Loading [MathJax]/jax/input/TeX/config.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
66 static unsigned int getAdcIdx(
unsigned int drawerIdx,
unsigned int channel,
unsigned int adc);
static unsigned int nogainl1_definition_chan()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int max_ros()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int max_drawr0()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int wrongbcid_definition_chan()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int noisy_definition_chan()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int getMaxDrawer(unsigned int ros)
Returns the maximal channel number for a given drawer.
static const unsigned int MAX_MINIDRAWER_CHAN
Number of channels in minidrawer.
static unsigned int badtiming_definition_chan()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int trips_drawer()
Python compatibility function.
static const unsigned int MAX_DRAWERIDX
Maximal drawer index
static unsigned int max_drawer()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int getFirstDrawerInPartitionIdx(unsigned int drawerIdx)
Returns the first drawer Idx in a partition of a given input drawer.
Static class providing several utility functions and constants.
static const unsigned int TRIPS_DRAWER
Drawer used for storing trips probabilities.
static const unsigned int TRIPS_ROS
Ros used for storing trips probabilities.
static const unsigned int NOISY_DEFINITION_CHAN
Channel used for storing of noisy channel definitions.
static unsigned int bad_definition_chan()
Python compatibility function.
static const unsigned int TRIPS_DRAWERIDX
DrawerIdx used for storing trips probabilities.
static unsigned int timingdmubcoffset_definition_chan()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int max_gain()
Python compatibility function.
Channel used for storing of affected timing channel definitions.
static unsigned int definitions_draweridx()
Python compatibility function.
static const unsigned int MAX_DRAWER
Number of drawers in ROS 1-4.
static const unsigned int WRONGBCID_DEFINITION_CHAN
Channel used for storing of wrong BCID channel definitions.
static const unsigned int DEFINITIONS_DRAWERIDX
Drawer used for storing of bad and noisy channel definitions.
static const unsigned int BADTIMING_DEFINITION_CHAN
Channel used for storing of bad timing channel definitions.
static unsigned int getAdcIdxFromFragId(unsigned int fragId, unsigned int channel, unsigned int adc)
Returns an ADC hash.
static const unsigned int MAX_ROS
Number of ROSs
static unsigned int trips_ros()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int getCommentChannel()
Returns the COOL channel number for the comment channel.
static const unsigned int FELIX_FRAGID_OFFSET
Offset for frag ID used for FELIX in frag ID to ROB ID map.
static unsigned int max_draweridx()
Python compatibility function.
static unsigned int getDefaultDrawerIdx(unsigned int drawerIdx)
Returns the default drawer for a given input drawer.
static unsigned int getChanIdx(unsigned int ros, unsigned int drawer, unsigned int channel)
Returns a channel hash.
static unsigned int getChanIdxFromFragId(unsigned int fragId, unsigned int channel)
Returns a channel hash.
static std::string getDrawerString(unsigned int ros, unsigned int drawer)
Return the drawer name, e.g.
static unsigned int max_chan()
Python compatibility function.
static const unsigned int BAD_DEFINITION_CHAN
Channel used for storing of bad channel definitions.
static const unsigned int NOGAINL1_DEFINITION_CHAN
Channel used for storing of NoGainLevel1 channel definitions.
static const unsigned int MAX_MINIDRAWER
Number of minidrawers.
static unsigned int getAdcIdx(unsigned int ros, unsigned int drawer, unsigned int channel, unsigned int adc)
Returns an ADC hash.
static unsigned int getDrawerIdx(unsigned int ros, unsigned int drawer)
Returns a drawer hash.
static float fixedPointPrecision(float val, unsigned int nBits=16)
Returns the input in fixed point precision.
static const unsigned int LAS_PART_CHAN
Empty channel number to store laser partition variation.
static const unsigned int MAX_CHAN
Number of channels in drawer.
static unsigned int getDrawerIdxFromFragId(unsigned int fragId)
Returns a drawer hash from fragId This function assumes drawer context (i.e.
static unsigned int trips_draweridx()
Python compatibility function.
static const unsigned int MAX_DRAWR0
Number of drawers in ROS 0
static std::string getFullTag(const std::string &folder, const std::string &tag)
Returns the full tag string, composed of camelized folder name and tag part.
static const unsigned int MAX_GAIN
Number of gains per channel