ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #
2 # Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 #
4 # create all the histograms for each analysis - this will get called once for each
5 # configured chain - we can set the HistPath either already here, or from the c++
6 # code
9 # actually create the monTool to go along with a specific chain
10 # stores the histogram, binning, creates all the histograms etc
12 def createMonTool( flags, slicetag, chain ) :
14  from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool
15  monTool = GenericMonitoringTool( flags, chain )
17  histpath = slicetag + monGroup(chain)
19  from TrigInDetAnalysisExample.chainString import chainString
20  cs = chainString( chain )
22  # monTool.HistPath would this be better set in the c++ code ?
24  if flags is None:
25  mypath = "EXPERT"
26  monTool.HistPath = histpath
27  else:
28  # mypath = flags.DQ.FileKey
29  # can't set the "path" in the histograms as that gets apended
30  # to the histogram name when using the official monitoring
31  # framework and we absolutely don't want that
32  mypath = ""
33  monTool.HistPath = "/" + flags.DQ.FileKey + "/" + histpath
35 # do we need this ?
36 # monTool.UseCache = True
38  monTool.convention = 'OFFLINE'
39  monTool.defaultDuration = 'run'
41  # print( " CreateMonTool ", chain, " path:", monTool.HistPath )
43  if "mb" in chain :
44  ptbins = [ 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,
45  1, 1.20226, 1.44544, 1.7378, 2.0893, 2.51189, 3.01995, 3.63078, 4.36516, 5.24807, 6.30957,
46  7.58578, 9.12011, 10.9648, 13.1826, 15.8489, 19.0546, 22.9087, 27.5423, 33.1131, 39.8107,
47  47.863, 57.544, 69.1831, 83.1764, 100 ]
48  else:
49  ptbins = [ 1, 1.20226, 1.44544, 1.7378, 2.0893, 2.51189, 3.01995, 3.63078, 4.36516, 5.24807, 6.30957,
50  7.58578, 9.12011, 10.9648, 13.1826, 15.8489, 19.0546, 22.9087, 27.5423, 33.1131, 39.8107,
51  47.863, 57.544, 69.1831, 83.1764, 100 ]
54  vnbins = [
55  -0.5,
56  0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5,
57  13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5, 21.5, 23.5, 24.5, 26.5, 28.5, 30.5, 32.5,
58  35.5, 37.5, 40.5, 43.5, 46.5, 50.5, 53.5, 57.5, 61.5, 66.5, 71.5, 76.5, 81.5,
59  87.5, 93.5, 100.5, 107.5, 114.5, 123.5, 131.5, 141.5, 150.5, 161.5, 172.5, 185.5, 198.5,
60  211.5, 226.5, 242.5, 259.5, 277.5, 297.5,
61  317.5, 340.5, 363.5, 389.5, 416.5, 445.5, 476.5, 509.5,
62  544.5, 582.5, 623.5, 666.5, 713.5, 762.5, 815.5, 872.5, 933.5, 998.5, 1067.5,
63  1141.5, 1221.5, 1305.5, 1396.5, 1493.5, 1597.5,
64  1708.5, 1827.5, 1953.5, 2089.5,
65  2234.5, 2389.5, 2555.5,
66  2733.5, 2923.5, 3125.5,
67  3342.5, 3574.5,
68  3823.5, 4088.5,
69  4372.5, 4675.5,
70  5000.5
71  ]
73  d0bins = [ -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.5,
74  -2.0, -1.8, -1.6, -1.4, -1.2,
75  -1.05, -0.95, -0.85, -0.75, -0.65, -0.55, -0.45, -0.35, -0.25, -0.15, -0.05,
76  0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95, 1.05,
77  1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0,
78  2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ]
80  if "LRT" in chain :
81  d0bins = [ -100.5, -97.5, -93.5, -90.5,
82  -86.5, -83.5, -80.5,
83  -77.5, -74.5, -71.5,
84  -69.5, -66.5, -63.5, -61.5,
85  -59.5, -57.5, -54.5, -52.5, -50.5,
86  -49.5, -47.5, -45.5, -43.5, -42.5, -40.5,
87  -39.5, -37.5, -36.5, -34.5, -33.5, -32.5, -31.5,
88  -29.5, -28.5, -27.5, -26.5, -25.5, -24.5, -23.5, -22.5, -21.5, -20.5,
89  -19.5, -18.5, -17.5, -16.5, -15.5, -14.5, -13.5, -12.5, -11.5, -10.5,
90  -9.5, -8.5, -7.5, -6.5, -5.5, -4.5, -3.5, -2.5, -1.5, -0.5,
91  0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5,
92  10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5,
93  20.5, 21.5, 22.5, 23.5, 24.5, 25.5, 26.5, 27.5, 28.5, 29.5,
94  31.5, 32.5, 33.5, 34.5, 36.5, 37.5, 39.5,
95  40.5, 42.5, 43.5, 45.5, 47.5, 49.5,
96  50.5, 52.5, 54.5, 57.5, 59.5,
97  61.5, 63.5, 66.5, 69.5,
98  71.5, 74.5, 77.5,
99  80.5, 83.5, 86.5,
100  90.5, 93.5, 97.5,
101  100.5 ]
103 # use a rounded up float(M_PI) values to overcome edge effects of using float
104 # values - will math.pi be appropriate ? double(float(M_PI)) > M_PI so it would
105 # depend on whether floats or double are used for the histogram limits in the
106 # histograms in defineHistogram
107 # pi = 3.14159265359
108  pi = 3.14159275
110  binlabels = [ "Nrois", "Nevents", "N ref tracks", "N matched tracks", "N total test tracks" ]
113  defineHisto( monTool, "Chain", weight="Chain_weight", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=chain, xlabels=binlabels, xbins=5, xmin=0, xmax=5 )
116  defineHisto( monTool, "roi_eta", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Roi eta", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
118  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_N", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference tracks", xbins=vnbins )
120  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_pT", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track pT", xbins=ptbins )
