3 from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock
import ConfigBlock
4 from AthenaConfiguration.Enums
import LHCPeriod
8 """ConfigBlock for the di-tau Missing Mass Calculator algorithm"""
9 """Further notes on the tool are available at [DiTauMassTools](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/tree/main/PhysicsAnalysis/TauID/DiTauMassTools)."""
10 r"""Usage in the ATLAS Run 2 $H\to\tau\tau$ analysis is documented in Section 10 of [ATL-COM-PHYS-2020-721](https://cds.cern.ch/record/2741326)."""
11 """A detailed description of the Missing Mass Calculator (MMC) method and its alternatives is given in Chapter 4 of [Michael Hübner's PhD thesis](https://bonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de/xmlui/bitstream/handle/20.500.11811/9734/6567.pdf)."""
13 The MMC method can be applied to had-had, had-lep and lep-lep di-tau decays. Based on the input collections given to the algorithm, the following priority ordering is made internally:
15 1. $\tau$-had + $\tau$-had
22 This means that if your event has 2 hadronic tau-jets and 1 electron, the MMC fit will be run under the assumption of a had-had event. To force the MMC fit to consider the 1 electron in a had-lep topology, you'd need to edit the C++ code. Alternatively, if you have determined that some objects should not be used as inputs (e.g. hadronic tau-jet already assigned to top reconstruction, pair of leptons assigned to a Z boson), you should decorate these objects with a flag and use the relevant `container.selection` options of the algorithm. In that way, the MMC fit will only be run on the "left-over" objects.
25 r""" The MMC method assumes that the MET in a given event originates mostly from the neutrinos associated to the decay of the di-tau system. If your topology has additional sources of MET (e.g. $t\bar{t}H(\to\tau\tau)$, $W(\to\ell\nu)H(\to\tau\tau)$), the MMC method is not recommended and will give nonsensical answers. See e.g. the ATLAS Run 2 search for BSM $VH(\to\tau\tau)$ in [ATL-COM-PHYS-2022-022](https://cds.cern.ch/record/2799543) where the MMC method is combined with alternatives. Additional neutrinos from the decay of B-hadrons typically do not lead to significant enough MET to be a problem, i.e. $t\bar{t}(\to\text{jets})H(\to\tau\tau)$ should be safe."""
28 super(DiTauMassBlock, self).
29 self.addOption(
'', type=str,
30 info=
'optional name to distinguish between multiple instances of the algorithm. The default is `''` (empty string).')
31 self.addOption(
'', type=str,
32 info=
'the input electron container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`. The default is `''` (empty string).')
33 self.addOption(
'', type=str,
34 info=
'the input muon container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`. The default is `''` (empty string).')
35 self.addOption(
'', type=str,
36 info=
'the input jet container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`. The default is `''` (empty string).')
37 self.addOption(
'', type=str,
38 info=
'the input tau-jet container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`. The default is `''` (empty string).')
39 self.addOption(
'', type=str,
40 info=
'the input MET container. The default is `''` (empty string).')
41 self.addOption(
'', type=str,
42 info=
'optional event filter to run on. The default is `''` (empty string), i.e. all events.')
43 self.addOption(
False, type=bool,
44 info=
'whether to save additional output information from the MMC. The default is `False`.')
45 self.addOption(
True, type=bool,
46 info=
'whether to activate the floating stopping criterion. The default is `True`.')
47 self.addOption(
'2019', type=str,
48 info=
'the calibration set (string) to use. The default is `2019` (recommended).')
49 self.addOption(
'nSigmaMet', -1, type=int,
50 info=
'the number (int) of sigmas for the MET resolution scan. The default is `-1` (no scan).')
51 self.addOption(
'useTailCleanup', -1, type=int,
52 info=
'whether to activate the tail cleanup feature. The default is -1.')
53 self.addOption(
'niterFit2', -1, type=int,
54 info=
'the number of iterations for each MET scan loop. The default is -1.')
55 self.addOption(
'niterFit3', -1, type=int,
56 info=
'the number of iterations for each Mnu loop. The default is -1.')
