ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
13 m_sParticleType(sParticleType),
14 h_e_response_vs_e(NULL),
15 h_e_cluster_response_vs_e(NULL),
16 h_e_response_vs_eta(NULL),
17 h_e_cluster_response_vs_eta(NULL) ,
18 h_e_response_vs_phi(NULL),
19 h_e_cluster_response_vs_phi(NULL) ,
21 h_dphi_electron(NULL),
22 h_deta_electron(NULL),
51 TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(kTRUE);
52 TProfile::SetDefaultSumw2(kTRUE);
68 h_e_response_vs_phi =
"Energy response vs #varphi; #varphi; E^{reco}-E^{true}/E^{true}", 30, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
73 h_dr_electron =
"#DeltaR(truth particle, electron); #DeltaR; Events", 30, 0., 0.2);
74 h_dphi_electron =
"#Delta #phi(truth particle, electron); #Delta #phi; Events", 20, -0.01, 0.01);
75 h_deta_electron =
"#Delta #eta(truth particle, electron); #Delta #eta; Events", 20, -0.01, 0.01);
77 h_dr_photon =
"#DeltaR(truth particle, photon); #DeltaR; Events", 30, 0., 0.2);
113 if (hDenom->GetNbinsX() != hNom->GetNbinsX())
115 for (
int bin_i = 1; bin_i <= hDenom -> GetNbinsX(); ++bin_i){
116 if(hDenom -> GetBinContent(bin_i) == 0)
117 double binContent = hNom -> GetBinContent(bin_i) / hDenom -> GetBinContent(bin_i);
118 double binCenter = hNom -> GetBinCenter(bin_i);
120 hEff -> Fill(binCenter, binContent);
TProfile * h_e_cluster_response_vs_phi
TH1 * h_electron_eta[nLevels]
void fillResponseCluster(const xAOD::IParticle *part, const xAOD::CaloCluster *cluster)
TProfile * h_e_response_vs_e
TProfile * h_e_cluster_response_vs_e
void fillinAcc(const xAOD::IParticle *part, int level)
Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface.
TH1 * h_electron_phi[nLevels]
TProfile * h_e_response_vs_eta
TH1D * Book1D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBins, float start, float end, bool prependDir=true)
Book a TH1D histogram.
Description of a calorimeter cluster.
void fill(const xAOD::IParticle *part, int level)
virtual void initializePlots()
def TProfile(*args, **kwargs)
virtual void finalizePlots()
TProfile * h_e_response_vs_phi
TProfile * h_electron_eff_phi[nLevels-1]
TProfile * h_electron_eff_pt[nLevels-1]
void fillResponse(const xAOD::IParticle *part, const xAOD::Electron *electron)
std::string m_sParticleType
static const std::string cLevelLabel[nLevels]
void makeEfficiencyPlot(TH1 *hDenom, TH1 *hNom, TProfile *hEff)
TrueElectronsPlots(PlotBase *pParent, std::string sDir, std::string sParticleType)
TProfile * BookTProfile(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float startX, float endX, float startY=-1, float endY=-1, bool prependDir=true, bool useRMS=false)
Book a TProfile histogram.
TH1 * h_electron_pt[nLevels]
TProfile * h_electron_eff_eta[nLevels-1]
TProfile * h_e_cluster_response_vs_eta