ATLAS Offline Software
This tool is concrete implementation for ITRT_TrackExtensionTool and is devoted for vector<const Trk::MeasurementBase*>& production using Trk::TrackParameters& after track finding in Pixel and SCT.
This TRT track extention algorithm contains next steps.
The best track prolongation through the TRT can be defined as the straight line in x-y plane (y = A*x+B), which crosses the largest number of straw segments. The local pattern recognition through the TRT use unbinned histogramming method. Each straw segment is present as two boundary hits on y-axis, with weight -1 for the upper and +1 for the lower one. The straight line seach in the x-y plane is peformed as a recursive algorithm over a set of track rotation arround a given boundary hit, Each step of this algorithm, starting e.g. from some arbitrary boundary hit i consist of three sequential operation :
a. calculation of slope Aij and Wij for each i,j pair; b. sorting of all (Aij,Wij) in ascending order of A; c. identification of the pair of adjacent boundary hits(j1,j2) which maximise the total weight Wij.
The new boundary hit j1 or j2 are used instead i for the next step in the iteration and the algorithm stops the search if both boundary hits j1 and j2 are already flagged as having been used in a previous step. The procedure outputs the parameters of the best straight line trajectory through the TRT and all straws hits and drift-time hits intercepted by this line are used for Trk::MeasurementBase production using IRIO_OnTrackCreator tool.
This algorithm uses IMagneticFieldTool, IPropagator, ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker, IRIO_OnTrackCreator tools.