121  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_phi", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track Phi", xbins=25, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
122  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_eta", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track Eta", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
124  if "LRT" in chain:
125  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_d0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track d0", xbins=201, xmin=-100.0, xmax=100.0 )
126  else:
127  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_d0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track d0", xbins=101, xmin=-5.0, xmax=5.0 )
129  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_z0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track z0", xbins=50, xmin=-225., xmax=225. )
130  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_dd0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track sigma(d0)", xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=0.5 )
131  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_dz0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track sigma(z0)", xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=2.5 )
132  defineHisto( monTool, "reftrk_d0sig", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Reference track d0 significance", xbins= 101, xmin=-5., xmax=5. )
134  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_N", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test tracks", xbins=vnbins )
136  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_pT", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track pT", xbins=ptbins )
137  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_phi", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track Phi", xbins=25, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
138  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_eta", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track Eta", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
140  if "LRT" in chain:
141  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_d0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track d0", xbins=201, xmin=-100.0, xmax=100.0 )
142  else:
143  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_d0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track d0", xbins=101, xmin=-5.0, xmax=5.0 )
145  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_z0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track z0", xbins=50, xmin=-225., xmax=225. )
146  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_dd0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track sigma(d0)", xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=0.5 )
147  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_dz0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track sigma(z0)", xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=2.5 )
148  defineHisto( monTool, "testtrk_d0sig", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Test track d0 significance", xbins=101, xmin=-5.0, xmax=5.0 )
150  defineHisto( monTool, "layer_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="hit layers", xbins=32, xmin=-0.5, xmax=31.5 )
151  defineHisto( monTool, "layer", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="hit layers", xbins=32, xmin=-0.5, xmax=31.5 )
153  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_pT", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track pT residual", xbins=201, xmin=-100.0, xmax=100.0 )
154  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_ipT", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track ipT residual", xbins=55, xmin=-5.5, xmax=5.5 )
155  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_phi", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track Phi residual", xbins=50, xmin=-0.02, xmax=0.02 )
156  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_eta", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track Eta residual", xbins=50, xmin=-0.02, xmax=0.02 )
157  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_d0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track d0 residual ", xbins=251, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
158  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_z0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track z0 residual", xbins=401, xmin=-20.0, xmax=20.0 )
159  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_dd0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track sigma d0 residual ", xbins=251, xmin=-0.5, xmax=0.5 )
160  defineHisto( monTool, "residual_dz0", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="track sigma z0 residual", xbins= 401, xmin=-1.0, xmax=1.0 )
162  defineHisto( monTool, "npix", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="npix", xbins=26, xmin=-0.5, xmax=25.5 )
163  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="npix_rec", xbins=26, xmin=-0.5, xmax=25.5 )
165  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="nsct", xbins=31, xmin=-0.5, xmax=30.5 )
