ATLAS Offline Software

AthenaPoolTest is a package containing tests of I/O for AthenaPOOL. The tests write and read data objects which are both simple types and as well classes taken from the standard atlas event. Different features of I/O are also tested, i.e.

  • Navigating element links across files: when objects in a container in one file have element links to objects in a previously written file, one can read objects from both files by opening the second file and following the element links
  • Use of Logical File Names (LFN) instead of Physical File Names (PFN). One can add to the pool file catalog LFN for any file and to read back one simply specifies the input collection as LFN:<logical file name>
  • Use of explicit event collections
  • Adding of detector description tags to the EventInfo object

How the tests work

Currently the tests are run using the athenarun_test pattern. This allows a pre and a post script to be run before/after an athena jobOption file is run. The tests are set up in the requirements file and run via "gmake check". They are also run in the nightly. Some of these tests are run as kit validation tests in the package JobTransforms.

Normally a complete test is composed of two or more jobs. For each job the post script compares the output of an athena job with a standard output which has been stored with the package in cvs. The comparison currently allows one to specify which lines in the output to compare as specified by a selection string, which is typically the algorithm name which appears in the output.

The tests

The following tests are currently being run:

  • AthenaPoolTest: Write/read out some simple objects
  • Navigation tests: use back navigation, used in combination with previous test
  • Write/read InDetRawData Identifiable Containers for pixel, sct and trt
    • Two jobOptions run:
  • Write/read LAr &Cell &Identifiable Containers
    • Two jobOptions run:
  • Test of explicit collection write/read
    • Two jobOptions run:
  • Write/read CaloCluster Identifiable Containers
    • Two jobOptions run:
  • Write/read test of Element Links: write LAr &Cell &Identifiable Containers in one file, read this file and store Calo Clusters in a second file with Element Links back to the LAr Cells the first file. Then read back the CaloClusters and navigate back to the LArCells.
    • Three jobOptions run:
  • Write explicit root collections with an extra ref. That is one first writes one file, reads the first file and writes a second file and at the same time write an explicit collection with a reference the data header in the second file. The collection also has an extra ref as part of the tag attributes and this can be used to navigate to the first file.
    • Four jobOptions run:
      • write out implicit collection with athena pool test data
      • write out explicit collection with LArCellCont
      • read in LArCellCont
      • read in athena pool test data
  • Check for adding DetDescr tags to event info object