def | python.trfUtils.findFile (pathvar, fname) |
| Find a named file along a colon separated PATH type variable. More...
def | python.trfUtils.getAncestry (listMyOrphans=False) |
| List all processes and parents and form a dictionary where the parent key lists all child PIDs. More...
def | python.trfUtils.listChildren (psTree=None, parent=os.getpid(), listOrphans=False) |
| Find all the children of a particular PID (calls itself recursively to descend into each leaf) More...
def | python.trfUtils.infanticide (childPIDs=None, sleepTime=3, message=True, listOrphans=False) |
| Kill all PIDs. More...
def | python.trfUtils.call (args, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, message="", logger=msg, loglevel=None, timeout=None, retry=2, timefactor=1.5, sleeptime=10) |
def | python.trfUtils.asetupReport () |
| Return a string with a report of the current athena setup. More...
def | python.trfUtils.releaseIsOlderThan (major, minor=None) |
| Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the current release is older than a major, minor version number. More...
def | python.trfUtils.asetupReleaseIsOlderThan (asetup_string, major, minor=None) |
| Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the asetup release is older than a major, minor version number. More...
def | python.trfUtils.shQuoteStrings (strArray=sys.argv) |
| Quote a string array so that it can be echoed back on the command line in a cut 'n' paste safe way. More...
def | python.trfUtils.lineByLine (filename, strip=True, removeTimestamp=True, substepName=None) |
| Generator to return lines and line count from a file. More...
def | python.trfUtils.prettyXML (element, indent=' ', poolFileCatalogFormat=False) |
| XML pretty print an ElementTree.ELement object. More...
def | python.trfUtils.isodate () |
| Return isoformated 'now' string. More...
def | python.trfUtils.forceToAlphaNum (string) |
| Strip a string down to alpha-numeric characters only. More...
def | python.trfUtils.cmpMetadata (metadata1, metadata2, guidCheck='valid') |
| Compare metadata for files, but taking into account that GUID can vary. More...
def | python.trfUtils.unpackTarFile (filename, directory=".") |
| Unpack a given tarfile. More...
def | python.trfUtils.unpackDBRelease (tarball, dbversion=None) |
| Ensure that the DBRelease tarball has been unpacked. More...
def | python.trfUtils.setupDBRelease (setup) |
| Run a DBRelease setup. More...
def | python.trfUtils.cvmfsDBReleaseCheck (dbrelease) |
| Validate a DBRelease exists on cvmfs and return the path to the setup script. More...
def | python.trfUtils.pickledDump (argdict) |
| Dump a list of arguments to the pickle file given in the 'dumpPickle' argument. More...
def | python.trfUtils.JSONDump (argdict) |
| Dump a list of arguments to the JSON file given in the 'dumpJSON' argument. More...
def | python.trfUtils.convertToStr (in_string) |
| Recursively convert unicode to str, useful when we have just loaded something from json (TODO: make the transforms happy with unicode as well as plain str!) More...
def | python.trfUtils.cliToKey (option) |
| Convert a command line option to the dictionary key that will be used by argparse. More...
def | python.trfUtils.printHR (the_object) |
| print in a human-readable way the items of a given object More...
def | python.trfUtils.uniqueIdentifier () |
| return a URL-safe, base 64-encoded pseudorandom UUID More...
def | python.trfUtils.units (quantity=None, unitSingular="unit", unitPlural="units") |
| return either singular or plural units as appropriate for a given quantity More...
def | python.trfUtils.isInteractiveEnv () |
def | python.trfUtils.initialise_processes () |
| initisation procedure for processes of process pool More...
def | python.trfUtils.ValgrindCommand (defaultOptions=True, extraOptionsList=None, AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile="athenaConf.pkl", returnFormat="string") |
def | python.trfUtils.VTuneCommand (defaultOptions=True, extraOptionsList=None, AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile="athenaConf.pkl", returnFormat="string") |
| return VTune command @detail This function returns a VTune command for use with Athena. More...
def | python.trfUtils.calcCpuTime (start, stop) |
def | python.trfUtils.calcWallTime (start, stop) |
def | python.trfUtils.bind_port (host, port) |
def | python.trfUtils.reportEventsPassedSimFilter (log) |
| summarize events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter @detail this function sums up all events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter out of all total events. More...