166  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="nsct_rec", xbins=31, xmin=-0.5, xmax=30.5 )
168  defineHisto( monTool, "nsiHits", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="nsiHits", xbins=41, xmin=-0.5, xmax=40.5 )
169  defineHisto( monTool, "nsiHits_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="nsiHits_rec", xbins=41, xmin=-0.5, xmax=40.5 )
171  defineHisto( monTool, "ntrt", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="ntrt", xbins=91, xmin=-0.5, xmax=91.5 )
172  defineHisto( monTool, "ntrt_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="ntrt_rec", xbins=91, xmin=-0.5, xmax=91.5 )
174  defineHisto( monTool, "chi2dof", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="chi2dof", xbins=75, xmin=-0, xmax=15 )
175  defineHisto( monTool, "chi2dof_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="chi2dof_rec", xbins=75, xmin=-0, xmax=15 )
178  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_overall", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="total efficiency", xbins=1, xmin=0., xmax=1. )
180  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_pT", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="pT efficiency", xbins=ptbins )
181  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_Eta", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="eta efficiency", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
182  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_Phi", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="phi efficiency", xbins=25, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
183  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_d0", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="d0 efficiency", xbins=d0bins )
184  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_z0", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="z0 efficiency", xbins=50, xmin=-225., xmax=225. )
185  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_nVtx", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="nVtx efficiency", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5 )
186  defineHisto( monTool, "Eff_lb", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="efficinecy vs lumiblock", xbins=3010, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3009.5 )
188  defineHisto( monTool, "trkvtx_x_vs_lb", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="track vertex x vs lumiblock", xbins=301, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3009.5 )
189  defineHisto( monTool, "trkvtx_y_vs_lb", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="track vertex y vs lumiblock", xbins=301, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3009.5 )
190  defineHisto( monTool, "trkvtx_z_vs_lb", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="track vertex z vs lumiblock", xbins=3010, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3009.5 )
192  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_eta", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline npix vs eta;offline #eta; mean number of offline pixel hits", xbins=30, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
193  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_eta_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger npix vs eta;offline #eta; mean number of trigger pixel hits", xbins=30, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
194  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_eta", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline nsct vs eta;offline #eta; mean number of offline sct hits", xbins=30, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
195  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_eta_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger nsct vs eta;offline #eta; mean number of trigger sct hits", xbins=30, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
196  defineHisto( monTool, "ntrt_vs_eta", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline ntrt vs eta;offline #eta; mean number of offline trt hits", xbins=30, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
197  defineHisto( monTool, "ntrt_vs_eta_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger ntrt vs eta;offline #eta; mean number of trigger trt hits", xbins=30, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
199  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_phi", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline npix vs phi;offline #phi; mean number of offline pixel hits", xbins=30, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
200  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_phi_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger npix vs phi;offline #phi; mean number of trigger pixel hits", xbins=30, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
201  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_phi", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline nsct vs phi;offline #phi; mean number of offline sct hits", xbins=30, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
