ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #ifndef LUMIBLOCKCOMPS_LumiCalibrator_H
12 #define LUMIBLOCKCOMPS_LumiCalibrator_H
14 #include "CoralBase/AttributeList.h"
15 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
30 bool calibrateMu(
float rawLumi,
float& calMu)
36 MsgStream&
45 static float getMuVis(
float rawPerBX,
float sigo,
float siga) ;
46 static float getMuVis2(
float rawPerBX,
float sigo,
float siga) ;
MsgStream & operator<<(MsgStream &, const LumiCalibrator &)
bool setCalibration(const coral::AttributeList &attrList)
static float getMuVis2(float rawPerBX, float sigo, float siga)
MsgStream & dump(MsgStream &) const
std::vector< float > m_parVec
static float getMuVis(float rawPerBX, float sigo, float siga)
Utility class to apply calibrations from /TDAQ/OLC/CALIBRATIONS folder.
bool calibrateLumi(float rawLumi, float &calLumi) const
float getMuToLumi() const
bool calibrateMu(float rawLumi, float &calMu) const