ATLAS Offline Software
virtual void persToTrans(const TrigPhoton_p2 *persObj, TrigPhoton *transObj, MsgStream &log)
float Fside() const
energy in a 7 strips (around hottest strip) minus energy in 3 strips divided by energy in 3 strips
P4PtEtaPhiMCnv_p1 * m_p4PtEtaPhiMCnv
float F0() const
accessors for calibrated energy and energy fraction in calo samples
int roiId() const
accessor to get RoI ID (should also introduce roiWord
void fillTransFromPStore(CNV **cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, TRANS_T *trans, MsgStream &log) const
Convert persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref...
float dPhi() const
accessor for difference between cluster and Roi phi
TrigPhoton_v1 TrigPhoton
Declare the latest version of TrigPhoton.
void transToPers(const Link_t &trans, PersLink_t &pers, const SG::ThinningCache *cache, MsgStream &log) const
float dEta() const
accessor for difference between cluster and Roi eta
virtual void transToPers(const TrigPhoton *transObj, TrigPhoton_p2 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
float HadEt() const
accessor for hadronic energy in 1st hadronic sampling behind cluster
ElementLinkInt_p1 m_cluster
TPObjRef baseToPersistent(CNV **cnv, const typename CNV::Trans_t *transObj, MsgStream &log) const
Persistify bass class of a given object and store the persistent represenation in the storage vector ...
void persToTrans(const PersLink_t &pers, Link_t &trans, MsgStream &log) const
const ElementLink< TrigEMClusterContainer > & clusterLink() const
float energyRatio() const
accessor for fraction difference of EM cluster emaxs1 and e2tsts1
float rCore() const
cluster energy in 3x7 cells / energy in 7x7 cells in 2nd sampling
float Weta2() const
cluster width (based on a 3x5 cluster - 2nd layer)