202  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_phi_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger nsct vs phi;offline #phi; mean number of trigger sct hits", xbins=30, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
203  defineHisto( monTool, "ntrt_vs_phi", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline ntrt vs phi;offline #phi; mean number of offline trt hits", xbins=30, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
204  defineHisto( monTool, "ntrt_vs_phi_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger ntrt vs phi;offline #phi; mean number of trigger trt hits", xbins=30, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
206  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_d0", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline npix vs d0;offline #d0; mean number of offline pixel hits", xbins=d0bins )
207  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_d0_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger npix vs d0;offline #d0; mean number of trigger pixel hits", xbins=d0bins )
208  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_d0", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline nsct vs d0;offline #d0; mean number of offline sct hits", xbins=d0bins )
209  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_d0_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger nsct vs d0;offline #d0; mean number of trigger sct hits", xbins=d0bins )
210  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_pT", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline npix vs pT;offline #p_{T}; mean number of offline pixel hits", xbins=ptbins )
211  defineHisto( monTool, "npix_vs_pT_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger npix vs pT;offline #p_{T}; mean number of trigger pixel hits", xbins=ptbins )
212  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_pT", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline nsct vs pT;offline #p_{T} [GeV]; mean number of offline pixel hits", xbins=ptbins )
213  defineHisto( monTool, "nsct_vs_pT_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger nsct vs pT;offline #p_{T} [GeV]; mean number of trigger pixel hits", xbins=ptbins )
214  defineHisto( monTool, "nsihits_lb", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="offline n sihits vs lumiblock", xbins=301, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3009.5 )
215  defineHisto( monTool, "nsihits_lb_rec", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="trigger n sihits vs lumiblock", xbins=301, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3009.5 )
217  defineHisto( monTool, "Res_pT", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="pT residual;#eta_{ref};pT_{trig}-pT_{ref} [GeV]", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
218  defineHisto( monTool, "Res_ipT", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="ipT residual;#eta_{ref};1/pT_{trig}-1/pT_{ref} [GeV^{-1}]", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
219  defineHisto( monTool, "Res_eta", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="Eta residual;#eta_{ref};eta_{trig}-#eta_{ref}", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
220  defineHisto( monTool, "Res_phi", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="Phi residual;#eta_{ref};phi_{trig}-#phi_{ref}", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
221  defineHisto( monTool, "Res_d0", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="d0 residual;#eta_{ref};Delta d0 [mm]", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
222  defineHisto( monTool, "Res_z0", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="z0 residual;#eta_{ref};Delta z0 [mm]", xbins=25, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5 )
224  defineHisto( monTool, "d0_vs_phi_prof", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="d0 vs phi_prof", xbins=25, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
225  defineHisto( monTool, "d0_vs_phi_rec_prof", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="d0 vs phi_rec_prof", xbins=25, xmin=-pi, xmax=pi )
227  if "probe" in cs.extra:
228  defineHisto( monTool, "invmass", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="invariant mass;mass [GeV]", xbins=320, xmin=0, xmax=200 )
229  defineHisto( monTool, "invmass_obj", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="invariant mass;mass [GeV]", xbins=320, xmin=0, xmax=200 )
232  if cs.vtx != "" :
234  vnbins_short = [
235  -0.5,
236  0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5,
237  10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5,
238  21.5, 23.5, 24.5, 26.5, 28.5,
239  30.5, 32.5, 35.5, 37.5,
240  40.5, 43.5, 46.5,
241  50.5, 53.5, 57.5,
242  61.5, 66.5,
243  71.5, 76.5,
244  81.5, 87.5,
245  93.5,
246  100.5, 107.5, 114.5, 123.5, 131.5, 141.5, 150.5, 161.5, 172.5, 185.5, 198.5,
247  211.5, 226.5, 242.5, 259.5, 277.5, 297.5,
248  317.5, 340.5, 363.5, 389.5,
249  416.5, 445.5, 476.5,
250  509.5, 544.5, 582.5,
251  623.5, 666.5,
252  713.5, 762.5,
253  815.5, 872.5,
254  933.5, 998.5,
255  1067.5
256  ]