57 self.addOption(
'useTauProbability', 1, type=int,
58 info=
'whether to apply tau probability (additional PDF term corresponding to the ratio of the neutrino momentum to the reconstructed tau momentum). The default is 1.')
59 self.addOption(
False, type=bool,
60 info=
'whether to apply $m_\nu$ probability (additional PDF term corresponding to the mass of the neutrino system per tau decay, only applied to leptonic tau decays). The default is `False`.')
61 self.addOption(
'useDefaultSettings', -1, type=int,
62 info=
'whether to take all default options from the tool itself. The default is -1.')
63 self.addOption(
'useEfficiencyRecovery', -1, type=int,
64 info=
'whether to enable refitting for failed events, to improve efficiency. The default is -1.')
65 self.addOption(
False, type=bool,
66 info=
'whether to parameterise the MET resolution using sumET and dphiLL (only for the lep-lep case). The default is `False`.')
67 self.addOption(
'MMC_params_v1_fixed.root', type=str,
68 info=
'path (string) to the ROOT file used with `calibSet` ≥ 2019, containing the PDFs for the likelihood. The default is `MMC_params_v1_fixed.root` (recommended).')
69 self.addOption(
False, type=bool,
70 info=
'save information about the reconstruction with the best-fit neutrino kinematics.')
71 self.addOption(
False, type=bool,
72 info=
'save information about the reconstruction with the maximum-weight estimator.')
73 self.addOption(
False, type=bool,
74 info=
'save likelihood histograms for debugging purpose. If enabled, it can slow down MMC running time.')
78 alg = config.createAlgorithm(
'DiTauMMCAlg' + self.algName)
80 alg.electrons, alg.electronSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.electrons)
81 alg.muons, alg.muonSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.muons)
82 alg.jets, alg.jetSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.jets)
83 alg.taus, alg.tauSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.taus)
84 alg.met = config.readName(self.met)
86 config.addPrivateTool(
'DiTauMassTools::MissingMassTool' )
87 alg.mmcTool.Decorate =
88 alg.mmcTool.FloatStoppingCrit = self.floatStopCriterion
89 alg.mmcTool.CalibSet = self.calibration
90 alg.mmcTool.NsigmaMET = self.nSigmaMet
91 alg.mmcTool.UseTailCleanup = self.useTailCleanup
92 alg.mmcTool.NiterFit2 = self.niterFit2
93 alg.mmcTool.NiterFit3 = self.niterFit3
94 alg.mmcTool.UseTauProbability = self.useTauProbability
95 alg.mmcTool.UseMnuProbability = self.useMnuProbability
96 alg.mmcTool.UseDefaults = self.useDefaultSettings
97 alg.mmcTool.UseEfficiencyRecovery = self.useEfficiencyRecovery
98 alg.mmcTool.UseMETDphiLL = self.useMETdphiLL
99 alg.mmcTool.ParamFilePath = self.paramFilePath
100 alg.mmcTool.SaveLlhHisto = self.saveLlhHisto
102 if config.geometry()
is LHCPeriod.Run2:
103 alg.mmcTool.BeamEnergy = 6500.0
105 alg.mmcTool.BeamEnergy = 6800.0
107 alg.eventSelection = self.eventSelection
108 alg.doMAXW = self.doMAXW
109 alg.doMLNU3P = self.doMLNU3P
111 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_fit_status_%SYS%', self.algName +
112 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_mlm_mass_%SYS%', self.algName +
114 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_maxw_mass_%SYS%', self.algName +
116 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_mlnu3p_mass_%SYS%', self.algName +
118 if self.saveExtraVariables:
120 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_mlnu3p_res_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
121 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_mlnu3p_nu1_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
122 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_mlnu3p_nu2_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
123 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_mlnu3p_tau1_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
124 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_mlnu3p_tau2_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
126 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_maxw_res_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
127 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_maxw_nu1_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
128 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_maxw_nu2_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
129 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_maxw_tau1_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +
130 config.addOutputVar(
'mmc_maxw_tau2_4vect_%SYS%', self.algName +