ATLAS Offline Software
This package contains the definition of the TrackParticleBase class which defines the tracking related part of the TrackParticle that inherits from the TrackParticleBase class. All tracking oriented reconstruction software should operate on this class rather then the TrackParticle because the latter introduces a dependence of the Tracking realm on the Reconstruction realm.
The Trk::TrackParticleBase class holds slimmed down information of the Trk::Track object. It holds a Trk::TrackSummary object with hits on track information and a Trk::FitQuality object with chi2 and ndf information of the track fit. In addition it holds a vector of Trk::ParametersBase which is the top level object for all charged and neutral representations inherit. One of the entries are the so called definig parameters, i.e. the parameters that define the kinematics of the particle. This is mostly (in the ID) a Trk::MeasuredPerigee but could also be a Trk::MeasuredNeutralPerigee or anything that inherits from Trk::ParametersBase. Hence the Trk::TrackParticleBase object can represent a neutral particle (in contrary to the Trk::Track which is always charged). Last but not least it holds an ElementLink to the original Trk::Track and to the reconstructed Trk::VxCandidate object.