258  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_nvtx", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";number of vertices", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5 )
259  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_zed", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";vtx z [mm]", xbins=100, xmin=-250, xmax=250 )
260  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_x", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";vtx x [mm]", xbins=200, xmin=-1.2, xmax=1.2 )
261  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_y", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";vtx y [mm]", xbins=200, xmin=-1.2, xmax=1.2 )
262  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_ntrax", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";number of tracks", xbins=vnbins )
264  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_nvtx_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";number of vertices", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5 )
265  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_zed_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";vtx z [mm]", xbins=100, xmin=-250, xmax=250 )
266  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_x_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";vtx x [mm]", xbins=200, xmin=-1.2, xmax=1.2 )
267  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_y_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";vtx y [mm]", xbins=200, xmin=-1.2, xmax=1.2 )
268  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_ntrax_rec", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title=";number of tracks", xbins=vnbins )
270  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_zed_res", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Delta z [mm]", xbins=400, xmin=-5, xmax=5 )
271  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_x_res", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Delta x [mm]", xbins=400, xmin=-0.1, xmax=0.1 )
272  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_y_res", path=mypath, type="TH1F", title="Delta y [mm]", xbins=400, xmin=-0.1, xmax=0.1 )
275  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_rdz_vs_zed", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="rdz_vs_zed; vtx z [mm];z residual [mm]", xbins=100, xmin=-250, xmax=250 )
276  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_rdz_vs_ntrax", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="rdz_vs_ntrax;number of tracks;z residual [mm]", xbins=vnbins_short )
277  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_rdz_vs_nvtx", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="rdz_vs_nvtx;number of vertices;z residual [mm]", xbins=51, xmin=-0.125, xmax=50.125 )
279  # defineHistogram( monTool, "rdz_vs_mu", 30, 0, 30, 400, -20, 20 );
281  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_zed_eff", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="zed_eff;efficiency;offline vtx z [mm]", xbins=50, xmin=-250, xmax=250 )
282  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_ntrax_eff", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="ntrax_eff;number of tracks;efficiency", xbins=vnbins )
283  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_nvtx_eff", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="nvtx_eff;number of vertices;efficiency", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5 )
284  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_mu_eff", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="mu_eff;<#mu>;efficiency", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5 )
285  defineHisto( monTool, "vx_lb_eff", path=mypath, type="TProfile", title="lb_eff;lumi block;efficiency", xbins=151, xmin=-0.5, xmax=3019.5 )
289  return monTool
293 # generate the mongroup hist path from the analysis string
295 def monGroup( analysis_chain ) :
297  from TrigInDetAnalysisExample.chainString import chainString
299  chain = chainString( analysis_chain )
301  mg = ""
303  if chain.head == "" :
304  mg = "/Fullscan"
305  else :
306  mg = "/"+chain.head
308  mg += "/"+chain.tail
310  if chain.roi != "" :
311  mg += "_"+chain.roi
313  if chain.vtx != "" :
314  mg += "_"+chain.vtx
316  if chain.element != "" :
317  mg += "_" + chain.element
319  if chain.extra != "" :
320  mg += "_" + chain.extra
322  if chain.passed :
323  mg += "/DTE"
325  return mg
328 # wrapper around montool.defineHistogram to simplify the required histogram names
329 # eg for a TProfile, automatically add the second variable, and create the histogram
330 # alias to avoid having to write pages of tedious boiler plate functions
332 def defineHisto( montool, name, **args ) :
334  if "type" in args and args["type"] == "TProfile" :
335  name = name + "," + name + "_weight;" + name
337  # make sure that the histogram is created, even it is is never filled
338  args['opt'] = 'kAlwaysCreate'
340  montool.defineHistogram( name, **args )
def monGroup(analysis_chain)
Definition: GenericMonitoringTool.h:53
def defineHisto(montool, name, **args)
def createMonTool(flags, slicetag, chain)