ATLAS Offline Software
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20 L1CaloPprChanCalib(
unsigned int channelId,
unsigned int errorCode,
double pedMean,
unsigned int pedValue,
unsigned int pedFirSum,
unsigned short extBcidThreshold,
unsigned short satBcidThreshLow,
unsigned short satBcidThreshHigh,
unsigned short satBcidLevel,
unsigned short bcidEnergyRangeLow,
unsigned short bcidEnergyRangeHigh,
unsigned short firStartBit,
short firCoeff1,
short firCoeff2,
short firCoeff3,
short firCoeff4,
short firCoeff5,
unsigned short lutCpStrategy,
unsigned short lutCpOffset,
unsigned short lutCpNoiseCut,
unsigned short lutCpSlope,
short lutCpPar1,
short lutCpPar2,
short lutCpPar3,
short lutCpPar4,
unsigned short lutCpScale,
unsigned short lutJepStrategy,
unsigned short lutJepOffset,
unsigned short lutJepNoiseCut,
unsigned short lutJepSlope,
short lutJepPar1,
short lutJepPar2,
short lutJepPar3,
short lutJepPar4,
unsigned short lutJepScale);
void setLutCpPar4(short lutCpPar4)
unsigned short m_bcidEnergyRangeLow
void setSatBcidThreshHigh(unsigned short satBcidThreshHigh)
unsigned int errorCode() const
void setLutJepPar4(short lutJepPar4)
void setLutCpPar1(short lutCpPar1)
void setLutJepOffset(unsigned short lutJepOffset)
void setFirStartBit(unsigned short firStartBit)
void setLutJepPar1(short lutJepPar1)
void setFirCoeff1(short firCoeff1)
unsigned short m_lutJepStrategy
unsigned short lutCpStrategy() const
unsigned short extBcidThreshold() const
unsigned short satBcidThreshLow() const
unsigned short lutCpSlope() const
void setLutJepNoiseCut(unsigned short lutJepNoiseCut)
void setLutJepSlope(unsigned short lutJepSlope)
unsigned short m_lutCpSlope
void setFirCoeff4(short firCoeff4)
void setFirCoeff2(short firCoeff2)
unsigned int pedFirSum() const
unsigned short lutJepNoiseCut() const
void setPedMean(double pedMean)
unsigned short m_firStartBit
void setLutCpPar2(short lutCpPar2)
void setErrorCode(unsigned int errorCode)
unsigned short bcidEnergyRangeLow() const
void setLutCpNoiseCut(unsigned short lutCpNoiseCut)
void setLutCpOffset(unsigned short lutCpOffset)
unsigned short m_satBcidLevel
unsigned short satBcidThreshHigh() const
unsigned short lutCpOffset() const
void setSatBcidLevel(unsigned short satBcidLevel)
void setChannelId(unsigned int channelId)
void setLutCpPar3(short lutCpPar3)
void setLutJepPar3(short lutJepPar3)
unsigned short lutJepOffset() const
void setLutJepStrategy(unsigned short lutJepStrategy)
unsigned short m_lutJepScale
void setPedFirSum(unsigned int pedFirSum)
unsigned short m_lutCpOffset
unsigned short satBcidLevel() const
void setPedValue(unsigned int pedValue)
void setLutCpScale(unsigned short lutCpScale)
void setLutCpStrategy(unsigned short lutCpStrategy)
unsigned short lutCpScale() const
unsigned short lutJepSlope() const
Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Calibration/Physics/PprChanCalib .
void setBcidEnergyRangeHigh(unsigned short bcidEnergyRangeHigh)
unsigned short m_lutCpScale
unsigned int channelId() const
void setLutCpSlope(unsigned short lutCpSlope)
void setLutJepScale(unsigned short lutJepScale)
unsigned short bcidEnergyRangeHigh() const
unsigned short m_lutJepSlope
unsigned short lutCpNoiseCut() const
unsigned short m_lutCpNoiseCut
void setFirCoeff3(short firCoeff3)
unsigned short firStartBit() const
unsigned short lutJepScale() const
void setSatBcidThreshLow(unsigned short satBcidThreshLow)
unsigned short m_extBcidThreshold
unsigned short m_satBcidThreshHigh
unsigned short m_bcidEnergyRangeHigh
void setBcidEnergyRangeLow(unsigned short bcidEnergyRangeLow)
unsigned short lutJepStrategy() const
unsigned short m_satBcidThreshLow
unsigned int pedValue() const
unsigned short m_lutCpStrategy
unsigned short m_lutJepOffset
void setExtBcidThreshold(unsigned short extBcidThreshold)
void setFirCoeff5(short firCoeff5)
void setLutJepPar2(short lutJepPar2)
unsigned short m_lutJepNoiseCut