The TrkEventPrimitives defines event objects used for tracking that are not defined in the Amg packages GeoPrimitivies or EventPrimitives. All matrix and vector classes are based on the Amg/Eigen.
List of Classes - EDM Building Blocks
Measurement defintiation
Classes for track parameter handling
List of Classes - Other Purposes
List of Classes - Jacobians
- Trk::JacobianCotThetaPtToThetaP his is the 5x5 jacobian for the transformation of track parameters and errors having a momentum representation of \( (\phi, cot\theta, q/p_{T}) \) to the new standard representation of \( (\phi, \theta, q/p) \), while the first two variables that express the local position representation keep unchanged.
- Trk::JacobianThetaPToCotThetaPt This is the 5x5 jacobian for the transformation of track parameters and errors having the new standard momentum representation of \( (\phi, \theta, q/p) \) to the representation of \(( \phi, cot\theta, q/p_{T}) \), while the first two variables that express the local position representation keep unchanged.
- Trk::JacobianPolarToCartesian is the 5x5 jacobian to guarantee transformation between polar and cartesian coordinates and errors.
- Trk::JacobianCartesianToPolar is the 5x5 jacobian to guarantee transformation between cartesian and polar coordinates and errors.
- Trk::JacobianPerigeeToCartesian is the 7x5 jacobian to transform from perigee parameters to cartesian fourmomentum+coordinate vectors and errors.
- Trk::JacobianCartesianToPerigee is the 5x7 jacobian to transform from cartesian back to 5-dimensional perigee parameters or errors.
- Trk::JacobianLocalAnglesPhiTheta dummy, needs to be written !
- Trk::JacobianPhiThetaLocalAngles dummy, needs to be written !
- Trk::JacobianPxyzToPhiThetaQoverPcartesian is the 3x3 jacobian expressed in cartesian coordinates to transform from cartesian to polar momentum coordinates.
- Trk::JacobianPxyzToPhiThetaQoverPspherical is the 3x3 jacobian expressed in polar coordinates to transform from cartesian to polar momentum coordinates.
- Trk::JacobianPhiThetaQoverPToPxyz is the 3x3 jacobian to transform from polar to cartesian momentum coordinates.
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