo &hvinfo) const
double getPhiLocalLower() const
Gets the phi value at the "lower" edge of a cell.
unsigned int getSamplingIndex() const
The sampling index of this cell.
double getZLocal(CELLPOS position) const
Z for the cell at (FRONT,CENTER,BACK)
EMECCell(unsigned int endcap, const EMECDetDescr *emecDescriptor, unsigned int eta, unsigned int phi)
double getPhiMinNominal() const
returns a nominal phi min in global coords; assume canonical placement